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Partnering Up: The Who, When, And Why Of Partnerships With Dr. Mimi Nartey

Partnering Up: The Who, When, And Why Of Partnerships With Dr. Mimi Nartey

FMKN 11 | Partnering Up


As the proverb goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone; when you want to go far, go together.” Having a partner in business or in your personal life is invaluable to your growth—but only when it’s with the right person. In this episode, Kofi Nartey sits down with philanthropist, social entrepreneur, and his partner for life, Dr. Mimi Nartey, to talk about partnering up. When do you jump into a partnership? When do you avoid it? How do you choose a partner? Dr. Mimi answers these questions and more! Plus, they also discuss why you should avoid the hero complex and why you need to find equitable value in a partnership. If you want to avoid partnering up with the wrong person, partner up with us in today’s conversation!


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Partnering Up: The Who, When, And Why Of Partnerships With Dr. Mimi Nartey

When To Partner. When Not To Partner. Choosing A Partner

I'm excited to be back in the booth, giving you some gems and sharing some knowledge. Hopefully, they're gems. If you've got room on your hands for diamonds and gems, we're going to give them to you. I say we because once again, I am joined by my partner for life, my wife, Dr. Mimi Nartey.

Thanks so much for having me again.

This is the perfect episode to have her on. We are going to talk about partnering up, when to partner, when not to partner, and then some tips on how to choose a partner because we would always lean into that African proverb of, “When you want to go fast, go alone. When you want to go far, go together.” We both believe that this season, this economy, and this real estate market for my real estate professionals is a season to go together.

I'm excited about the opportunity to talk about this because partnerships are such an important part of growth in both your personal life and professional life.

Sometimes you reach a certain point, and then it's time to partner. Let's jump right in. I'm going to let you go first. Tell us. When is it a good time to consider partnering?


FMKN 11 | Partnering Up


It's a great time to partner when the workload is more than the work for one person. I know that this seems super obvious but it's not always obvious for very competent or independent people who are accustomed to doing more than an individual share of work. Since you were in high school, middle school, and elementary school, when it was group project time, you were taking on the bulk of that work. That was your divine assignment. You were going to do more than an individual share of the contribution but there are times when you need to, at this stage of life, consider partnerships in the scenario when the workload is truly more than the work for one person because it protects the quality of your contribution through the mechanism of delegation.

I love you got deep at the end there. When you were talking about the first part, I was even thinking about older siblings. Older siblings often take on a lot more than the typical person. You're forced into doing more than your share and more than what most people will typically do. This is the role of an entrepreneur who's launching a business. You launch a business. You're wearing every hat. You are the marketing person, the salesperson, the accountant, the CEO, and the assistant.

At a certain point, the quality of the work of those individual silos will suffer because either it's not your expertise, or you've already taken on too much. That leads to one of mine. When you are in need of complementary skills to your own, that's another time to seek partnership. If there is someone who can bring something to the table that creates those overlapping circles, that Venn diagram, or those types of circles where their skillset compliments yours, it doesn't have to be the same but they're bringing something to the table that you need for growth, expansion, and scale.


FMKN 11 | Partnering Up


My next point was very similar to that. It's almost a rephrase. Partner when you don't have the experience to meet the demands of the task individually. You want to find a partner that you can engage with for mentorship and consultation. An important point is when you do find that partner, please listen to their advice.

From the tone of your voice, it sounded like you were speaking from personal experience.

We might be opening up some old wounds here in this episode on partnership. There are times when you may not have the full breadth of the experience that you need, and that's when it's time to bring in someone else and leverage the experience that they have to have a better or more quality product or to fulfill an idea or execute an idea better.

I gave a talk in Las Vegas at Inman, a big real estate conference, probably the biggest in our industry. I was talking about the idea of going fast, go alone, going far, go together. My good friend who's the President of The Real Brokerage that we're now a part of said, "They don't have to live in isolation." It's not about going fast or going far but when you're going initially, you have to go fast to a few key things. A couple of those things are fast to skills, fast to experience, and fast to a level of proficiency for those things that you don't do as well.

When you were talking about lacking a certain skillset and even somebody who brings something else to the table, ideally you have a baseline level of proficiency. You don't have to know it well but you have to know it well enough to even say, "I need help with this. In areas where I need help, I need to be able to do this better." You go fast to get the experience. When you move with that type of speed, even that type of experimentation with what you're doing will bring to the surface those things that you ultimately need help with.

There's a relationship too between time sensitivity and avoiding having to make decisions by committee. That's also part of the wisdom in that. When you want to go fast, you might need to go alone.

I'm going to ask you to elaborate on time sensitivity a little bit. What was the second part of what you said?

Time sensitivity and making decisions by committee. When you do enter into partnerships if you are being a responsible and inclusive partner, you are going to be making decisions in unison. To get buy-in and to get everybody on the same page about an idea, it can be a tedious process sometimes of explaining all of the circumstances, trying to share the research, and trying to tease out the nuances of what you understand to try to transfer what might be the strength of your experience to that person to try to then come to a conclusion on a particular point.

What I'm saying is that for preliminary stages, sometimes it's easier to go quicker because you have one primary decision-maker who is going to be making decisions yourself. At a later stage, as you are in a stage of refinement where it's about looking at details, it's great to have mastermind groups and additional people to bounce off questions about small details.

The phrase, "Paralysis by analysis," came to mind. When you have multiple people at the table trying to figure out multiple decisions, it can be a real challenge. Even sports come to mind. You mentioned the early stages. I was even thinking about the late stages of a game. Who came to mind is Kobe Bryant or LeBron James, more so Kobe than LeBron. Sometimes it's not time to include your teammates. Sometimes you have the knowledge, the experience, the 6'7 frame, and the 280-pound weight to take it to the hole and win the game. It's not time to delegate, hand it off, and work within the system. It's time to take charge and go.

That's largely dependent on how well you know yourself, the skills, the experience, and the mastery that you do have because, in the zone of your mastery, that's where you don't want to have to be making decisions by committee. In the zone of your mastery, that's where you want to be able to execute quickly and decisively when you know what to do.

I'm loving the zone of your mastery. I think about the Marvel characters or the DC universe. When they come together to fight, all of them have a zone of their mastery, and they bring that to the table. This is for my comic book heads out there. My little brother is one of them. It's so true, and it works in the corporate world as well. To your point, you have to know what is your zone of mastery and be okay with exercising that. I love what you say about humility because I'm thinking about that as it relates to humility. Sometimes people dim their light on the zone of their mastery, and that doesn't make sense.

I say this all the time. I have a lot of coaching experience. I'm often coaching youth. I've got a couple of different teams of high school-age girls. It's so important for me to explain to them that humility does not mean pretending not to be good at what you're good at. That is not the definition of humility. In a leadership framework, humility means that I'm willing to do whatever I need to do in service to the team to get us toward the goal. That is what humility is.

In a leadership framework, humility is about being willing to do whatever you need to do in service to the team to get you towards the goal. Share on X

It's important for people to understand that it doesn't mean, to your point, dimming my light. I have a very good handle on the things that I know for sure in the zone of my mastery. When you are excelling in a certain space, on a certain topic, or in a certain discipline, and your potential partner can't match you there, it's going to be a drag on your progress.

It reminds me of something I heard Alex Hormozi say. He's a great business leader and entrepreneur. He has a podcast. I heard him say, "Don't do your best. Do what's required."

That would be humility.

What's required may sometimes be less but it also might be even better than your best. You might have to put in extra effort beyond what you thought you were capable of to achieve the goal. I have another one for us. When you feel like you've peaked in terms of your potential, that's a great time to find the right partner to unlock the next level of your potential.

I think about it as it relates to my business and even my team. We partnered with The Real Brokerage, and part of that was to unlock the potential of growth that we wanted to experience in different markets, the attraction of bringing people to the industry to take advantage of the platform, and the income-earning potential through different lines and different channels of revenue. It opened up all of those avenues. The challenge is recognizing when you've peaked but when you're getting close to your full potential or your maximum capacity, then it's like, "I need a partner. I need better systems. I need the right partnership to unlock the next level."

If I can, I might modify the word peak a little bit to plateau. You called up an important point about being self-aware. You may not recognize the peak but you might be able to more easily identify when you've plateaued, which means that you are no longer accelerating. You're maintaining the same velocity, and you can't seem to find an acceleration through the different approaches that you have. To your point, that is a great time to find another partner. This is a little bit loosey-goosey but energetically mix it up. It's a little woo-woo.

It's not loosey-goosey at all. In 25% of the conversations that I have with businesspeople and specifically with real estate agents, they have reached a point where it's time to mix it up. They want something different to feel re-energized. Sometimes it's a shift to a new team, a new partnership, a new brokerage, or a new platform but it's true. I like the word plateau. Sometimes that plateau is even an emotional state that you've reached where you need something to break you out of it.

I want to give a couple of more quick things if you have any more, and then we want to transition. I also think that even a partnership gives you additional accountability. When you have synergistic goals, and you know that the other person has similar goals to yours, when you come together and create that unified goal, you're also accountable to another person to achieve the goal. This works well for people who have played sports before or who have thrived or excelled in group projects.

Accountability is a huge piece for people who haven't played sports to a high level because I do know that those of us who have been athletes at the professional level or even competitive college level have a certain amount of discipline that's instilled in us for investing so many hours into a certain practice. You do know how to hit the field by yourself even when you're feeling a little under the weather or even when you're feeling a little burnt out. That's what has distinguished you to that level.

I do have the ability to continue to put one foot over the other even in less-than-optimal circumstances. This is the gift of sports. This is one of the reasons why I'm a huge advocate of people helping their kids engage in sports, some other activity, music, or something where you have to invest a lot of time and stay committed to a process, especially if you don't have that. All of us need a little extra motivation, especially with the full scope of things that are going across our full mogul lives. It is great to have a partner who is going to keep you moving forward because you know that you have a responsibility for the commitment that you've made to that person in that project to keep moving forward.

Even on a subconscious level, our kids are partners in our journey as it relates to the accountability piece. You and I both feel incredible accountability to their success, even accountability that they're not placing on us but we know it's our responsibility. Let's transition. When not to partner?

This almost could have been an episode in and of itself.

Do you want me to go first?

Go ahead.

When your values don't align, that is number one for me because sometimes it's hard to detect. A lot of times, entrepreneurs have big ideas and visions, and there's a big energy that goes into the front part of that, which even inspires diving deeper to see if this is a viable opportunity but when you find that person and you have that moment, "We're aligned," you have to pause, dig deeper, and make sure that the values are there because misalignment in core values and ethics can lead to so many challenges and conflicts.

I would even add to that. It's not just the values but also consider working styles and visions because a lot of times, working styles and visions are also irreconcilable. To the best of your ability where you can already sense that and screen that, you will save yourself a lot of time, heartache, and frustration. For example, I had a good friend of mine ask me to partner on a project. I adore her. The mission of what she's doing is worthy but I know that we have different working styles, and it would be a point of ongoing frustration. It would not be able to work. It's not that match made in heaven that we wish it would be. It's not partnering. It's a polite decline or finding another capacity to support the individual that you want to support.

I'm going to give you a warning, and this is a warning to myself because I've learned the hard way from this. Don't go on a hero complex for this one. Don't be a hero thinking, "I'm great with group management. I'm great with leadership. I'm great at understanding other people's values and positions. I can help maneuver it and get us back aligned." If the core values and things like trust and integrity aren't there, and there are glimpses of things to the contrary, please get out of your way. Save yourself the headache, save them the headache, and move on.

Trust is another big one. This is part of core values but also, beyond these values, skill redundancy is another one. You don't want someone who's exactly like you who does the exact things the same way you do. You want somebody who is complementary. There should be a slight overlap but complementary skills versus exact skills and personalities.

The way that I articulated this in my notes was something like, "You don't want to partner when the partner isn't able to match your contribution with some equitable value. You want to skip the partnership then." What do we mean by equitable value? It's worth taking a moment to break this down because it does not need to be a 50/50 partnership. It doesn't need to be a 50/50 contribution to make the partnership worthwhile. To be honest, it could be an 85/15 or a 90/10 if that 10% is what's going to get you to 100%.

You don't want to partner when the partner isn't able to match your contribution with some equitable value. Share on X

That is amazing. It's worth another 60 seconds on that one.

That is still an equitable partnership. It's about being honest and understanding clearly what is my goal.

I've been on both sides of that, even as it relates to real estate commission breakdowns. Agents are on 60/40 splits, 70/30 splits, 80/20 splits, or 90/10 splits. That additional value that I as a broker or team leader am bringing to my agents is exactly what they need to propel even beyond the potential that they came to the table with. I've been on the other side where I've needed somebody's 10% contribution or 20% contribution to make what I'm working on work. Without it, it would not work, not that I could do it, and it wouldn't be as good. It wouldn't work without that 10% that they're bringing to the table.

That's having the self-awareness and the maturity to set ego aside and to be laser-focused on what the outcome is that you are pursuing. If that person isn't able to close that gap, whatever that gap level is for you, then you don't need to be invested in that partnership.

The last one I want to share before transitioning is the commitment to the overall goal and then the exit strategy. You want to make sure you're on similar if not the same pages for what is the commitment to this. For some people, it's a lifelong commitment. For building GLOBL RED, we're partnered but that is a lifetime commitment for me. I want this to be a legacy brand that lives beyond me and that my kids can tap into if they would like to. If somebody is like, "I want to be in and out in three years," there might be a way to latch on and be part of it for a certain stretch. We have that clarity in the beginning that our visions on the exit or the outcome may not be aligned but it will work well for this stretch, or it may not work at all.

You want to avoid a partnership where you can't establish that. My final one on when not to partner is when the partner doesn't appreciate the value that you're bringing to the partnership. You don't want to partner with someone who doesn't get your worth. That's in work, your personal life, and anywhere. If they can't get clarity on your value, that is not the partnership for you.

Don't partner with someone who doesn't get your worth, be that in your work or in your personal life. Share on X

Let's bring it home by selecting a partner. What are some tips and tools on how to pick a partner? Some of it is built into what we shared already but let's get specific.

My first thing on identifying the right partner is you want to choose someone who is close to capable of doing the entire thing alone. That's one of the screens that I use to vet partners. For example, we are parents. We are married. We have children. I feel that in my untimely absence, you would be able to parent without me. That is the kind of person that I want to be in a parenting partnership with.

One filter I'm going to give upfront for choosing a partner is to have a process that will allow you to exhaust some of these conversations and also guard against some of your weaknesses. What I mean by that is sometimes we go into a partnership out of extreme necessity. We know we need help. We need it right away. That can be a hindrance to choosing the right partner. In those moments where I not only want a partner but need a partner, and I might be blinded by wanting that too fast or too quickly, I build some barriers to protect myself against myself.

I tell myself, "I'm going to have at least five meetings with this person. I'm going to have a lunch or a dinner with this person. If they're married, I want to meet their spouse. I want them to meet my spouse." Partnerships can be at such a big level. It's almost like a marriage. If you are going to enter into a big opportunity with another person or a life-shifting or altering opportunity with another person, you want to make sure you do the work upfront to vet that opportunity with that person.

That's the framework first. In that vetting process, you would be able to identify whether or not you feel like the person has a set of skills that makes them close to capable of doing that thing alone. I also feel like when you're picking the right partner, you want to look for someone who can clearly execute some aspect independently to reduce your workload or someone who can enhance a shared workload with innovative ideas to improve quality and efficiency. Those are the big things, "I can hand this off to you completely, and I know that part is taken care of. That's going to work for me. I know that you are always coming up with creative ideas and ways to improve efficiency and the quality of the product that we have." That's also the partnership that I need.

Those people who are willing to raise their hand, speak up, tap you on the shoulder, and say, "Not only can I execute what you've asked me to execute but here are some ways we can make it better," are bringing ideas and contributions to the table. Another way to select a partner, and it even ties into a little bit into when to partner, is when you can contribute something that will be exponentially impactful to somebody else's journey. I had a conversation where I would be the 10% contributor but it's 10% toward something where I 100% need that service but I could see the value I can bring in helping them structure the business and the messaging and help them go exponentially faster and further through the partnership.

It's always tough to be in places where you don't belong. This is something that my dad always said. What does it mean to be in a place where you do belong? It is a place where you can generate ideas and contribute because that contributes to our sense of purpose in the things that we're doing and our life overall. You do want to find a partner where you have something to give because you're going to be more satisfied in that dynamic also.

It's so much more rewarding to give, even in partnerships. When you get a chance to show up for somebody and have the accountability, but you're happy to show up for that person, especially because they see your worth, know your worth, and acknowledge your worth, that's one of the greatest feelings in the world.

My final thing on the partnership or something that you have to look for is people who have a strong communication ability because all partnerships are tenuously predicated on communication. You don't want to get involved with someone who you see the red flags. They have communication challenges. You want people who are going to tell the truth, come forth with information, and be honest about what goes well or what doesn't go well. It's those communication things. If you can find an effective communicator, this is a huge one for personal relationships and business relationships.

All partnerships are really tenuously predicated on communication. Share on X

That is so key. It relates to not just communication between the partners but how that person handles communication with others. I did a talk about brand and building your brand. Anyone you bring into your brand is a representative of your brand. You also mentioned it perfectly. If something happens to you, can this person carry the load? Not only can they carry the load but can they carry it in a way that reflects your values, your brand, and the vision of the partnership that you have formed? Those things are all critical. Here's my last question. While I've got you here, why did you decide to partner with me? Why did you accept the ring that I put on it?

I might bounce that back to you. For me, what's interesting is I took to journaling quite early. I had journaled out and created a vision of the partnership that I wanted and the person that I wanted to be with. I feel as though when we met and connected, and I began to learn more about you, I had a very well-articulated idea of the core values and experiences that I wanted that person to have. You had that profile.

The other thing that I tell people all the time because they ask me about our relationship is I met you when I was 22, which was a very long time ago. I was rather young. It's interesting that I found my person at such a young age but I had done that work of creating a vision and understanding what I wanted to feel like in my partnership, and because I was so young, I did not have a lot of resistance built up or anxiety about the timing of finding that person.

If it had been at a later point in my life, and I was feeling anxious, "My biological clock is ticking, and I want to have kids," I might be putting up psychoemotional barriers to attracting the person that I want but because I was so young, I had that clear vision, and I did not have a lot of resistance to allowing that person to show himself. There you were.

Out of thin African air.

The air has gotten pretty thick. It's humid out there.

I love that answer. I love you. I appreciate that. Here's a quick takeaway. We should even do an episode about figuring out that vision. We talked about partnership and figuring out what you want to do in terms of building a partnership and your company, who to partner with, and then letting it go because if you're holding onto it, if you're too anxious about it, or if you're too eager, it can cloud your vision. It can impair your decision-making, and that's not what we want.

That's a great topic because also understanding that vision is a large part of understanding yourself. Much of what we have talked about is predicated on understanding yourself and your goals. That's how you find the right partner. It's looking in the mirror to understand yourself and your goals and where there are gaps to fill. That's how you're going to get to the right partnership.


FMKN 11 | Partnering Up


With that, moguls, we are going to wrap up this session. Hopefully, you found this helpful. Please, DM us and find us on social media @Kofi Sellebrity and @MimiNartey. Share it with others and please stay on your full mogul journeys. We will talk to you again soon. Thank you.


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Power Of The Journey (Kofi Interview)

Power Of The Journey (Kofi Interview)

FMKN 10 | Power Of The Journey


Join us for an exclusive journey into the world of luxury real estate with Kofi Nartey, a true luminary in the field with over 18 years of experience representing distinguished buyers and sellers. Kofi is the go-to broker for celebrities, prominent sports figures, and affluent clients across the globe. In this podcast, we delve into Kofi's journey, the intricacies of luxury real estate, and how he blends bespoke client services, cutting-edge technology, and global real estate reach. Kofi also shares his insights on achieving work-life balance in a demanding industry and how to recognize the untapped potential in people, whether you're a professional striving for equilibrium or a leader looking to inspire your team. Discover Kofi Nartey's secrets to thriving in luxury real estate, fostering personal growth, and achieving the perfect work-life balance. Whether you're an aspiring real estate professional, a high-net-worth individual, or simply curious about the world of luxury property, this podcast is your ultimate guide to the opulent side of real estate and the art of unlocking human potential. So, let's join Kofi on the Power of We Podcast with Nicole and Samantha!


Listen to the podcast here


Power Of The Journey (Kofi Interview)

Kofi's Learnings From His Journey As Shared On The "Power Of We" Podcast

Welcome back to the show. Hopefully, you folks are enjoying the journey and staying on top of your full mogul journey. In this episode, I’m doing something a little bit different. I was invited to be interviewed on the Power of WE! and we had such a great conversation about my journey and some of my experiences about unlocking and unleashing potential that I wanted to share it with you here. If you’re following that show already, you’ll read it, but I wanted to make sure that Mogul Nation had a chance to read what was a very fun and dynamic interview. Share it, read it, learn something from it, give me your feedback from it, and let’s continue on this full mogul journey. Without further ado, here I am on the Power of We.


I’m so excited about our guest. He’s a leading authority on luxury real estate. Kofi Nartey is the go-to broker for celebrities, prominent sports figures, and affluent clientele around the globe and the leader of Globl Red, a private real estate firm with billions of dollars in sales. Kofi has many years of experience representing elite buyers and sellers of distinguished properties. He regularly appears on national television and in print media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and many more. Most importantly, he was a featured agent on HGTV Selling LA and made lots of appearances on million-dollar listings.

Prior to Global Red, Kofi was the Founder and National Director of Compass Sports and Entertainment Division, where he recruited and led the nation’s only true group of vetted sport in entertainment specialists for four years. He previously served as the Director of the Sports and Entertainment Division for the boutique firm The Agency and was a top producer for Keller Williams. Kofi’s experience with both boutique and national real estate firms has helped him achieve the perfect balance of bespoke client services, cutting-edge technology, and global real estate reach. Welcome, Kofi.

Thank you.

I’m so excited you’re on because, seriously, when I listen to you, you’re so positive. I see you at events, and you have this light that shines through you that you want to help others.

Part of my mission in life is to leave it all on the field and the Earth. I have what I call Kofi-isms or some of my life philosophies. One of my kofi-isms is we have a responsibility during our lifetime to realize all of our God-given gifts and share them with the world.


FMKN 10 | Power Of The Journey


That’s so powerful.

What would you say your three God-giving gifts are?

I didn’t prep for three, but I will say that sharing from your gifts. One of my gifts is unpacking and deciphering information and making it accessible to people where I can take complex information and complex concepts and relay that information to people in a way that is informative but also aspirational and inspirational. If you’re not inspired to take action, then you won’t.

That’s so true.

In a way people understand, and you’re good at doing that.

What age did this start at?

It’s still ongoing.

I know, but you must have thought about this when you were young or maybe a few years ago. You’re like, “I’m not just about selling real estate. There’s so much more to me.” Where did that come from inside of you?

At a certain point in life, you realize or you’re forced into realizing that there’s so much more to you because most people aren’t born to do exactly what they’re doing. They’re maybe elite athletes or people who have physical gifts that they can then hone, specialize, and become experts to become amazing, but in general, most people have 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 careers in life. When you go through those transitions and those phases, each time, you unlock another version of yourself.

You build on what you’ve learned from the previous experience, then you enhance it going into the next experience, but at a certain point, I realized I like sharing, teaching, and inspiring, and things that impact people’s lives and change people’s lives. When I got into real estate, there were moments, even in dealing with clients, but more importantly in helping to train other agents, when I realized that I could impact and influence their lives in a positive way.

You have this a major office and company now. Do you have a lot of new agents coming in?

It’s a very interesting time now. The real estate market is a little bit in flux. It’s a time in the industry when the cream is rising to the top. The people who are doubling down on their skills, their education and the things and tools that they have to service their clients are making it through this wonky period of time.

How do you see the market different from this time compared to the past year?

It’s different. We’re seeing such a lack of inventory, especially in the LA market. Certain markets are different than others. I’d say months ago, the big challenge was interest rates, but buyers come to grips with the interest rate.

It is crazy because I bought a house at 6.5%. People think like, “Have you lost your mind?”

Historically, 6.5% is a still when we think about rates that were 18% and 20%. Part of the reason we have a low inventory is because they don’t want to sell. They’re married to their rate. Either they got into one of those 3% rates or 2.8% or 2.9%, or they refinanced into it, and now they want to hold on to that.

That’s so true. It’s so funny when we think about the rate or what’s going on in the market or pandemic. You think, “This is what’s going to happen.” There are two ways we can go. We can choose to take the higher road and go, “Whatever is happening now, I’m going to keep going, use my skills, and do what I got to do to get to the top,” or you can sit and be in fear.

You use it as an excuse.

When I was in a pandemic, I did not give a shit. I did my thing, and I kept going. It sounds like that’s what you do. It’s cool because you’re teaching your people to use tools, which is now, you have to use tools.

You hit the nail on the head. I have a podcast as well. I’ll share a little bit more about that as we go. In those moments, I describe it as being in a hole of desperation or a hole of preparation. Are you in a hole of desperation or a hole of preparation? Inevitably, we’re human. We’re going to have that emotion of, “Damn. This is bad. This is a challenge. Holy whatever.” The length of that feeling or emotion should be abbreviated if you’re empowering yourself with positive thoughts to say, “Now it’s time to transition into preparation for what it’s going to be like when I get out of this hole.”

Listen to what he’s saying. He’s freaking amazing. That is exactly it. I want to take that saying. You were at The Agency. One of my best friends worked for Mauricio. They have taken their branding and gone crazy. They’re a great company. You got to learn a lot from them and went off and did your own thing. How amazing is that?

I was there several years ago.

They were different then.

I was with Keller Williams at the time and built my own brand within Keller Williams and Mauricio Umansky, who started at The Agency. We met a few times through the industry. I ran to him in an open house, and he said, “Let’s grab lunch.” We grab lunch, and he says, “I’m getting ready to launch something new. I’m getting ready to leave where I am, create a new firm, and want to have you come on board and do what you’re doing with us.” I did. Within months of their launching, I joined. That was in the first year, and I was there for a few years in Beverly Hills in a little office that they had.

With Billy Rose. We used to stage for all of them when they first started.

To be honest, it was a fun time. When you’re in startup mode anywhere, it’s fun. I shared an office with Mike Lee Park, who is the Head of Development, and Jonathan Ruiz.

I love him. Jonathan, if you’re reading, we love you.

Those are almost like dorm days. We’re all in this shared office, growing, building, and seeing the company grow. One thing that they did a good job of, especially early on, was the branding. You look even at how they’ve expanded and grown. It was about the branding. At a certain point, they asked me to help manage an office. It was fun to help them grow and see them grow.

At what moment did you decide that you wanted to start your own agency?

There are always moments when decisions are made by either a push or a pull. You’re being pushed away from something or being pulled towards another opportunity. At a certain point, I realized, for my own growth, that we’re going to be limitations where I was. I wanted to expand beyond those limitations. The Agency had grown to that point. They hadn’t franchised at that point. They hadn’t grown nationally the way they were national, but I knew that there were some limitations here.

Point blank, you’re a teacher. You needed to do your own thing.

I needed to do my own thing. I was approached by Compass at that time. They were very new. They only had about 40-something agents in all of California. They approached me about helping launch and run a national sports and entertainment division. At that point, I’d been focused on sports and entertainment clients. It was always about 50% of my business because I played sports. I also did acting for years, so I had a lot of sports and entertainment contacts. That’s part of what I helped do at The Agency as well. I went over to Compass, rolled up my sleeves, and helped launch a true national sports and entertainment division.

That’s incredible. I used to speak on Steve Shull. I remember Santiago was on it, and I forget the guy’s name, the one that started Compass.

Robert Reffkin.

I had no idea who it was, and now look at him. He’s freaking huge. I was like, “If I should know.”

It’s the same thing. I remember the lunch that I had with Mauricio. It was a small, quiet lunch. He told me about it and wanted me to join. The same thing happened with Reffkin. We had a little sushi lunch in a quiet sushi place. He said, “Here’s what I’m doing. Here’s where I am and what we’re building.” I ended up getting on board with them, but the same thing happened. A certain amount of time goes by, and it’s time to grow and expand. Finally, it was time to launch out and do my own thing.

What’s important is what you’re reading is we’ve been around a while. Kofi took his life, was serious about it, and showed how good he could do things. That’s why you got here where you are now.

Also, what I took from that is using the connections and networking, even taking lunch with someone. You never know what could happen by meeting as many people as you can and being open to the possibilities.

A lot of people are shy when it comes to networking. You wouldn’t believe it, but that’s one of the things. I pushed the girls. I have networking events. Even though there are sales stylists, they are shy.

I’ll give you something about that. I recorded an episode on networking, but as you’re talking about that, something else hit me. The shy people have the greatest advantage in networking, and I’ll tell you why. One of the keys to networking is listening. If you can just open up the conversation to get the other person talking and get them talking as much as possible, 1) Your shyness is great because it saves you from over-talking. 2) You get to learn a lot about them. 3) They feel heard. Most of the time in society now, people don’t feel heard. 4) They’ll like you for that. Tell them. Your shyness is a gift. What you need to do is learn how to create conversation, be lovable, and laugh. Learn how to ask questions to keep them talking.

I love that. We should play that for our team.

Do you have three people you look up to in life?

Maybe one.

There’s a lot of people that I look up to. I had to take a different approach, even mentorship within my business and industry because I didn’t have mentors coming up in the industry. I didn’t have guidance. I had to read books and read things online. The books became my mentors. You ask what my gifts are. One of my gifts is seeing potential in people. That’s another one.

I can see potential in people and gifts in people. I can see it no matter who you’re talking to, somebody who’s just starting, who’s way ahead of you, or who’s retired. If you listen the right way, there’s something to learn from every single person you encounter. If you listen and you watch what they’re doing, you can find their gift. Even at the highest level of excellence, there’s usually a little bit of crazy involved.

Sometimes, we’re distracted by the crazy and we miss the gift. When I look at who are my people I look up to, I look up to different people for different things. I shared on one of my episodes that I use these hacks in life to remember how to stay dialed in on the things that I’m doing. I gave myself a name for a couple of years. That name was Kofi Kobama Jordartey Wallausk. Kofi Kobama Jordartey Wallausk was an aggregation of all the people that I looked up to for different reasons. Kofi is my name. Ko in the Kobama was Kobe Bryant because he had the mamba mentality. I love that part of Kobe. Obama because he had a calmness in the way he approached things. In the highest level of stress, he had a calmness. Jordartey Wallausk, so Michael Jordan.

Artey is part of my last name, Nartey. Wallausk was from William Wallace from Braveheart because I thought he was such a dynamic warrior, philosopher, and lover. The usk at the end was Elon Musk, who I don’t like as a person, but he’s one of the most ambitious people that’s out there. Nothing will stop him from pursuing his dream. I took a little bit from each person and used it in the moments of my life when I needed to use those aspects of their personalities.

That’s great. Let’s dive in a little deeper. You have that. My readers are like, “How do I do that?” Did you write it on a piece of paper and write out all the positives for each one of those people to get it into your body?

It’s a pretty easy exercise because it’s pretty easy to identify something you like out of an individual person. It’s hard to find one person that captures everything that you like. It’s hard to find that one model to say, “I love everything about what they’re doing.” Even the name of my show is the Full Mogul Podcast. Full Mogul is the highest and best version of yourself across all aspects of yourself.

Elon Musk is an example. He’s not a full mogul to me. He’s a mogul, but he’s not a full mogul because he’s not a great dad and husband. The other buckets aren’t right. If you can look at even some of the people that you follow on a show, whose books you read or shows you watch, look at them for what aspects of them you want to emulate. You can leave the other parts that you don’t like to the side. Leave those parts behind.

I like that because it’s hard to find someone that you are like, “I like this coach for this reason.” I’m noticing that I’m using different types of coaches for different parts of my life, and it has changed the game for me, honestly. I’m all about coaching. It’s the best thing ever, watching some of the young generation start coaching and how they’re taking off. That’s why I’ve been bringing in coaches for my team.

It’s the same thing that I’ve taken away from my experiences with different brokerages, being even honest about my experience with The Agency. There were things that I liked about The Agency and things that I would never do that I saw at The Agency. When I look at a leader like Mauricio, he’s superpower is charisma. It’s a superpower. Even somebody like Robert Reffkin, his superpower is focus. He was focused on taking the company to a certain place, and he held that focus. Again, there are things about each of them that I would never emulate and in the ways that they build that I would never emulate. Those things, it’s easy to identify and extract things from.

Since you’re all about the full mogul lifestyle, I feel like that encompasses work-life balance.

There’s no such thing as work-life balance. This is another Kofi philosophy. If you haven’t heard it on my show, you’re going to hear it on this show now. There is no such thing as work-life balance because the word balance implies that everything is equal at all times. Everything is never equal in life. If you are pursuing a work-life balance, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. What we should be striving for is work-life-peace. At any given point, you need to be at peace with where the different levels of your different buckets are. For example, I might have to work extra long on a Monday or Tuesday, but guess what? I met my kids at a soccer game on Saturday. I might have to call at halftime of that soccer game, but guess what? I’m at the game.

I’m at peace wherever those things are. I may not get to work out 3 or 4 times a week, but I worked out two times, and the third time was better. Nothing worked out, so I kept the momentum. I met peace with my workouts for that week. It’s not balanced, but I’m at peace with it. When you look at those different buckets of your life, if you can catch things before they get to redlining, that’s the key. You don’t want anything to be at such a deficit that your health is going bad, your relationships are going bad, or your business is suffering. Catch things before the red line, and you’ll be at peace as you move forward.

You don't want anything that your health, relationships, and business suffers. Catch things before the red line, and you'll be at peace as you move forward. Share on X

That was seriously the most powerful thing I’ve heard in all the episodes. That’s freaking amazing. That is so important because we work hard. She’s trying to figure out a work-life balance.

Bringing that word peace into it, I’m okay with how much I’m working. If I’m doing stuff like taking a walk or going to the gym, as long as it feels right for me, then that’s great.

That’s seriously the best thing I’ve heard, honestly.

My work here is done.

Tell us about your show. We can’t wait to hear about it.

I launched the Full Mogul Podcast. You can go to FullMogul.com and you can see the episodes we’ve released so far. I say we because I’ve had my wife on a few times. You know my wife.

She’s a beautiful human.

Thank you. My goal there was to speak to that pursuit of the highest and best version of yourself across all aspects of yourself. Not just a mogul, but a full mogul. We cover all kinds of things. Some of the episodes I do by myself. We’ve talked about everything from being excellent to daily habits. We had one on haters. We did one called It’s About Always Winning. We did that one, which was fun. I did one call For My Fellas to talk about things that men deal with because men deal with different things in society and aren’t given that same space to express the challenges that we have. It’s been a fun journey so far.

You’re diving into something that I want to hear about. Now that women are becoming big entrepreneurs, it’s different. I feel like it’s hard for some men, and it’s hard to find a women-man relationship. What do you think about what I’m saying?

I touched on it a little bit in that episode. It’s a little different for me because I’ve been married for many years. It’s a challenge now because of what you’re talking about finding someone who’s goals, visions, and approach to a relationship align with yours. It requires a new level of both flexibility but also knowing yourself. When you’re going into a situation or a relationship, you know yourself enough to create room for somebody else. It’s when you’re uncertain about things that other ideas make you nervous. It’s the same thing with insecurity. If you’re insecure, then other things feel like a threat.

People who have nothing to do with you feel like a threat. If you’re secure, then you’re not worried about it. I can have 100 people come up to you and say, “No, your name is this. Your name is that.” I know what my name is. There’s no insecurity or doubt about that. It’s the same thing with other ideas in life as it relates to relationships, but it’s still a challenge. My younger brother is dating as an example. He’s Millennial, but similar to me, he’s about chivalry. He’s about opening doors and paying for things. He’ll go on a date, and the woman’s like, “I don’t need you to do this. I don’t need you to do that because I’m independent.”

It’s looked at in a different way now.

On the second date, he’s like, “Let’s go Dutch,” and they’re like, “What happened to chivalry?”

They’re like, “Why aren’t you opening my door? Why aren’t you paying my check?” I get it.

It’s an interesting space to navigate. I should be asking you.

As a woman, I’ve always wanted to be able to take care of myself. That’s why. I work so hard. I never want to have to rely on a guy necessarily because, for me, even if someone has a lot of money, I just want to have that security in myself and know everything will be okay. When you go on a first date, there are two sides. It’s like either the guy pays, and you look at them as, “They’re chivalrous and they’re good person,” but now it’s more looked as, “He’s trying to sleep with me, or he wants something from me.” I’m going to put my car down, too, so you don’t think anything’s going to happen. That’s just the truth.

It’s interesting.

That’s why it’s hard to know. For me, it’s a little different because I’m good at reading people. I can tell what someone is by their energy, but people out there who aren’t into energy or watch too much TV like social media projects that nature. It’s hard to cipher.


FMKN 10 | Power Of The Journey


That’s insightful. That’s helpful for me because I’m raising a daughter too. She’s going to be dating maybe twenty years from now.

I don’t know about twenty years.

At 35, she can start dating. When she starts dating at 40, she’s going to be dealing with these things. It brings me back to an African proverb that I’ve related to life and business, but I never thought about it for relationships. It’s, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I think about opening up your life to somebody else to be able to experience a greater life and go further in life. As you discussed, you want to have that independence, do things yourself, and take care of yourself. It’s great, but there are certain parts of it, and maybe you can relate as well, Sam, that you don’t want to have to always do.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Share on X

You want someone that’s chivalrous and opens the door. That’s why I am with who I’m with because I love opening the doors. Women CEOs like me always have a hard time expressing what they need. The other person might not be a CEO, or they could be a billionaire, but it doesn’t matter about that. What matters is it comes back to their heart and what they want.


FMKN 10 | Power Of The Journey


Also, being able to build something with someone, as you were saying, like having that partner to build something with. I feel like it’s a whole other episode. It goes down to your childhood.

We love you. You’re so good.

We can talk about anything.

This is good. We like to talk about it all.

What was your favorite client to work with? It sounds like you’ve done so much. You’ve been in business for a long time. What was one of your favorite stories?

I’ll give two stories, two people, a client that I have now. Her name is Jennifer Farrell. She’s an amazing celebrity interior designer. We’re on our fifth deal together. She and her husband and me and my wife have become lifers. We’re friends for life at this point. I’m selling a property for her now in Calabasas. 24520 Dry Canyon Cold Creek, check it out, please. She’s been a joy to work with because her attention to detail on the properties that she creates is amazing.

It’s cool to work with people where you get to see their gifts in action. She’ll take a property, walk through a property that’s dilapidated and old, and see a vision but be able to bring that vision to life. That’s a skill. It’s not even having ideas, but it’s the action and execution of ideas that make you great. That’s what makes her great, and she wants to get results.

I even feel encouraged, pushed, and motivated to get the results for her. I love working with her. She’s a favorite client. My other favorite client experience was probably Michael Jordan, to be honest. When I was with the agency, I had a chance to represent the Jordan estate. I went out there with Mauricio. They hired us then I took the reins from there and flew back out by myself. I did all these marketing and created these videos that were many commercials that went viral.

At the time, they were the most watched real estate videos of all time, with over fourteen million views across the internet. They had me on TMZ and different news channels. What’s great about that experience is I ended up leaving The Agency. The listing stayed with them, and they lost it because I’d been running points on all of it. Nonetheless, I didn’t sell the house, but it was a great experience. I look at the word FAIL as an acronym to Find All Important Lessons.

It was one of my greatest “failures” in my real estate career because it put me on a national map. It gave me an opportunity to show my gifts and talents in creating these videos that went viral. Everybody knows Michael Jordan. I built sports and entertainment as my niche at that point. It confirmed that I was the guy, and it was a great learning experience. Sometimes, we look at things that we’ve done or things that we haven’t been able to do as failures. Sometimes, those failures are the things that propel us forward to greater opportunity.

I agree with you. Being where I am now, it’s not from everything going smoothly. I’ve almost lost my company a few times during the pandemic, the kids were off their rockers for a minute, and I’ve learned so much from that I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I will double down on what you said because this is important for entrepreneurs in particular. Entrepreneurs and CEOs like yourself are extremely ambitious. “I almost lost my company multiple times,” is what you said. Sometimes, people don’t realize that to break through to greatness and the highest levels of success, not just, “I did a good job,” you will face the brink of failure multiple times.

I had to give myself grace by hearing people like yourself by reading the stories of Richard Branson crying when he sold Virgin Records because that was his baby. He was a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire, at that point, but he faced so many challenges. He’s been getting that deal done to having to borrow money from this person. The same thing with Elon Musk. Fortunately, he had rich friends and was able to borrow $30 million to make payroll that month, but he was on the brink of failure multiple times, not even once, and being able to fight through to persevere to get to where you are now to be able to keep fighting and keep going.

When you’re in those moments when you’re feeling that, you have to also recognize that there’s something right about what I’m doing because I’m feeling extremely challenged. This is a difficult road. This isn’t easy. I’ve been kicked in the teeth, but you have to be able to keep fighting through. People reading this, if you’re reading the words that we’re saying, these kinds of things are what help you.

Two things get to occupy the same space at the same time. When you have those negative thoughts, you need positive ideas and concepts to combat those challenges. Sometimes, we throw away statements because it’s part of our lived experience and natural experience, but there’s so much gravity in the statement that you made.

When you have negative thoughts, you need positive ideas. Share on X

I feel like I’m getting coached all over again. You have been so incredible. I have learned so much. What about you, Nicole? I had no idea we were in that magazine together.

When I heard you on the panel of Woman in a Real Estate Event, I was so inspired to listen to you talk next to me. I was like, “I need to talk to him more.”

You have inspired the sun. Thank you so much.

We’ve laughed and cried.

You did it. Thank you so much. You’ve honestly been amazing. I can’t wait. I want to make sure that you’re at the Soiree because that is a great event. It’s on June 30th, 2023, and we’ll be posting about it. Keep in touch. Your show sounds amazing. If you guys want to get ahold of Kofi, how do we do it?

You can find me on social media on Instagram. It’s @Kofi_Sellebrity. That’s the name of my book as well, Sellebrity.

People are listening to you and looking up to you. Do you hire? How can they get a hold of you to come to work at your company? Do you have training? What is your company all about? They always go, “Who should we go to?” There are eight zillion companies. I know all the people, and I want to hear you tell them why.

We’re on the verge of opening up our hiring again. We did a little hiring round at the top of the year, and we’re about a month away from opening it up to expand even further. They can go to our company website, which is GloblRed.com. There’s a tab there for joining the firm. Put your information in. It’s all confidential. I know a lot of people want to have a confidential conversation first.

This is the approach that I take, even in our weekly team meetings. It’s a full mogul approach. It’s 70% real estate but 30% life and why we’re doing it and the mentality around why we’re doing it. We want to expand that to touch more agents because the more agents that we can touch with this approach to the industry, the greater the impact we can have on this industry. This is an industry where we’re fortunate enough to touch people, usually one of their biggest transitional points of life.

The more agents we can touch with this approach to the industry, the greater the impact we can have on this industry. Share on X

One of my philosophies in how we do business is we want to bring inspirational excellence. If you do what we do at an excellent level, meaning everything from the contract, negotiation, engagement, and to the follow-up with our clients, but we do it with the right amount of energy and inspiration where they’re drawn to working with us, then we win.

That’s incredible. We’re stagers, so the girls are out all the time. They’re like, “Do you have an agent or a favorite agent? Do you have this? Do you have that? I want to change careers.” A lot of agents come and try to be stagers. Either they have it, or they don’t. It is for Nicole to tell our team, “This is another good company to go for.” I love how you bring life into it because I didn’t start my staging company for money. I didn’t. I started it to show them that you can do anything you want.

I want to start you guys out for doing this because, a lot of times, especially agents who not only are just starting but have been in the business for a long time, they need reminders. Business people need reminders. Also, doing a prayer before we start it. That’s amazing. It’s centering and brings you to the right place. It lets me know that you’re coming from a place of wanting to give, even from God’s light. What you guys are doing, just keep doing it.

Thank you.

As I said, when you’re giving a gift, you don’t run out, but there are no words wasted when you’re coming from the right place. I appreciate you guys having me on.

Thank you so much for coming on.

This has been incredible. Thank you, folks. We are so happy to have had this amazing show. Stay tuned.


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Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!

Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!

FMKN Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!


A critical part of being any sales or business professional is networking. As conventional business wisdom says, “Show me your network and I'll show you your net worth.” But what does networking really mean? How does business and sales tie into it, if at all? Kofi Nartey addresses these questions and more in this quick podcast episode. He gives us four game changing strategies that will help you level up your networking game with little effort. Most importantly, Kofi discusses what networking is not and how you can refine the way you talk to people so each conversation opens up doors of opportunity. Tune in for all of these and more!


Listen to the podcast here


Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!

Game Changing Strategies For Networking

I hope you have been enjoying the journey. It's been tremendous fun doing this, sharing it with you, and getting amazing feedback. In this episode, we're going to touch a little bit more on the business bucket of our full mogul buckets as it relates to business and a little bit about personal because we're going to dive into networking, build your network and net worth. A critical part of being any sales professional and business professional is the networking aspect.

We've all heard about, “Show me your network and I'll show you your net worth.” There's a direct correlation between our network, the people that we come into contact with, the people that we have in our circle, and our overall outcome, success, and net worth as it relates to life and our pocketbooks. I wanted to make sure we spent a little time on this. Let's dive right in. It's going to be fast and furious.

I want to get this into your systems and minds so you can start utilizing these tools. I'm going to give you, in the midst of this, four keys to bulletproof networking. I'm going to give you a lot more than that, but I'll make sure you guys leave with those four keys. First, let's define networking. What is networking? I like to look at networking as building connections and relationships. It's about building personal connections and relationships. It's not about doing business, deals, and referrals.

Does it lead to those things? Definitely. If you do it right, will you get those things? Definitely, but that's not what the networking piece is about. Networking is about making those real connections with people. It's about depth, not breadth. It's about going deep with people. I get teased a lot because I'm not a big fan of small talk. As I've gotten older, life is much more interesting when I can have meaningful conversations with people.

Networking is about depth, not breadth. It’s going deep with people. Share on X

When I go to networking events, I'm not running around the room trying to meet as many people as possible. I'd rather meet 1 or 2 people and have an in-depth and real conversation with them, something more meaningful and interesting. It supports the whole concept of networking in building a deeper connection much faster. The shallow end of conversations, I avoid. I don't love the small talk. Think about it. You think about a swimming pool. The shallow end of the pool is for the kids.

No offense if you love those small-talk conversations, they're just not for me. When I was in my younger days of business and networking, I also lived in the shallow end. We think of FORD or Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Desires. You want to get through those bullet points with people and use that acronym of FORD when I was networking so I can meet as many people as possible. These days, give me 1 or 2 good conversations and, hopefully, I've met the right people in the room, or I get directed to the right people that I do need to meet in the room and I'm winning.

Let's talk about networking in general. When we think about what it should be about, it's an opportunity to make a difference or an impact on somebody else's life or on the life of someone they know. Think about that. Think about your gifts, tools, business, and service, and how that can help other people. You'll look at networking as an opportunity to share your gifts with other people in a way that can be ultimately impactful and make a difference.

FMKN Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!

Networking Strategies: Networking should be an opportunity to make an impact on somebody else’s life or on the life of someone they know.


If your product and service are great, you'd rather have people working with you than mediocre competition. That means you'd rather be in front of as many people as possible versus hiding this gift, amazing product, service, culture, and care that goes into the service that you provide versus them landing in the hands of somebody who's subpar. We have to look at how we get in front of more people. Networking is a great opportunity to do that. It's not the moment for the sale. It's the moment for the relationship and the contact to be made that will ultimately lead to a connection, business, sales, and referrals.

With that, I'm going to go ahead and jump right into my four keys to extremely effective networking. This is something that I put a lot of thought into. It's one of my Kofisms that are bulletproof. You can argue with me about their validity, but you're going to lose the argument because they're bulletproof. My four keys to networking were born out of even just living in LA because, in Los Angeles, California, Hollywood, the big city of dreams, big lights, and movie stars, they always talk about, “It's all about who you know.” I thought about it as it related to networking, and I had to develop that further because I knew a lot of people, but it wasn't meaningful. I realized its four key ingredients as it relates to networking.

1) It does start with who you know. You have to look for opportunities to increase the number of people that you know. That's what networking events are for. It starts with access to people, the type of people you like to work with, and the circles that you want to be in, which gives you a chance to get to know other people 2) Who also knows you. It doesn't matter if you know somebody if they don't know who you are. They have to know who you are. When you get a chance to make that contact, you have to find ways to go after what we call mindshare. When they think of an industry that you're in, they think of you, but it does start with that initial contact. They have to know you and you have to be able to stay on their radar. 3) Who knows what you do.

They have to know what you do because you can't get business referrals or just general warm leads from people who don't know the business that you're in. You have to find gentle ways to keep that in play. You have to find ways to let people know what you do and also remind them of what you do. It's not extremely critical that you go deep into it on the initial contact. I'll explain why.

It's because it's more important to make contact and establish a way of following up. What you do will ultimately come out. If there's a way to build it into that engagement, it's even better. Stories are a great way to do that. People ask you, “How was your day?” You can tell a story about how was your day. “How was your week?” You can tell a story about your week. I'm going to give you a little bit more on the story aspect of it after I give you number four

Number four, who likes you? People generally are more apt to do business with someone that they like. First and foremost, can you get the job done? Likability is a factor. One of the keys in networking, as it relates to likability, is being interested, not interesting. You have to be interested in learning more about the person that you're standing in front of, whom you've been introduced to and met at this networking event. That has to be at the forefront more so than you being interesting.

Think about it. In life, people aren't heard. People go through life. They live at that surface level and shallow conversations and don't get to the meat of life. You could stand out from the crowd by using 2 ears and 1 mouth and being interested in them. It is learning more about them versus being interesting and just rattling off your resume or your life or talking about yourself.

You can stand out from the crowd by using two ears and one mouth. Share on X

I'll give you guys a funny example. I was at a networking event a couple of years ago. What tends to happen is, in a networking event, you walk in, meet a couple of people, or get introduced to the room, whatever it is. People were mixing and mingling. I went over and introduced myself to a couple of people who were already talking and started asking questions.

In my mind, I was like, “Be interested.” I wanted to hear more about the person I was talking to. I asked several questions. I didn't even talk about myself at all. They didn't know what I did. They knew my name. That was about it. I could tell that this person appreciated the questions I was asking and they appreciated just being heard. Somebody else came over and introduced themselves to our little threesome that was standing there. They introduced me. They said, “You have to meet Kofi. He's a great guy.”

I had just met this person. Now they're introducing me to the new person as somebody who's a great guy. What made me great? The fact that I listened and heard the words that they said. You have to be interested, not interesting. As it relates to that, I have a saying that you that some of you have read already. It's one of my Kofisms as well. It's listening with selfish ears. That relates to when you're at an event, at a conference or a speaker is talking, you listen with selfish ears. You listen for the things that resonate with you that can help bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. That way, if you're listening to somebody who's talking for 1 or 5 hours, they say that one thing that you've heard with selfish ears that resonates with you. It makes all that time worth it.

In networking, listen with giving ears. What do I mean by that? Listen for the opportunity to share something, make a connection, do something, and bring future value to that person in a way that benefits that person. Listen in ways to engage, support, help, and make connections and referrals to them. You'll even find that a lot of networking groups are non-solicitation groups. Meaning you're not there to pitch your business. You're there to make business referrals and people will reciprocate.

Back to storytelling. I love storytelling and teaching people about storytelling as a great way to network and a great way to build mindshare and credibility even because when people ask you what you do and you tell them, versus when people ask you what you do or how you're doing and you tell them a story, it hits differently. Sometimes I joke, “If I don't want to have a conversation with someone,” and they say, “What do you do?” I'll say, “I'm a real estate agent.”

FMKN Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!

Networking Strategies: Storytelling is a great way to network and a great way to build mindshare.


Those people don't want to talk to real estate agents. They might ask you, “How's the market?” and that's it, but they think you're going to start to sell them a house right there on the spot. Truthfully, I'm a real estate broker, business owner, and so forth, and much more than that, a businessman, a full mogul. There's a lot that I can share, but when people ask me about what I do or, “How is your week?” I tell a little story.

Usually, I'll make up a story that's based on that specific week that captures not only what I do, but how and who I do it for like, “As a matter of fact, this week was interesting. I was showing one of our luxury properties. The buyer had questions about the equestrian. It’s a very cool property because you can put one horse for every 5,000 square feet of property, and it's on 3.6 acres. It was great. As a matter of fact, it has a vineyard.” I was telling a story. Later on that week, I met with one of my agents because I had to support them in a deal. We were working on some negotiating strategies. I'd read this book Never Split The Difference. It was great because we used some of the tools from that book to get this guy over the finish line and get the deal done.

“How about you tell me a little bit about your week?” I've told a couple of stories that tell you a little bit about what I do, how I do it, who I do it for, and create that credibility. Make sure that you have some stories to tell and that you think about it that way versus just rattling off what you do. I have given you those four bulletproof keys. Let's recap those real quick.

Four keys to effective networking 1) Who you know, 2) Who also knows you, 3) Who knows what you do, 4) Who likes you. I'm coming back to number three real quick because who knows what you do is up to you to stay on top of your mind and continue to gain what we call mindshare. They think of an industry, real estate, and global. They think of soda and Coca-Cola even if they're not drinking Coca-Cola. That's called mindshare. It's up to you to stay in front of those people. We've all had that experience, especially in real estate, where you say, “See a friend of yours you haven't seen in a while,” and they say, “We just bought a house. We just sold our house. We totally forgot you were in real estate.” You're like, “I was at your wedding. How could you forget that I was in real estate?”

It happens. It's not their responsibility to remember. It's your responsibility to make sure that you stay top of mind. Now we talked about those four keys and staying in touch. Getting their information is more important than giving them your business card. Let's talk about the business card thing. Some people are like, “I don't do business cards.” That's fine, but you do have to have some way of staying in touch. Is it a business card? Are you going to text them on the spot? Are you going to DM them on Instagram? It's a great way of reaching out to people now and saying, “Are you on Instagram? I'll follow you. I'll message you.”

It's not other people’s responsibility to remember you. It's your responsibility to make sure that you stay top of mind. Share on X

We stay in touch that way, especially for the younger generations. Gen Z and Millennials love that. I've seen things now like tap where you have a metal business card, you tap their phone and it gives them all the information, or you pull up an app, tap their phone, and give them your information. I have mixed feelings about that because I've had people who I've tapped. I've got their information now they're contacting my phone. I go a week later to try to remember who they were because I did want to reach out for something and I just don't remember their name. I'm not scrolling through the 5,000 contacts on my phone to figure it out. I'd rather just send a text because then I can just scroll through my text from the past few days or weeks and find them. It's easier to do it that way. Sometimes I'll do both.

Know that if you have a business card, it's fine to give out your business card, but make sure you get information from them so you can follow up because even if they liked you a lot, it doesn't mean that they're going to remember your information or to follow up with you. It's up to you to follow up. As it relates to DMing or Direct Messaging via social media. That's what I talked about as an example of a way to stay in touch. Another thing to think about, and this is a pro tool for networking, is to prep your social media before you go to networking events.

What do I mean by that? One of the first things that people do is look you up. If you're leading with your social media like, “Let's connect on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn,” they're going to see your profile. They're going to see the last thing that you posted. They might even look further and see the last few things. No matter what, they're going to see the last thing that you posted. Make sure that it's something that makes sense for the audience you're going to be in front of. Make sure that it resonates or it aligns with the audience that you're going to be in front of.

If I'm going into a real estate event, I'm going to post something that's real estate related. If I'm going to speak to professional athletes or give a keynote for professional athletes and entertainers, I'm going to do something that's related to that or in my top 2 or 3 posts, maybe something from my acting days, a throwback from my sports days, or the fact that I work with celebrities, entertainers, and affluent and luxury clientele. It's going to resonate with the audience that I'm going to be in front of. There's immediate credibility when I introduce myself and increased reinforced credibility when they look me up and they see that my story, social media, or social proof is in alignment with who I said I was.

At the end of the day, you have these tools now to help you with your networking and your networking opportunities. Make sure you're finding groups that make sense to network in. You can also create your own networking groups, but make sure that it's a networking group that's effective, not just the social group. Social groups are a little different. They're fine, but they're not networking groups. Make sure you either are creating or finding the right networking groups to be a part of.

Make sure you’re either creating or finding the right networking groups to be a part of. Share on X

With that, you can go forth and build your network. Remember, it's about going deep with the people that you connect with and building those relationships. It's not about 1,000 people that you meet in one day. It's about meeting those key people and having better conversations with them. Remember the four tips that I shared with you. The mindshare that you gain with these strategic contacts and you continue to follow up and go deeper with people is what's going to lead to the word-of-mouth referrals and to them reaching out to you to do business with you.


FMKN Build Your Network, Build Your Net Worth!


There are a few things that are more powerful than those warm introductions, referrals, and word of mouth that you can use to help build your business. I hope this was helpful, these tools for networking. If it was, please share it with your team, your group at your office, your company, and with a friend. Reach out to me. Let me know if this was helpful. Let's stay on that full mogul journey together. Let's keep going. We'll talk soon. Thanks.


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For My Fellas

For My Fellas

FMKN For My Fellas | What Men Deal With


Society may have given men a lot of advantages, but that doesn’t mean the average fella isn’t having a tough time out there. The challenges are there. The struggles are there. The failures are there. We just don’t get to hear about them very often. We’re afraid to talk about them. There is always this unspoken message for us to just man up and suck it up. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, when you start to look around, you’ll find that there are a lot of people who are willing to listen and help you out with what you’re facing. What challenge are you facing right now? Now is the time for you to be compelled to be vulnerable and seek support. Join this podcast as Kofi Nartey opens up an honest and unbridled conversation on what men deal with in this tough and cruel world. You don’t want to miss this. It will make you redefine what it really means to be a man.


Listen to the podcast here


For My Fellas

What We Deal With As Men

Hopefully, you guys have been enjoying the Full Mogul journey. I’ve received tremendous feedback. I’ve had my wife as a guest several times and we both have received tremendous feedback and input from you guys that you are enjoying the show so far. If you’re new to the show, welcome. If you’re new to Mogul Nation, welcome. We’re talking about being the highest and best version of yourself across all aspects of yourself.

We’re not just talking to one part of you. We’re trying to talk to all of you, but this episode is a little bit different. I’m rolling solo because our topic is for my fellas. What do we deal with as men? There’s a lot of gravity to this conversation. I want this to be the beginning of the conversation. I thought a lot about it. I have some notes. I wanted to spend even more time crafting this, but I was like, “I have to start because there’s so much to cover, but there’s no way to cover it in one episode alone that I have to start the conversation.”

If this feels like just the beginning, it’s supposed to. If it feels like starting, it’s supposed to. My women out there, for the ladies out there, if you want to read to get a little insight, it’s totally fine. I was thinking about it. I’ll probably even ask my wife to do something for the ladies out there. It was put on my heart and my mind in my involvement with motivating people, teaching people, even in the real estate industry, with speaking to NFL players about professional athletes and life outside of the game.

There’s something that us men deal with. There are several things that we deal with and several challenges that are unique to men. This is not to isolate women. They have a whole different set of advantages and challenges that they deal with. In this episode, I wanted to speak to my fellas because there are only certain moments of access where we get glimpses into that vulnerability that men have. Those guys out there, my guys, some of my best friends, have that level of trust and rapport that the access to the vulnerability is there.

FMKN For My Fellas | What Men Deal With

What Men Deal With: There are several challenges that are unique to men, and there are only certain moments of access where we get glimpses into the vulnerability that men have.


It’s embraced because it’s a safe space. When we’re dealing with people and we’re building and forging friendships, sometimes it takes a lot longer to get to that moment of trust or vulnerability where someone will open up to give you a glimpse of some of the things that they might be dealing with. Let me tell anyone who’s reading at the moment that a man gives you a glimpse. He opens his mouth to say something, to address some of the pain, and some of the challenges that he’s dealing with. There is a lot more going on there because we’ve been taught to pack those things away.

I want to jump into some of the notes that I have. I’m speaking from my heart, my position as a man, my experience as a man, and even specifically to some of my fellow alpha males. There are some additional challenges that we face as people who are leaders and people who are leaders of other men and leaders of people. Not everyone’s wired like me, and I respect that there are so many different personality types. I know that the world requires different personality types to function and for us to respect, relate, and understand each other.

Even to move big ideas forward, it takes different ideas from different perspectives and different personality types. I can only speak on my own. I come from a little bit more of a traditional, chivalrous, and alpha male background, that fight or flight, “I’m going to fight,” background. If I see you down, I’m going to help you up. If I see you in trouble, I’m going to step in and try to help. There are certain things and challenges that come along with that.

Raise Your Hand

I’ve also gained access to some of the pain and challenges that some of my other personality types are facing that I also face in moments. I describe myself as an alpha male, but my birthday falls in the realm of Cancer. I’m right on the Cancer-Leo cusp. I call myself a sensitive lion. I truly am a sensitive lion, but I am a lion. Don’t get it twisted. Let’s jump right into this topic.

One of the biggest challenges that we face as men is that no one truly cares. We hear that a lot. It’s not true. Part of it is that we’re a bit afraid to open up or we don’t have the avenues or channels to open up. Now, in society or institutions in general, there is not a lot of room or space for men to open up, be vulnerable to men, and express the challenges that we have. It ends up being a quiet struggle, depending on what you’re facing. There’s this feeling that no one cares.

No one cares about what’s going on, the challenges, and the pain. If they do hear you, what’s the energy you get back? “Man up, suck it up, and fight through it.” We’ve all heard those things. I have said those things. I’ve said those things to myself, which is also the most impactful, powerful place but also the most dangerous place when you’re saying it to yourself in the wrong moments, where it’s time to get some help and time to reach out and open up.

We have to start addressing some of these things. The source of our support is often when we try or when we’re trying to hold a specific image for ourselves. The challenge that we have as men is we want to maintain a certain image. I’m figuring out some of the ways I want to express this. When we have that image, we can’t ask for support because asking for support is not in alignment with the image that we’re trying to maintain.

I’ll give you an analogy. You’re driving a bus. Let’s call it a bus or a van and there are other passengers on the van. There are other passengers on the van who are relying on you and your hands are on the steering wheel. Both hands have to be on the steering wheel to drive safely. If you need help and you need to raise your hand, you can’t take your hand off the steering wheel because the role of the driver is to keep everybody safe and keep both hands on that steering wheel to make sure everybody stays safe as you’re going through the canyons, cutting through the curves, or whatever it is condition-wise that you’re dealing with. You don’t even have that moment or that time to raise your hand.

There’s another part of you, because I deal with this a lot, that you hear everybody behind you on the van, on the bus, laughing and joking and enjoying themselves and you’ve got that steering wheel. It’s because you’re so strong and mentally tough and you can handle this. That allows them to have the freedom, the joy, the comfort, and the lack of awareness to even be free the way they are. There is something rewarding about that until you reach that moment where you need to raise your hand.

We have this image that we hold. I have an image I hold of myself with this provider, as a father, as a leader, as I mentioned, or even as a coach. There are words like protector, and these are things that we’ve embraced as part of the “traditional culture” and “traditional roles” of masculinity or being a male or being head of household. These are all things that we embrace.

As part of it, it doesn’t allow room for us to show any weaknesses in these areas because people are looking to us so that they can be comfortable and know that they’re protected, provided for, and taken care of. These are things that a lot of us have embraced until it’s time to raise our hands. I keep coming back to that. There are moments where we don’t raise our hand for so long that the challenge becomes or feels insurmountable. There are emotions tied to it, the level of depression, feeling off track, feeling like you’re less than who you should be, feeling like you’re not heard or not respected that you reach that point where it’s like, “F it, I quit. I’m out of it.” That shows up in a bunch of different ways.

Sometimes, we see people bail out on partnerships. We see them bail out on relationships, marriages, parenting, fatherhood, and quitting jobs. There are all kinds of ways that the level of challenge reaches that point of, “F it. I quit,” because life is tough. Work is tough. Relationships are tough. Maintaining your health is tough. The world hasn’t provided much space or support for us men to share these challenges and deal with these challenges.

That time has to change. When we say we have to man up, what manning up is, in my opinion, is raising your hand. There’s nothing manly than that, to be honest. It’s raising your hand and saying, “I need a little bit of help. I need a little bit of support. I’m dealing with something today. I’m dealing with something this week. I’m dealing with something this year that I can use a little bit of support with or a lot of support with, help, an ear, or just to be heard.”

Work is tough. Relationships are tough. Maintaining your health is tough. And the world hasn't provided much space or support for us men to deal with these challenges. That has to change. Share on X

Be Built For Life

Keep it in mind, guys. If you’ve read the Full Mogul, if you’ve listened to me talk, if you’ve heard me anywhere if you know me, I believe I’m built for life. I’m built for the life that I’m living, and part of that is failure. We talk about failing. If you feel like you’re failing, know that that is part of the journey and it’s okay that you are not a failure. It is that part of your life, journey, or experiment. The word experiment is so powerful. It could be a job you’ve had for 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. It still was an experiment.

If you feel like you're failing, just know that that is part of the journey and it's okay. Share on X

It could be a relationship that you tested out. You thought you might get married and it didn’t work out. Technically, it was an experiment. Even if it’s something that you’ve gotten past the point of experimentation and it still doesn’t work out and still “fails,” it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It’s just part of the journey.

I always say, “FAIL fast and FAIL forward.” FAIL is an acronym. I have two acronyms that I’ve created for the word FAIL, and I want you to embrace both of them. The first one, FAIL fast, Find All Important Lessons, and we do that fast. We want to learn from our failures. When we get down, stay down for a second. Embrace the pain and the challenge like when people lose the championship game. They stay on the court to watch the other people get the trophy.

They want to remember what that feels like because it fuels them. It fuels them to work harder next time and work harder in the off-season because they want to get back to that podium and win. It’s okay to embrace the emotions, just don’t get buried by the emotions. It’s okay to understand the emotions, just don’t get bogged down by the emotions. Don’t get paralyzed by emotions. Take that moment to find all the important lessons.

The second acronym that I have for FAIL is it’s the Fastest Access to an Impactful Life. You will not find exponential success or major success without failure. I read a lot of biographies and autobiographies. If you read them, the most successful people, the ones who have elevated in status and visibility, the millionaires, the billionaires, the multibillionaires, every single one of them, not 50%, 60%, or 70%, but 100% have faced or been on the brink of total failure before they broke through to success.

As a matter of fact, it’s often the moment you declare you’re going to pursue massive success that you get the quickest tests to see if you’re serious about it. You get up in the morning, and you’re going to say, “I’m going to have a great day. I’m going to have an amazing day.” You then get a flat tire. You’re going to have a super productive day. You get to the office, and you forgot your computer charger. You’ve got this big date. She finally said yes to going out with you. You got a new haircut and a new outfit, and two hours before, she cancels.

These are things that we deal with on and off over and over again. In business, you may be on the brink of losing your business, losing your company, not being able to make payroll, and not knowing how you’re going to pay the lease in the building the next month. These are signs that you have pushed yourself to another level. You’ve pushed yourself closer to your ultimate potential and you have to break through.

You may not make it on that specific path. You may fall down, lose that job, lose that home, or lose that what have you, but it doesn’t mean that you yourself are a failure. It doesn’t mean that you can’t pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and fight again. One of my favorite quotes was shared with me by one of my clients. One of my clients used to train with Chuck Liddell. Chuck Liddell is a UFC Fighter.

He told my client one day when they were in the gym. He said, “If I have enough energy to tap out, I have enough energy to figure a way out. If I have enough energy to tap out where I quit, I also have enough energy to figure a way out.” I love that quote because we look at every successful person who’s been on the brink of failure or bankruptcy and found that ultimate success. It’s because they got up, failed fast, and failed forward.

When we look at every successful person who's been on the brink of failure and ultimately found success, it's because they got up. They failed fast and failed forward. Share on X

It’s A Tough Place To Be In

We have some built-in advantages even as men. These are things that, to be honest, I’m working to change that we shouldn’t have. When we look at the number of millionaires out there, it’s 87% of millionaires are men. This means society has provided more access, more avenues, and more resources for men to achieve that status than they have for women. It is an unfair advantage. It is not fair. To be honest, I’m working to change that one because I believe that all people should have access.

Women and men equalize the playing field so that those who work hard, those who have the talent, those who put in the work, and those who have the skills can rise to their full potential. I’m married to a woman who teaches women’s empowerment. I have a daughter who I want to pave every way for her to reach her full potential without limitations. As it stands now, there are more ways and pathways for men to reach this status, reach those statuses, and reach those levels. If you have that door open, hold it open for the next person. Hold it open for the next woman that needs to come through that door.

That’s a side conversation, but it’s important that I share that part too. There are some specific challenges that we also face in these types of roles when you embrace this type of manhood of traditional male roles. It is everything from financial challenges where you may not be making enough money to support not just your family but even yourself. Remember, you are not your challenge. You might be broken for a moment, but your now is not broken. Broke is describing the temporary place that you find yourself in.

You are not a broke or broken individual. You may be broken for a moment, but you’re a thriving, resourceful, talented, resilient, and strong individual who will find their way back to the lifestyle and to the levels that you should and will be living. When we look at the financial challenges, another hedge against that, just as a tip, pro tools, as they say, is multiple streams of income. We have to look at multiple streams of income, different ways of making money, and side hustles. What are you doing? Don’t let your side hustle be a big distraction from your main career if you have a main career that’s super fruitful and you’re all in on it.

Even in your main career, maybe there’re different avenues for making money. I’m in real estate. I got a real estate firm and got agents that work with me. I support them in their growth, but there’s also an investment side where we can make money through flipping properties. There’s also the syndication side where we syndicate the flips. We also look at multifamily. We added short-term rentals as an option. That is multiple streams of income.

I also am building out a coaching program where I’m going to be training and coaching people, sharing what I know. Share my gift, and I’ll never run out. Why not share as much as I can with as many people as I can and do it through a coaching platform? It is another stream of income that I’m building out. We have to look at ways of having multiple streams of income. Men face dating challenges. I’ve been married for many years.

I haven’t had to worry about dating for years, but I can’t imagine what it’s like to date in this time period, where half the dating is happening through apps. I don’t even know if it’s happened. It might be more through different apps. It might be half of it is in person or more if it is in person. I don’t even know. What I do know is it’s still mostly up to the man to step forward, to show interest, which I think is fine. That also means the man has to face a lot more rejection.

I remember having to get over this rejection. One of the things that helped me is facing that failure over and over again. When I was in my freshman year or sophomore year of college, I had a couple of fun roommates. We’re still friends to this very day. One summer, we played this game where if you commented on a woman, you had to go talk to her. This was random, but this was the truth.

If you said, “She’s cute. She has a nice smile,” you literally go talk to her and get rejected if you had to, but face it. If we were driving, they would stop the car, kick you out of the car, go talk to her, go say something, and do it. It was a summer of rejection. It is not 100% rejection, but it’s a lot of rejection but you learn to deal with it. It’s something that we face and something that men face on an ongoing basis, having to figure out the dating rejection, having to dust yourself off and go at it again.

Remember, times have changed. What people are looking for has changed. If you’re getting or facing that rejection, it means that you’re closer to acceptance and finding the right person. People are looking for different things now. Even on the other side, men are forced to approach women who are coming at it from a mindset of, “No, I don’t need this. I don’t need that.” The same thing from the men’s side.

Traditional values have shaped and shifted over the years. It’s hard to know where somebody stands in that place. “Is it okay if I hold the door?” These are things that I grew up doing, but I’ve got a younger brother who’s still dating. He’s dealing with some of these things where he believes chivalry is not dead and some people are like, “I don’t need your chivalry.” That’s a tough place to be in.

You show up for the second date, and you’re like, “We’re going to do that.” They’re like, “What happened to chivalry?” I said chivalry is not dead and you rejected it. It’s a tough place to be in, but remember who you are throughout that whole process. Remember who you’re building, your full mogul buckets of what you ultimately bring to the table for that right person and that right fit.

When The Hero Gets Old

We could do a whole different conversation on relationships, which I’m sure we will, but know again that once you even find that right person, the journey to transition to a life together is a whole other processing conversation. We deal with aging as men. Women deal with aging in a different way and they have different challenges because society holds beauty standards for women. Aging affects how we process our masculinity because masculinity is also tied to our virility and our strength.

You lose strength and get gray hair, but we also have the advantage. We have the advantage of the word distinguished. These men age and become distinguished. Women age and it’s a different process for them, but we do face that. Our bodies change, our backs, our knees, and all the things that we deal with and you lose hair. These are things that you may have tied to what I would describe as your peak masculinity. What is your peak masculinity? It’s when you probably felt the strongest, the most athletic, most handsome, or whatever it is.

The good part is we control not only part of the narrative but part of what we’re doing through the process of aging. The emphasis and the importance have to be on health beyond appearance, but we care about what we look like. There are ways to impact your appearance. It is redefining yourself as you go. I love this when people say, “40 is the new 30, 50 is the new 40, and 60 is the new 50,” because it truly is.

People are eating better and staying healthier, but if you’re not, what do you need to do to get on track with that? We talked about the idea of the roles we play. Not only the roles that we play that society places on us but we embrace. I embrace being a father. I embrace being a provider. I embrace being a leader. I can’t be a great leader, father, and husband if I’m not healthy. The same for you.

For these other buckets that you have in your life, you have to make sure that health remains a priority so that you can help maintain the other buckets, especially the other buckets that relate to the other people in your life. I had a good conversation with a close friend of mine. I call it a good conversation. He might have been like, “Whatever, Kofi.” I give unsolicited advice because I ask for unsolicited advice. He’s a dad like me. He’s got kids like me. He’s at every sporting event like I’m at every sporting event supporting his kids. He is also super busy with business in life, but he’s been letting his health and weight go.

There’s this feeling of being a hero in one category, but you can’t be a hero in the other category. When your bucket gets so low that it’s redlining, that the alarms are going off, that your body is slowing down, it’s time to stop and revisit that. You might have to miss a game. You might have to do something different. You might have to say, “After this game, daughter and son, come walk with me. Let’s go for a walk. Dad needs to go for some walks. Dad needs to go to the gym. Come with me.”

When your bucket gets so low that it's redlining and the alarms are going off, it's time to stop and revisit. Share on X

Step Up And Be A Man

That hero status that you’re facing or embracing in one category of life can totally impact the other categories of life. It can shorten the life that you have to be a hero to that person. That’s the last thing that you want. We hear the word toxic masculinity. It’s another challenge that we have. There are also the benefits of masculinity. There are also times to perform masculinity. I talked about helping others, doing things with others, grinning, bearing it, and fighting through. That’s embracing things that are tied to masculinity.

It’s interesting because, having a daughter and a son, I get to see the processes differently. They’re their processes of development. When they play sports, what happens? How do they embrace the challenge and the fight? There are aspects of masculinity that my daughter embraces in certain moments of her athletic performance. It doesn’t mean that these things are exclusive to men. It means that society has given that label to male behavior.

The fight or flight, the grit, the physicality, and embracing those aspects that are tied off into testosterone and tied to the physical nature of strength and competitiveness. There are moments to embrace that. There are moments for women to embrace it. There are also moments for men to perform masculinity and embrace it. Another challenge that some of my friends have faced and some people I know faced is the lack of that masculine figure to even model after.

There’s sometimes a lack of a father figure. Some people have a dad in their house and still lack a father figure. How deep is that? It doesn’t mean just because you have somebody there that is the person that you can model after or who has provided the pathway or even example for you to model after. Let alone those people who grew up in a household that didn’t have anybody.

You’re looking at coaches, maybe your pastor, and at different places where you can see how to be a man. What does it even mean to be a man? It’s a challenge when you don’t have the examples there in front of you, you don’t have the right examples, or you have limited examples. I was fortunate enough to grow up with my dad in my life every day. He’s a great father figure. I think it’s the nature of young boys to see their dads as heroes.

What does it even mean to be a man? It's a challenge when you don't have the examples there in front of you or you don't have the right examples. Share on X

I look at my son’s eyes as he looks at me, and I can see that I’m still a hero in his eyes. I always want to keep that feeling of being his hero. It’s a unique thing with fathers and sons when you have that. You can even see it sometimes with coaching relationships as you know it, especially if you’re missing the father figure. Sometimes you embrace the coach who’s been a part of your life, who loves you while he’s pushing you and helping you develop through those adolescent phases and is part of that journey. You see that person as a hero in your life.

Sometimes it’s an older upperclassman, a freshman embracing a senior as that guide who helps them through that first year of high school and pulls them under their wing or the sports team, the football team, or whatever it is to help them understand the ways of being then how to navigate that space. These are all cheat codes. When you do have that father figure or when you do have that person in your household, it’s like having that cheat code. Sometimes you have to find that. You have to find the cheat code and find the examples that you want to embrace.

We have these ideas of villains, victims, and heroes. A lot of times, the men are expected to be heroes. We’re expected to be heroes. We’re called on to be heroes. It doesn’t mean women can’t be heroes because I have a lot of women heroes in my life. A lot of times in our society, in tradition, we are expected to be heroes. There are aspects of the hero role that are specific to us.

Understanding that moment when to be a hero or how to be a hero is important for us to define and discuss. There’s pressure. There’s pressure to step up in that fight or flight. Sometimes you should flight. Fly and move away. Diffuse the situation. There’s nothing stronger. When I say fight or flight, I’m not coming to punch somebody. I’m not coming to fight somebody. I’m not going to let my loved ones be pushed around, bullied, intimidated, and talk to a certain way.

It doesn’t mean that fighting is the first option. It doesn’t mean that. A couple of years ago, I may have been like, “Let’s go. What do you want to do?” At this age, I have wisdom beyond that. It doesn’t mean that you back down from the challenges, but it doesn’t mean that it has to escalate or should escalate to that level of the physical nature. These are all tough-in-the-moment decisions that we’re forced and expected to make as men. It’s not easy.

If you aren’t built that way and you have to learn that or if you aren’t built that way and you’ve never learned it, you’re not going to be that way, then there are other challenges you face in terms of judgment. These are things that we have to talk about. We have to be able to have safe spaces and talk about scenarios and talk to our friends like, “What would you do in the situation? How would you handle this?”

If not, all of these different things that we face as men and as challenges overwhelm us. You can find yourself in that hole of depression. I always say, “Are you in a hole of depression or a hole of despair? If you are, how do we convert that to a hole of preparation versus a hole of desperation?” If you’re sitting at that moment, remember what I said earlier, to embrace the feelings of failure, challenge, and defeat and use them as fuel for the next iteration of yourself.

Part of that fuel leads to a plan. That plan is part of your preparation. You have to see how quickly you can transition from desperation to preparation because the desperation will hit. It will hit for a week, a month, six months, or just days or even hours. It could even be hours. There are certain moments where you’re like, “This sucks and I’m pissed off. I’m mad and disappointed. I may be a little bit depressed. I might be depressed overnight and eat like crap. Whatever it is.”

The next day, it transitions from desperation to preparation. “What do I need to do to get to that next version of myself?” I’m going to encourage you to attack life the same way and know that the other side of the challenge, overcoming the challenge is one of the most rewarding feelings that we can have, especially as men embracing these roles. It is being able to provide, take care of ourselves, take care of others, and be a leader at the moment that it’s time to lead. It’s one of the most rewarding feelings.

Being a leader in the moments when it's time to lead is one of the most rewarding feelings. Share on X

The meal always tastes better when you’re hungry. It’s hard for you to appreciate a great meal if you had a good meal. When you’re hungry and that meal shows up, when you have worked hard, failed, felt all the challenges, and finally reach victory, you finally reach that accomplishment. Every aspect of that tastes better. Every aspect of that is good because being in contrast or the challenge creates a greater appreciation for the other side of things. One more step each day.

I love what Ed Mylett says. Ed Mylett has a great podcast that I listen to, the Ed Mylett Podcast. He wrote a book called The Power of One More. He talks about that. When you’re in those moments, do one more thing. Go one more day. Can you make it one more day? One more action. It is the power of one more. When we look at the evolution of masculinity over the years, there’s actual wisdom in even that experience that we can access through our readings.

Here is one of the books I read. I’m going to have to post a picture of what it looks like next to my bed. I probably have seven books next to my bed now. Normally, I have 1 or 2. I have one book that I’m reading and one book that I’m rereading because I always say reading new books but also reread the highlighted parts of the last book you read so you can own the information. I have about 6 or 7 books that I’m jumping back and forth between.

You Hold The Cards

One of them is The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. It’s a great book. What I love about that book is it quotes and it references a lot of amazing philosophers. What’s interesting is some of the greatest philosophers and warriors talk about strength, the power of control, and controlling your emotions. We talk about this fight or flight, and I’ve referenced it several times. It’s not always about who’s the quickest to anger and who’s the quickest to a physical reaction but who’s the quickest to a thoughtful controlled response.

I love that about it. The gift of this journey is that we do hold the cards. Remember when I talked about driving? I’m coming back to this reference about driving the van and everybody’s behind you happy and you need to raise your hand because you need help, but you can’t raise your hand because you’re driving the van. Do you know what you can do? Turn on your blinker and pull over. Take a moment. We do hold the cards to the outcome, but we can only control what we take responsibility for. Your hands are on the steering wheel of your life, so you control your life.

We do hold the cards to the outcome, but we can only control what we take responsibility for. And your hands are on the steering wheel of your life. Share on X

If you need help, a timeout, to pause, and to pull over, do it. Find somebody, whether it’s somebody close to you or sometimes it’s even easier to reach out to a stranger. It is somebody with experience, like a psychiatrist or a psychologist but someone who doesn’t know you to judge you based on past experience with you or knowing your history, somebody who’s going to come at it from a fresh approach.

FMKN For My Fellas | What Men Deal With

What Men Deal With: Control your life. If you need help, if you need a timeout, if you need to pause, if you need to pull over, do it.


If you do reach out to somebody you know, it’s got to be somebody absent of the judgment of who you are and who you have been, but somebody is a safe space to do so. Find your trusted circle where there is no judgment. They don’t hold anything against you but they’ll also be honest with you in that moment or space where they allow you to be vulnerable.

I’m blessed to have a few friends. I can count them on just one hand, but I have a few friends like that where I can be 100% vulnerable with them and tell them exactly what’s going on because there’s zero judgment. They know they can use me in the same way. You have to take care of yourself. Take care of yourself mentally and physically. Being physically healthy can even help with being more mentally health healthy.

It can help with dealing with stress. As I referenced before, you can’t be a hero to others until you’re a hero to yourself and you take care of yourself first. The last couple of things is to find your faith. If you don’t have a religious foundation, you have to have some life philosophy that helps tether you to and that you can come back to in those moments of challenge. There’s nothing more powerful than having a word to come back to, having a book to come back to, and having a religious leader to come back to whom you can anchor yourself.

A lot of times, it’s not the person but the words behind that person that you can use to anchor yourself. I read a lot of motivational stuff, but I also have my faith-based anchor as well. I want to finish up by saying this to my fellows. Know that whatever you’re dealing with, somebody else is also dealing with. Whatever you’re challenged by, other people are also challenged by. It may not be in the same way, but the only way we’re going to know, the only way we’re going to get past it, and the only way we’re going to work through it is to raise our hands.

I want you to know that you’re heard. I hope this episode was helpful. I want you to know that you’re appreciated. Sometimes those moments feel like a thankless journey, the challenges of life, or even if you’re going in it alone and don’t even have someone that you have to take care of or support but you’re going it alone in this world. This world is fighting you back, beating you down, or kicking your butt from time to time. Know that you’re loved as a human being on this earth and that the world has an appreciation for you and the highest version of you. Let’s get to that highest and best version of you.

I hope this was helpful, Mogul Nation. It is a little bit of a different angle, different energy but just necessary. We will continue this conversation. If this was helpful for you, please reach out to me and let me know that you heard it and that it is helpful. Maybe it was helpful for somebody in your family or you’re going to share it with somebody in your family. We will continue on our mogul journeys.


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HATERS: Face Them, Embrace Them Or Chase Them With Dr. Mimi Nartey

HATERS: Face Them, Embrace Them Or Chase Them With Dr. Mimi Nartey

FMKN Mimi Nartey | Dealing With Haters


How do you deal with haters? These people hide behind social media profiles and workplaces, and they are everywhere! In this episode, Dr. Mimi Nartey, co-founder of The Nartey Sports Foundation, delves into how to deal with your haters and explains what toxic support is. What motivates them to make unkind statements? How do we protect ourselves from haters? You better not miss this interesting topic with Dr. Mimi and Kofi Nartey today!


Listen to the podcast here


HATERS: Face Them, Embrace Them Or Chase Them With Dr. Mimi Nartey

This episode is going to be a zinger. It's going to be a good one. I’m super excited about this. Some people aren't going to be excited about it because some people are guilty of being haters. We're diving into haters. The title of the talk is Haters: Face Them, Embrace Them, or Chase Them. We're going to jump right in, and I say we because I am joined by my number one supporter, not a hater at all, Dr. Mimi Nartey.

Thanks so much for having me. This is going to be a hot topic.

Let's jump right into the heat. What is a hater? How do we recognize haters? Who are these people? What does it mean to be hated?

I think this is great. There's an awareness now in popular culture about people who hate on other people. People love to throw that around. I hear our elementary school son talking about people hating or not hating. It's popular. We need to figure out what we mean. Who are these people in our lives that are hating on us? Why is it important? What does a hater look like? A hater is someone who could be online who's making unsolicited negative or limiting comments intended to attack you on a personal level.

There are more haters hiding behind social media profiles. We're definitely going to touch on that more than probably anywhere else.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Dealing With Haters


There are also haters in your professional environment. Those are people who are also making limiting comments about your potential or taking actions to hinder you or harm your professional reputation. There could be haters in our own families sometimes who are making subtle undercutting comments about you with statements like, “I don't know who he thinks he is,” or, “She thinks she's too good.” Haters could be someone that you're interacting with on a social level. It could be a friend, a person who's supposed to be a friend, who might be creating campaigns of doubt about you.

I’m not going to let us brush past the family piece. We're going to dig into more of this and the whole definition of what we see as haters, but sometimes it's those who are closest to you. You have to have an awareness and have your radar on to be able to even recognize those comments and those people who are touching you on a subconscious level that's negative.

I call that toxic support. You have people in your support system or people who are supposed to be part of your support group, your mastermind group, but somehow the level of support that they're giving is insufficient because there's a little bit of toxicity there.

That's an amazing oxymoron. I love that, toxic support. Sometimes we think it's support. It feels like support. We expect it to be support because it's somebody that is close to us. There's an expectation of care and love, but it's toxic. It's laced with toxicity.

Another important one is sometimes that hater is that voice of doubt inside your own head. That's the foundation for Imposter syndrome. What are we telling ourselves? What is our own self-talk? Get rid of the negative self-talk because that's a form of hate that we can control.

We talked about family and people close to you being big. Your own head and your own thoughts are the biggest. They are number one in terms of hitting on your process and creating that doubt, creating that negative energy. That's extremely important. It's extremely important to fill your mind with other things that can counteract that and combat those even doubts that show up as hate within yourself.

When you look at all of these examples, these are some of the ones that I came up with off the top of my head. Most of us in life or in business are experiencing this dynamic. That's why this matters, this important conversation to talk about. What do we do?

What do we do when there's obvious hate, when there's subtle hate, when there are backhanded comments? Even defining it and recognizing it is the first part of the battle. I pulled up the dictionary definition. There's the street version. There's the hip-hop version and the colloquial version. The Cambridge dictionary definition was pretty spot on, even for the purposes of our episode. “It's a person who says or writes unpleasant things about someone or criticizes their achievements, usually on the internet.” You talked about that and touched on it already that it's usually people hiding behind something who are throwing out these comments and these negative mentions.

What's funny is haters are people who are trying to usurp some power from another person. There are spiritually healthy sources of energy and power and spiritually unhealthy sources of energy and power. Hating is a spiritually unhealthy way to try to get energy or power by taking it from someone else with some disempowering comments or actions. It's not sustainable and it doesn't last. I do think that it's easiest for people to try to pluck power or chip away at people online.

Hating is a spiritually unhealthy way to get energy or power by taking it from someone else with disempowering comments or actions. It's not sustainable, and it doesn't last. Share on X

You gave it the term toxic support. I even put in my notes. We never compare notes ahead of time because it makes it a little bit more dynamic when we show up and either are overlapping or contradicting each other. I had supportive haters because there are those people who are positioning themselves as part of your support group or a supporter of you, but they're only going to encourage you towards the limits or outcomes that they are comfortable with you reaching. They're going to push you to a point, not of your full potential, but of the potential that they're comfortable seeing you achieve.

At the end of the day, people are hating because of their own insecurity, their own ignorance, or their lack of exposure. They're basically feeling threatened and confused by your grateful confidence. A lot of times, your positivity is convicting. That conviction is disempowering to them.

They have to have some self-defense mechanism. It's the insecurity that you mentioned. Sometimes it's even jealousy. It helps them still feel good about their limitations, their limiting beliefs, or their lack of achievement in their own lives.

When people are exposed to someone with particular combinations of gifts and talents, discipline, gratitude, and confidence, it challenges their own subconscious programming. If they don't have the tools to deal with it, they hate on you.

Sometimes it's for attention. There are people who use hateful commentary, especially on social media. It is what we call clickbait. They're trying to get attention in their otherwise boring lives. I’m going to hate on the haters. I’m going to make comments like that. Your life is boring if all you have to do is hide behind a desk, hide behind a phone, hide behind a computer, and throw clickbait out at other people as hate.

Something else I want to throw out there is this. Unfortunately, as a woman, I can only speak about the experience of being a woman. We are socialized, and it almost seems like from a young age, to hate other women. We are fed lies that support a scarcity mentality. We're led to believe that there's only a limited amount of beauty, a limited amount of success, or a limited amount of happiness. If someone else has it, it poses a threat to me, when in reality, the truth is abundance, not limitation.

I want you to spend another minute or so on that one. For our women readers out there, this is something that we see. We see it on the internet, we see it on social media, and we've even seen the other side of it. Those are women supporting women and women adjusting your crown.

Real queens fix each other's crowns.

I didn't know what they were saying, but I knew there was something about a crown. Why is that so important?

Unfortunately, when we think about social oppression, what is it, really? Effective social oppression creates a situation where you disempower yourself. You are pushing down. You feel like crabs in a barrel, fighting for significance, importance, or validation on some level. Unfortunately, it's been tough with women. We're made to feel like, “If someone else is beautiful, that might mean that I’m not beautiful.” In reality, multiple people can be beautiful, have been, and will be for eternity.

I do think that what I have been encouraged by, as you're saying, is women's empowerment movements. That's the crux of it. It is about intersectional feminism, women respecting who we are in our myriad of beautiful expressions, and being encouraging and feeling like, “I can be who I am. I’m not threatened by someone else being who she is.” I’m empowered by other people's traits, talents, and gifts.

On the male side, we look at success the same way. We look at physical attributes the same way. We look at these things like, “From that scarcity standpoint, this person's successful,” or, “If they've achieved success in my industry, is there room for me to succeed? Is there a pathway?” Yes, there is. When you look at our Mogul Nation and our Full Mogul pursuits, the highest and best version of every individual creates the highest and best society. Imagine if everybody is living up to their full potential because their potential, your full potential, our Mogul Nation's individual full potential is unique to them. No one else will achieve your full potential.

There's a quote maybe from Gandhi. I’m definitely not going to get it exactly right. It's something to the effect that all of the problems in the world or the majority of the problems in the world could be solved by closing the gap between what it is that we're doing and what we have the potential to be doing collectively.

Coming back to the idea of clickbait, it is this whole thing that controversial sells. When somebody makes controversial statements, it gets them headlines. I feel like some people don't even believe at their core what they're saying or the hate they're putting out there. Some people have made a brand out of making controversial statements and creating these fires on Instagram and Twitter, and getting the news to talk about them. That's their only pathway to fame. They aren't even living their truth. They're throwing these things out to hate on other people or to make controversial statements to get attention.

That makes me think through all of the different kinds of haters there are out there. There are all of these different things motivating them to make these unkind statements on a daily basis for attention because they haven't quite tapped into or tuned into what their real gifts are and where should they be putting their energy for sustainable significance.

One other classification of haters would be institutional haters because not all haters are human. There is some systemic and institutional level hate going on, some things that can limit your progression and opportunities. Sometimes we create those in our heads, but sometimes they're real.

The haters can be explicit and deliberate like we're talking about. There are people who are out there saying whatever and doing whatever. That's usually likely in these cyberspaces where they don't have to be confronted or addressed back for the things or held accountable for the things they're saying. The subconscious haters, a lot of times, are the friends and family sometimes in that toxic support cycle where they may not even fully be aware that they are hating on you or why they're even doing what they're doing. These institutional haters, our cultural systems, and our political systems are unfortunately working on it but not optimally designed for everybody to be successful. A big institutional hater is the media.

The media is huge, which is why I know you like to avoid a lot of the rhetoric and the nonsense that's thrown out in the media, even to protect your vibration and your energy towards your own pursuits.

Getting back to the idea that a hater is a person who's chipping away at your energy and who's chipping away at your drive and your power, I limit my exposure to the media, especially visual media. If I want to update myself on the news or world events, I prefer to read my news because televised media or video media, is usually designed to provoke and destabilize you emotionally. I see that as a form of hate.

We've got to address our subtitle, Face Them, Embrace Them, or Chase Them. As I quickly lead into that, I wanted to touch on why we experience it as hate. Why do we feel like somebody is hating on ourselves? A lot of times, hate or those comments of hate or toxic support can serve as a reminder of a version of our former self that we’ve moved on from, or better yet, we’ve evolved from.

Those comments scare us because they remind us of that past. Even as you talked about the media and protecting yourself from the media, this is another reason we have to protect ourselves from certain people and certain types of hate because it can impact your own self-worth and your vision of your own self and even the pursuit of your goals.

What I’m hearing is that we have this vision of ourselves at our highest potential. That's somewhere in us. No matter what you've been through, no matter what childhood trauma you may or may not have experienced, somewhere in your heart is your understanding of your true potential and your true capacity.

We are all in an imperfect struggle or process to get to that. When we are experiencing hate, it perturbs our subconscious because we are trying to be pulled towards that highest version of ourselves, towards meaning, towards purpose, towards love, towards beauty, abundance, and expansion. What we have with this hating energy is someone trying to pull us back down, kill the vibration, keep us, at best, stagnant, if not pull us into a regression.

Let's jump right into when to face them and even to embrace them because sometimes we do have to take on our haters. Sometimes it even makes sense to embrace our haters. One example of that is when it provides you with the right spark and right motivation. This is a little bit of a tricky one. This can bring out the petty. You think about Michael Jordan, his pettiness, and his speech at the Hall of Fame, where he talked about all the people who said something negative or challenged him in a negative way. If you've seen The Last Dance, which I’ve seen nine times, I love it. It's a great documentary, all of that fueled him on a daily, weekly, monthly, and apparently his whole life. It fueled his drive for success.

This is important. If you're aiming for greatness in your career, greatness in sports, in your relationship, your family life, whatever it is, you're going to have haters. If you're aiming for greatness, especially in multiple areas of your life, you're certainly going to have haters. Everyone who's achieved something great, like your example of Michael Jordan, has experienced this particular form of adversity.

I do think that there are times when you can embrace your haters when the hater doesn't have close emotional proximity to you. Michael Jordan going back and looking at all of these people who may not have recognized his truest potential or his highest potential were people who still were at a certain particular emotional distance. That's why he could leverage that into fuel for himself.

Another time we should think through what we might be describing as hate, and maybe we want to embrace it, is when our haters are critics. What I mean by critic is there's an important difference there. A critic is a person that can make you better. It is a person who's a peer who may be offering actual insights and feedback that we may not want to hear, but it is important for us to embrace that.

I think about Dr. John Henrik Clarke, who's a famous African-American historian and professor. He basically created Pan-African studies. I remember him at a conference one day. He says something to the effect of, “I’m not here to debate with anyone. I’ve devoted twenty years of my life to this subject. I only debate with my equals. All others, I teach.” While that is a mic-dropping level-setting zinger in and of itself, what's important is he does acknowledge the opportunity when he would debate. That is when he encountered an equal.

For me, in my life, even through high school, college, and now as a full-on adult, I’ve embraced certain people that are intellectually my peers or know something more than I do, or I want to bounce something off of them. There are certain people in your life. I call them half-empty haters. They're not bad people at all. They're always cynical, or they're risk averse. They're cynical about everything.

Glass is always half empty to them until you prove to them that it's half full. I like those types of people for bouncing ideas off of them and realizing that they're not consciously trying to hate but rather gather information so they can believe in what you're saying. They challenge you in the right ways so you can justify and double down on what you're trying to do or maybe even gain some insider knowledge to make what you're doing better.

Those kinds of critics are the people with the experience and righteous authority to make objective evaluations on some idea that you have or some way that you're functioning. The difference between that critique or criticism and hate is the scope and quality of the commentary. Criticism is usually responsive rather than instigating. I might offer criticism to someone in response to something that they've said or written, carefully focusing on the logical fallacies, never intending to attack someone on a personal level.

You have to find people who will truly tell you like it is that you can trust. My good friend, Sharran Srivatsaa, I go to him quite a bit for conversations and to bounce ideas off of him. He's got a great podcast called Business School. Check it out if you haven't. He had this term that I refer to him as a sniper mentor. I can bounce a single statement off of him, and he's going to shoot straight and say, “Kofi, this is how you should do that. This is how you should attack it.”

It may come across as criticism or critique. He once told me about myself and about how I was falling short based on even gifts that I had and how I could do something better. I’m like, “I love you,” because he was willing to cut through it. You have to have those people in your lives. He's nowhere near a hater. He’s not an example of a hater, but these other people who come across as cynics, you can sometimes use them for that sniper mentorship where you go to them with a quick idea or a quick subject, and you're going to get that feedback. You're going to get those questions that make you better.

That feedback can move us all forward in thought. It makes us sharper in our methods and arguments. To some extent, some of the work that we have to do with ourselves is to understand whether someone is hating per se or is this someone who's trying to give me frank and honest feedback. Am I in a position to be able to receive that?

I also want to say it's a check for authenticity. That's a big one. It's a way to know that you are on the right path for you, by you, of you, and through to you. This is something I had to call myself out on years ago. It was like, “I get along with about everybody in my world. If I’m getting along with everybody, there's some part of my truth that I’m not truly embracing and not truly living.”

The true version of me can't rub everybody the right way. It's not true. You've been with me for many years. You've probably even seen part of that shift to call more things like I see them, to push people in ways that I think they could be better, to solicit unsolicited advice from people because I’m often giving unsolicited advice for that exact reason. I want it back. I want people to tell me how I can be better, but it's helped me live in my truth. Even a declaration I made a few years back was, “This is a year I’m going to transition to bringing out my haters.” It means I’m going to be living in my authenticity.

Everybody has a certain particular flavor. There's a certain particular flair. It can't suit all pallets. You do have to get to a place of comfort with yourself. That's a real sign of leadership, what you're describing, that process growth in leadership where you are willing to stand for what you believe in and recognize that it's not going to be what everybody believes in. That's what it is. I know that I’m not everybody's particular cup of tea, but then again, everybody doesn't necessarily have good taste. I’m just having a little fun. You have to be willing to have a little bit of controversy and conflict in order to walk in your real truth toward your purpose.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Dealing With Haters


I love it because that authenticity that you bring to what you're doing creates more alignment with your inner being, your inner self. It creates more connection with what I call your tribe. The people who align with your line of thinking will embrace that. You'll even notice it in your social media feed, on your Facebook pages, and on your websites because when you make a statement that's bringing out the haters that are potentially controversial, they'll go to bat for you because they align with your thinking.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Dealing With Haters


That's what I try to do, and that's how I try to function in my social media spaces. Beyond people that I’m friends with, I try to create a social media network that I think is in alignment with what I like. There's that reinforcing energy towards my goals, creating all of the different kinds of psychological cues to push me forward and help me be more authentic in the truth that I want to live.

Some of your haters, you can embrace for your own advantage. You can feed certain people who you know are haters or are rumor spreaders or who like to run and tell that. You can feed them certain information that's going to help your overall journey. It's going to help your overall messaging, and it's going to get you more clicks. You can use your haters who are trying to hate on you.

I love that, and maybe this is something that we can talk about in a future episode. There are a lot of ways to have other people and even leverage objects and opportunities to fight battles for you so that you don't have to spend too much energy or time fighting certain particular battles. You definitely can figure out how to leverage other people, opportunities, or objects.

We're going to do an episode on that. It was very controversial too. It was probably one of my most controversial social media posts. I had a social media post that I said, “Sometimes I let my clothes fight my battles. Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada hit pretty hard.” People came out of the woodwork. Some people loved it, some people hated it. “You’re materialistic.”

Yes, you're right because it does do some of your speaking and communicating for you in whatever direction you're trying to take it. We're going to do an episode on that, for sure. I love this idea of leaning into it to find your tribe and embrace your authenticity because it means you're on the right path. It reminds me of that Drake song. I won't say the title of the song, but he's got the chorus that says, “More money, more problems. Bring on the problems.”

More money, more problems, bring on the problems because that's bringing on the money. That's part of the process. Let's talk a little bit about when to avoid them. We're coming up on time here, but I definitely want to make sure we cover when to fully avoid them or anything critical that we missed on the other two parts.

Right before we get into when to avoid them, I want to drop one little bit of knowledge on when to face your haters. We did talk about institutional haters, and I have to say I am an INFJ personality. People who do personality assessments will understand that. I am an advocate. People like MLK Jr. share my same personality type. I want to say we always need to confront haters that are on the institutional level. That's part of our purpose, part of our mission, and part of bettering ourselves as humankind. We need to be willing to face and confront haters on that level, whether cultural haters or institutional haters.

We always need to confront haters that are on the institutional level. That's part of our purpose, part of our mission, and part of bettering ourselves as humankind. Share on X

I’m going to piggyback on that, shout you out for that, and make sure that you guys processed what she's saying because I’ve seen it. You are an advocate. You are willing to take on the institution, take on the haters, not just for yourself, but even more so willing to take it on, on behalf of others, and on behalf of institutional challenges and institutional level hate. Not even just the individual level, but how do you change institutional problems without embracing them, facing them, and challenging them the way that you do? Shout out to you for that.

I want to encourage everybody to find your advocacy. Sometimes it does look like something that's confrontational. You can't be conflict-avoidant at all times. Also, it could be in the form of starting something new, starting organizations for women in a particular organization, or for people of color. That's the advocacy. That's when we need to stand up and take on institutions and face that kind of hate.

As we wrap up, let's talk about a few times or instances or reasons to avoid your haters. One of the first things that comes to mind for me is what I call castle building. When you're castle building, when you're building your big idea, or when you're building your identity, you have to protect that concrete until it firms up. You have to protect that foundation.

If you're building a house, you can't build on top of the foundation while the concrete is still wet. If you let negativity penetrate that concrete, you're going to have that negativity and that doubt all throughout the rest of the building process. When you have a new idea, sometimes it's better to keep it to yourself. Can you keep a secret? I can't. Sometimes you have to keep that.

It's even part of my focus and finish mantra. Focus on this or finish that before announcing it before sharing it because I’m building a new castle and I need to protect the purity of it. I need to protect the emotional fragility of that idea until I get to a place where I can share it with the world with confidence, and the negativity will bounce off or make it better.

I love considering timing as far as when it’s time to avoid haters. I want to talk about time and space. These are always good organizing principles. It's most important to avoid haters that have close proximity to you physically and emotionally. The impact of haters is usually a function of their proximity. If someone is close to you emotionally, they can do so much more damage to you mentally and emotionally as they try to disempower you. Think about those people that you might share something deeply personal or painful, and then later, they attempt to use that very same thing to try to tear you down.

It's the people closest to you that know how to use it against you to tear you down later.

Once I realize that kind of person in my life, I have a pretty absolute policy about those haters in close proximity. I cut them out swiftly, decisively, and without regret. I think of it as part of my process of being a highly self-disciplined self. Self-discipline is doing the things that you need to do even if you don't want to do it. I could face some social rejection on some level by cutting certain people out of my life. I need to be disciplined. If I’m serious about my goals, my process, and who I want to be and lining up with what I think God's vision is for my life, I need to be disciplined and remove those kinds of people out of my inner circles who I can't trust to be genuinely supportive of my process.

I want to clap. It's good, and it's also one of these moments. I always bring up how we don't compare notes until we get here, but you summarized three points for me. That is, 1) Considering the messenger. You have to consider the messenger. Sometimes certain messengers you have to avoid. 2) It ties into unhealthy emotional baggage or if it's purely a distraction. That unhealthy emotional baggage can also tie into who the messenger is if it is somebody who is closest to you. 3) That willingness to cut people out, that willingness to keep people at arm's length and even take it a step further and cut them out of your lives.

Some people don't belong on the same train, on the same bus, on the same mission that you are on. You can wave at them from the window. Peace. See you later. As a matter of fact, some people, you love them, but they can't be on the journey. They can't be on the bus. When you get there, “I’ll save a seat for you at the table.”

I found it fascinating because it's interesting some of these haters are in so much disbelief when you deny them access. At the end of the day, my passions and my pursuits are too important to me to let that dynamic thrive. You need energy to fulfill your purpose, and you can't afford to have those haters in close proximity to you, chipping away at that energy and at that passion that you have.

For my salespeople out there, too, sometimes we get nervous about living our truths and being authentic. “Kofi, I might lose clients, I might lose people.” The people that you're meant to work with, the people that you're meant to have in your inner circle, it is those people. The truer you are and the more authentic you are, the faster they'll show up. I’m not saying go make crazy political statements or go crazy. No, don't do that. Use some wisdom. You have to live in that authentic truth and don't deny yourself of that because that also will eat away at your core.

I want to throw something out about living in your authentic truth. As a little tip on that, it's important for us to focus on what we are in favor of and what we're more in support of rather than making big, bold statements about what we are against. Take a more positive and constructive approach to making statements about what you're for rather than even me saying, “I’m against this injustice or this bias. I’m actually for inclusion, love, and equity.” When you put things in a constructive way, it's also a lot easier to live in your truth in a way that's going to be sustainable and inclusive. You're still going to find people who hate you, but you're on your path toward your highest and best self.

Focus on what we are in favor of and what we're more in support of rather than making big, bold statements about what we are against. Share on X

Let's wrap this up. We've covered quite a bit here. Hopefully, we've said something controversial enough that we'll bring some haters to the table who will debate with us in a healthy debate. If they're not equipped for a healthy debate, then we'll teach them, as the doctor said. My last little thing here is fortifying yourself. Know what your goals are. We talk about definite chief aims, if you're familiar with that statement.

Knowing what your goal is to the extent that when you're castle building, when you've reached a point that you can share it, when you can invite those constructive critics in, those half-empty haters, you know when to avoid the people who have access to your emotional sensitivities. You know when to embrace them and use them. You have to build up enough fortitude and enough momentum that they bounce off of you when they're supposed to bounce off of you. Sometimes you're pulling that Neo and The Matrix and you're avoiding them all together.

You did a beautiful summary. The only thing I would offer in addition is, if you are trying to be successful and you're trying to be great, this is a part of the process. We're trying to offer, as Kofi has summarized so beautifully, some different strategies, some different guidelines, and some methods for you to begin to figure out how to address this because it is a part of the journey. Know that as those haters come out, look at it as an indication of, “I’m on my way.”

I’ve risen to a certain level of success or visibility that now the haters can finally see me. Let them come. Let them support your ambitions and your journey as a way of knowing that you are on your way. Thank you, Dr. Mimi Nartey. Thank you, wife. Thanks to Mogul Nation. Please comment. Send us notes on social media. Go to the website FullMogul.com. Share this show with someone. Secretly share it with your haters. We will see you on the next episode as we continue this mogul journey. Thanks. 


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Create Your Best Life Through The MIMI Method: Part 1 – Minimizing Inefficiency With Mimi Nartey

FMKN 3 | Minimizing Inefficiency


If you feel like your life is in chaos and you don’t know what to prioritize, the MIMI Method is just for you. Learn how you can start minimizing inefficiency and start maximizing impact. Join Kofi Nartey as he sits down with the other half of his Power Couple, his wife, Dr. Mimi Nartey. Mimi shares the first part of her M.I.M.I. Method in this two-part series. She shared this invaluable strategy with thousands of executives and teams around the country and now she is sharing it with you. So sit back and tune in so you can eliminate your inefficiencies.


Listen to the podcast here


Create Your Best Life Through The MIMI Method: Part 1 – Minimizing Inefficiency With Mimi Nartey

Minimizing Inefficiency, Maximizing Impact

I'm super excited about what we are going to discuss. We all know that going full mogul or being a full mogul is the relentless pursuit of the best version of yourself across all aspects of life. Everything that we touch on, everything that we discuss needs to touch one aspect of your life or another. It needs to move the needle, push the envelope, and push you to unlock and unleash your full mogul potential in one aspect of your life or another. Read with selfish intent. These things are jam-packed with information.

That's Kofism to read for the things that resonate with you where you are in this moment compared to where you want to be. Unlock those action items that can get you there. You might read something that's going to move that needle. This is the Full Mogul show. You're going to hear something that's going to move that needle. I'm excited. I've got a guest who's a guest every day in my life. I'm a guest every day in her life. I've got my wife here with me on the show.

Hello to everybody out there. I'm excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

My wife is Dr. Mimi Nartey. We have been married for many years now. She is not only a former World Cup Athlete, but she's also a PhD, former College Professor, the Director of Nartey Sports Foundation, and the Director of Community and Philanthropy at GLOBL Real Estate and Development, my firm. We're not necessarily talking about our typical power couple stuff because we talk a lot about life strategy as a power couple. We were even named by Angeleno Magazine, LA Confidential Magazines as Power Couples in 2017. In 2019, again, we were power players.

In 2022, we’re power players yet again. Who knows what 2023 is going to hold? Every once in a while, I want to bring her on to talk about some of the partnership and goal strategies that relate to having a partner, not just in business, also in life. This is a little bit different. This is one of the things that came up in one of Mimi's talks to corporations, to organizations, to schools, and to real estate organizations. I'm not going to steal your thunder. Why don't you tell us what it's called?


FMKN 3 | Minimizing Inefficiency


I'm here to talk about the MIMI Method. MIMI Method is basically a set of philosophies and practices that describe my particular way of doing things to Minimize Inefficiency and Maximize Impact. You catch that acronym there, MIMI.

Minimize Inefficiency and Maximize Impact. There's not too much that's more full mogul focus and finish based than that. If we're minimizing inefficiency, we're getting dialed in on focus and we're focusing and finishing. Tell us how the MIMI Method came to be. Tell us its origin story.

It's something that's been evolving over my lifetime. It started with where I grew up. My dad, like your dad, is from West Africa. As I was growing up, we moved many times throughout the United States. When I was about eight years old, we found ourselves in rural Illinois. When we were there, we were the only African-American family in the community. I was the only little Black girl in my entire school district. While that presented some challenges, there were some very unique opportunities that came out of that experience for me.

I was liberated from social norms. I was allowed to be my authentic self. I realized that I was never going to fit in in a traditional sense. I might as well blaze my own path, make my own trail and start living an authentic experience. That authenticity led me to pursue sports and academics at a high level. I have also not been committed to any singular definition of myself. I've allowed myself to grow, evolve, and find new passions.

Don't stay committed to any singular definition of yourself. Allow yourself to grow, evolve, and find new passions. Share on X

In order to be able to do all of those things, to have those ambitions, to be married to a rock star husband and have some amazing kids, I have to be efficient with my time, my energies, and my focus and minimize and eliminate things that aren't serving me to my fullest potential. That's how this whole process has evolved. Over time, as I am going to speak to people and engage in mentorship relationships or coaching relationships, I realize I need to tease this out, to explain more fully what am I doing, generally speaking on a consistent quarterly basis, annual basis, quarterly basis, weekly basis, and daily basis.

There's so much there. You guys probably read a lot of things there. This is the reason that I'm going to have Mimi come back from time to time because there's a lot for us to discuss. Even part of our weekly process is our couple strategy sessions. We always talk about life and life philosophy and how we can move things forward for ourselves, for our family, and for our legacy family that we're building. This became part of it. Tell us why it's important to have or utilize the MIMI Method.

For me personally, the MIMI Method influences my unique way of carrying myself with purpose towards my goals. It influences the way that I lead and serve. At the top of your show, you advise the readers to read with selfish intent. This is where the meat and potatoes are for everybody here. You need organized and anchoring philosophies to develop strategic approaches in life. Hopefully, it’s something that I share now or if invited back. We'll see how that goes.


FMKN 3 | Minimizing Inefficiency


You called me a rock star husband. That got you at least one more invitation. You're coming back.

It's for everybody to borrow from some of the philosophies that I have and points of view to develop their strategies and borrow from the strategies that I'm sharing. It also is useful for people to employ the MIMI Method because then they can evaluate the effectiveness of how they're living their lives. A lot of times, we can't determine what's going well or what's going poorly because we don't have an objective, measurable standard.

A lot of people can't determine what's going well or poorly in their lives because they don't have an objective, measurable standard. The Mimi Method can evaluate that for you. Share on X

It's good to have a way to synthesize new ideas and information. As they're listening to different books and podcasts, going to conferences, trying to do all of this self-mastery work, you need to have a basic set of philosophies that all of that's getting integrated into. You have an organized way of synthesizing and taking in new information. At the end of the day, it’s to know what or who you need to eliminate to stay in alignment with your goals and purpose and to be able to replicate success in multiple areas of your life. These are all the reasons why it’s great to take in the MIMI Method, this philosophy.

I've decided at this moment that we're going to make this into two episodes. This is going to be part 1 of a 2-part series on the MIMI Method because Minimizing Inefficiency is a topic we just need to dive into. You brought up some key points. You're creating filters through which you can evaluate the things that you let into your life. Creating those filters is key for every decision that we're making.

When we're launching a business, when we're adding to our business, when we're taking things away, when we're doing things in life, when we're letting people into our circles. You used another word which was eliminate. You have to figure out what things you're going to eliminate in your life. Tell us a little bit about some of the parameters that people can use, whether it's in business or in life, to help them create some of these filters for greater efficiency.

Kofi, I'd like to take a minute to just disclose a few biases before I start talking about some of these filters that you can use. As a former researcher, I'm always very sensitive to disclosing biases that I might have or just helping people understand who am I as the presenter. The number one thing to understand about me is that I am a ruthless optimist. I approach everything from this optimistic perspective, believing that it's just a matter of time before every problem can be solved or resolved. I also believe that I can be any combination of things that I want to be. If I need to or if I want to be multiple things, then I do need to optimize efficiency.

We have a lot of entrepreneurs who are going to read this blog. Anybody who's in business, even all of my real estate people out there, you're an entrepreneur. Even if you're working with another firm or big brokerage, you are an entrepreneur. Part of what you're saying is about getting efficient in your business.

Getting efficient in your business but also across other areas of your life. Another bias that I hold is that I personally have a strong vision of the type of motherhood experience that I want to have which I revise at each stage of our kids' development. You can be a witness to that. I believe that married people are supposed to be mentors to one another. I know that there isn't a crowd on the leading edge. You have to intuit things and that intuition requires getting in tune with the right vibration.

All of these things frame out who I am as a person offering this advice to different people, especially that they can understand as business people, as entrepreneurs who may also have familial responsibilities or they're in relationships, they're mentoring their own children or other children. I am interested in helping support the whole person, which is in alignment with what you're doing here on the show. it's as much about business as it is about personal life.

I love it because you're touching on exactly the crux of what being a full mogul is about. I've said it before, I'm going to say it again because it's so important. It's not about work-life balance. It's about work-life peace. As you're attacking all of those aspects of your life, finding peace at any given moment, that you're giving it the right amount of attention and detail at that time. This brings us again back to the importance of being efficient in those moments because we have limited time. In everything that we're tackling, you have to be efficient with the time that you're giving those things.

Around the elimination side, this idea of minimizing inefficiency, I'm talking about minimizing things that create disorder, disharmony, disorganization, displeasure, and dis-ease. On the maximizing side, which we'll circle back to, it's about maximizing in turn love, peace, beauty, joy, kindness, excellence, intention, and ultimately potential. There's this great quote from Wallace Wattles, "If you do a sufficient number of efficient acts and you don't do any inefficient acts, then your life will be a success."

If you do a sufficient number of efficient acts and don't do any inefficient acts, your life will be a success. Share on X

It boils down to something I talked about in one of our team meetings of asking yourself the question. Some of my entrepreneur full moguls out there have heard this before. At any given moment of any given day, is this the highest and best use of your time? Even if it's rest because rest is also critical. I was talking to a friend of mine, Justin. He's a sleep specialist and he was telling me about things that help you sleep better. Whether it's a chilly pad on your bed, the elevation of your mattress, the pillows that you use, the comforter, or the weighted blankets, all of these things contribute to getting the rest that you need. You can have efficient sleep.

Sleep is hugely important. And it also makes me think about something our pastors said once before. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap. This idea of doing a sufficient number of efficient acts or making sure that you don't do any inefficient acts speaks to the sports experience. I love that quote because it hit me right to my core. Having played soccer at such a high level and now coaching girls at very high levels.

We had a chance to go to the Gothia World Youth Cup and coach our daughter's soccer team. It gets at, “How do you even evaluate as an individual athlete if you've had a great game?” It is about, “Did you have a sufficient number of efficient acts? Did you minimize your inefficient acts?” That's the standard because it's not going to be perfect necessarily. We are counting, measuring, and balancing those efficient acts versus the inefficient ones,

That counting, measuring, and balancing ties into accountability. That inefficiency or efficiency is a way to get dialed into your accountability. It's just like time blocking on a daily basis. We don't do a to-do list. We do focus and finish lists. The words on the page and the bullet points look the same, the idea of turning it into a focus and finish list gets us dialed into the things that we need to do. We prioritize the list and then the next layer on that is the time blocking. If you time block, now you know how much time you can commit to each thing. There is a time and a place for each thing on your list.


FMKN 3 | Minimizing Inefficiency


That's funny because that leads me to what it looks like to minimize inefficiency on a daily basis or operationalize that concept. It is things like making lists. I spend a significant amount of time in my day, planning. I use a system in my written planner that's color coded. I still write. I'm old school there. I write out my planner just because I feel like it helps with my learning process.

I write things out in my planner. I also write it up on a whiteboard at home because we got a lot of people with a lot of moving parts. In my own personal planner, I use a color-coding system. I know what activities are related to the kid’s stuff, what is related to the investment in our relationship, what is around professional development, and what's around health, beauty, and well-being.

That way at a glance I can look at this rainbow in my calendar and see where am I deficient in things that I might need because all of these things are priorities for me. I can just look visually very quickly and understand, “I have not paid enough attention to my health. It's time for us to get another date night or a little getaway trip on the books.”

That's a system that has worked for me around an organization and getting rid of the disorder. Related to that too, there's just this idea of writing down your priorities and goals over a different timeframe and making sure they can be reconciled, mapping how they relate to each other. That also is going to help you be orderly, efficient, and focused even though you have multiple priorities.

FMKN 3 | Minimizing Inefficiency

Minimizing Inefficiency: Write down your priorities and goals, and make sure they can be reconciled. Map out how they can relate to each other. This will help you be orderly, efficient, and focused in your priorities.


It made my mind go to my whiteboarding sessions. I love a good whiteboarding session where I can map out all of the things that I'm touching. We're entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have to have a few things going on. We can't have 1 thing, but we also can't have 6 or 7 things. It's 1 of those 3 or 4 things that we're touching on a daily basis that are also touching that part of our brain, those parts of our heart that keep us satisfied on that same daily basis. When you look at reconciling those things, one method that I've used is the Kofi Method, but the Kofi doesn't stand for anything.

When I draw on the whiteboard, I draw circles around the things that I'm touching, and I'm looking for concentric circles. I'm looking for where the things overlap, feed, and service each other because those are the sweet spots where you can get double the bang for the buck for the time that you're putting into something. It's also going to feed something else. In my business, personal marketing, and branding, it feeds visibility for my firm and my recruiting efforts.

These are things that have ancillary effects when we're marketing a property. It also helps market the agent who's on the property. We didn't have this in our notes, I wanted to touch on the idea of leverage because we think about some of the things that we do that are inefficient. Leveraging other people, other tools and resources, and even leveraging lists is one way to overcome that. I wanted to just get your thoughts on leverage.

This is important for the idea of efficiency. Wherever you can borrow from one set of experiences or from one realm of your life or business and make that make sense, make 1 plus 1 equals 3 through that leveraging process, it's just going to accelerate what you're trying to do and accomplish, and unlock the next level of your potential. It's a skill, to be honest. Leveraging is a skill that you become more and more efficient and proficient at over time.

This is one of the challenges that I have ongoing. It is bringing people in to take things off of my plate and you have to commit the time to it. You guys don't know this. I'm the CEO, but she's my secret coach. Commit a certain amount of time to onboard the people who are going to help you with that leverage. Set the time in my calendar for this.

You told me, “You've got to block the time upfront. Have multiple sessions to be able to show the person what you need, observe them doing it, let them do it on their own, and review ongoing.” Those were the words. These are great takeaways that we also want to share with you guys. I've got something in my notes here that I remember talking about. I thought this was interesting. It's not directly tied into a linear conversation here, but you color-code your wardrobe as part of your efficiency. Tell us about that.

I am also very passionate. Some of the brand tenants are expressiveness, color, luxury, and beauty. I'm a fashion girl. I was a model for a while in New York City. I did runway modeling. I'm quite tall. I realized that in order for me to continue to service that passion, that part of myself that loves to be very intentional in the way that I present myself and still have time for my professional pursuits, mentoring other people, the activities and the support that I give to the kids, I was going to have to develop a radical system. I color-coded my wardrobe. This is how extreme I am. I have a monthly color palette that just makes it very easy for me to pull out the accessories that go in that color palette. When I go get my manicure, it's consistent with that color palette. I see you looking at my nails. It's consistent with that.

I've seen the closet. It's true.

It seems a little bit radical. It is the action that I need to take in order for me to execute in disparate areas of my life. I need to be highly functional. In that vein, one of my tips for getting organized and efficient is not to be afraid to do something radically counterculture to be more efficient. We made a decision a few years ago that we were going to homeschool our daughter in a homeschool hybrid program.

Don't be afraid to do something radically counterculture to be more efficient. Share on X

That was before the pandemic before everybody started homeschooling. It was just the idea that we would get more time back, our lives would function more smoothly, and we would be able to optimize all of our children's ambitions and our ambitions if we took this step. At that time, it was pretty radical because people weren't homeschooling. It's paid off in huge dividends and the kids are thriving. I have more time, surprisingly, in this model than I did previously.

Taking that radical approach, another thing that I've heard you talk about on multiple stages in front of thousands of people is not worrying about other people's opinions. Tell us a little bit more about that.

I had this exceptional childhood experience where I was just so different. In order for me to find happiness, I could not afford to worry about other people's opinions or whether or not I was fitting in. I do think that that liberation has served me and helped to give me the boldness to make countercultural decisions when I know it's in the best interest of myself, our marriage, or our family.

We are always pushing to try to figure out what we need to do, whether it's in line with culture or totally counterculture. I want to try to do a broader overview/summary of part one. Remember, this is part one. We're still going to have part two of the key parts of minimizing the inefficiency. Let's talk a little bit about that as we wrap up here. We have that promise of a follow-up where we're going to talk about maximizing impact. If you can give us a quick general overview, and I'll piggyback on that.

The bottom line is this. You're going to need a method to get from where you are to the next version of yourself, no matter who you are or what stage you are in life. If you're pursuing a different iteration of yourself, you're going to need a set of strategies that are backed by a solid philosophy. As an entrepreneur, getting to the next level of yourself directly affects the next level of your business.

What you need to do to focus on that is minimize inefficiency and maximize your impact. On the minimizing inefficiency part, it is about thinking critically about where you're investing your time and your energy, eliminating things that don't serve you, and not being afraid to be radically counterculture in establishing systems that work for your specific combination of goals.

Have that game plan. Look at yourself first, and then if you're in business, your business is second. If you are not efficient, then your business is also not going to be efficient. If you can't eliminate the things that you don't need to be doing, then those things are going to become somebody else's to-do list that lands on your to-do list. We talked about even leverage and even the idea of delegating.

One thing I heard on a show I was listening to was, “One of the first things you do is delegate the trash.” Get rid of those things that you shouldn't even be doing and you shouldn't even hand off to somebody else. If you can find that efficiency in your own life within yourself, it's much easier to scale. You are the engine for everything that you're doing and everything that you're touching.

You're the engine for your household. You're the engine for your business. You're the engine for your relationships. You're the engine that gets you through your workout at the gym. These are things that are extremely critical to find that next level of success across all aspects of the full mogul journey. Tell us your social media handles. You're not a typical one-time guest. I've got to practice these things because I'm new to this thing. Mimi, tell people where they can find you.

You can find me on Instagram, @MimiNartey, or you can visit my website, MimiNartey.com. You can shoot me an email, Mimi@GLOBLRed.com.

Again, I want to thank you for coming on. If you had said no, we would have been arguing at dinner.

You treated me nicely. I may come back.

All of you guys reading, you can see why I wanted to have my wife come on, join us, and share some of the MIMI Method. We're going to do part two. We may not do it on the next episode or the following episode because I want to talk to her about some other things. As you can see, she is my secret weapon as well with all of her knowledge and her experience that she shares with me on a daily basis. I'm the lucky one. Also, with organizations.

It's reciprocal.

There you go. Organizations, corporations, and what have you. Thanks for tuning in. I hope you read this with selfish intent. I want you guys to share this with somebody who needs to start thinking about minimizing their inefficiencies and maximizing their impact. Share it with somebody. Reread it. That doesn't sound efficient, if you're reading with selfish intent, you're going to learn something you didn't learn the first time that's going to help you move the needle in your business.

That's the whole reason we're doing it. Follow me on social media, follow the show, share it, and send me the questions or the things you guys want to talk about and things you want to hear more about. I will bring that to these episodes. Thanks again for joining. Stay on that Full Mogul journey, and let's focus and finish.


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About Mimi Nartey

FMKN 3 | Minimizing InefficiencyDr. Mimi Nartey is an interdisciplinary scholar and philanthropist who is passionate about integrating science, business, and philosophy to promote sustainability and empowerment. She has an undergraduate degree in environmental biology and a graduate degree in climate change from Columbia University. She completed her doctoral studies in public health. She has excelled in a myriad of pursuits, and her resume includes: FIFA World Cup soccer player, fashion model, research scientist, college professor, TEDx speaker, and Youth World Cup Coach. Her diverse experiences, ability to consider problems from an interdisciplinary perspective, personal motivations, diligence, and rigorous academic preparation have placed Mimi in a unique position to pioneer new approaches to social challenges in communities around the globe. She is now the Executive Director of the Nartey Sports Foundation, which is the charitable giving arm of GLOBL Real Estate and Development. Mimi has been married to Kofi Nartey for 16 years. They have two precocious children, Liya and Lincoln, who are also talented scholar athletes.




Daily Routine Or Daily Failure With Mimi Nartey

Daily Routine Or Daily Failure With Mimi Nartey

FMKN Mimi Nartey | Daily Routine


Are you a creature of habit? Does your day go by routinely? If yes, then you are already set for a bright future! In this episode, Kofi Nartey is joined by none other than his beautiful wife and social entrepreneur, Mimi Nartey, to discuss how creating a daily routine sets you up for lifetime success. Mimi dives deep into the biggest challenges many of us face when creating these day-to-day habits and shares how we can overcome them. She provides the strategies to help you create daily success habits, so you can fully be the master of your life. Full of insights on our psychology and identity, this conversation helps us see which parts of our lives push or limit us from reaching our full potential. Small habits build momentum towards excellence. Join Kofi and Mimi as they guide you towards this pathway to success.


Listen to the podcast here


Daily Routine Or Daily Failure With Mimi Nartey

Why It's Important To Have A Daily Routine And How To Create One.

I'm super excited. I'm always excited to share with you guys and to do this. In particular, we're going to talk about a very popular subject, daily routine/daily habits. We're calling it Daily Routine Equals Lifetime Success: Why a Daily Routine is Important and How to Create One. I'm joined by a special guest who's been here before. Speaking of daily routine, my forever guest, my beautiful wife, Dr. Mimi Nartey. Please say hello.

Hello, guys. Thanks again for having me, Kofi.

Let's jump right into this. We are going to get to some great bullet points on how to start your day and how to build out your daily success routine and habits. Let's start with the why because if we're not motivated to do something, we'll never do it. Why is it important to have a daily routine?

I'm excited to talk about this as well. The why is critical. I'm going to jump in a little hot and heavy with a big idea here.

Brace yourselves, guys. We normally warm up and build into it. We're jumping right in. I don't know what she's going to say, so let's go.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Daily Routine


Daily routines are important to address your subconscious programming. The single biggest challenge that we face is our subconscious programming, which are the subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and values that we hold that inform us about the relationship between constructs. What do I mean by that? I mean what's the relationship between success and struggle that we believe? Do we believe that there can't be success without significant struggle? What's the relationship between people who come from places we come from and ultra wealth that we're holding in our mind?

Do we think that a certain level of wealth isn't for people from our backgrounds? This is where all of our limiting beliefs come from. We have this subconscious programming, things that we've picked up from the way that we've been raised, from what we've been exposed to, or what we haven't been exposed to. A daily routine is a key strategy to address subconscious programming by building in daily. 1) Time to work on your mindset and 2) Actions that support the new beliefs that you want to hold about yourself and your potential.

That is heavy. That was the doctor and Dr. Mimi Nartey right there. My first bullet point was it starts with an idea. Why do you need a daily routine? It’s because you have to have an idea, a plan, or a goal that you're working towards. That daily routine in those daily success habits is part of the plan to get there. Now everything you said, and I had no idea where you were going to go with it, seems to fit neatly, messily, strategically, or perfectly in the middle of what I'm saying.

It starts with an idea or goal, and then there's the plan to get there. Part of what you are addressing and what you dropped in terms of knowledge is our psychology which helps us, prevents us, aids us, and slows us down in whatever capacity from getting there. How a daily routine or daily habits will help us break through those limiting beliefs or limitations that we have on a personality or psychological level.

We're going to use the words habit and routine synonymously. I know that they're slightly different, but we talk about daily habits and daily routines. You can google the daily habits or success habits of certain people or industries, and it's a very popular topic. If you say habit, it’s the same as routine. Routine is the same as a habit.

I'm passionate about the pathway to success, even this full mogul journey that we're on in the show, and what it's about. Let's talk a little bit about that and even dig a little deeper into what you dropped as your framework for this and the personality limitations. We're setting those goals and talking about the steps to get to those goals. How do this daily routine and daily habit factor in?

One thing about myself is I'm intentional. Again, I'm exposed to a lot of people that I see. They’re promoting or trying to influence with their different daily routines. It's worth it for me to dig deeper to understand why. How is this servicing them? Beyond quality skincare routine and getting that glow, how is this making a difference and amounting to a difference in people's lives? I want to believe that. I know it makes a difference in people's lives because I do know that there are certain habits or routines for highly successful people.

As I'm saying, it starts with this mental framework. That's so important for your success. You have to release certain things that are holding you back mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Another challenge that we face as ambitious people in entrepreneurship, sports, or whatever it is that we're doing is, from time to time, we all lack motivation. Effectively having a daily routine keeps you moving one foot over the other even when you feel tired, burnt out, or not that into it. That's the importance.

Effectively having a daily routine keeps you moving one foot over the other even when you feel tired, burnt out, or not that into it. Share on X

I 100% love that. I feel like the words habit and routine are synonymous. It makes me think about the speaking that I do sometimes from stages. Whether I'm teaching a class, I'm doing training for agents, I'm talking to professional athletes, people in sports and entertainment, or the kids, I'm sharing from my heart. When I say sharing from my heart, I'm sharing from my gift. I get passionate about it.

I might start off slow, but I build quickly and I talk fast. I talk with a lot of energy and people can feel that energy, but that has to be converted into action items. I tell people that enthusiasm, the momentum you want to build, and the excitement are like caffeine. It wears off unless you turn it into action items. Habits can convert that enthusiasm and momentum into routines that lead to success.

That's so important because you do get a lot of people that are passionate and energetic, but translating that into meaningful change in their life or progress towards their goals, usually, it's a black box. That's what this is. This idea of establishing your habits or routines each day from morning and night is going to deconstruct the mystery and help you move. As I said, one foot over the other when you're passionate and enthusiastic and even when you're lacking a little bit of passion and enthusiasm.

It connected even to my point about motivation. Daily habits are also important when you are dealing with grief, pain, or illness and as a way to keep going when you feel you can't go on. Effectively, your routines create your mindset and your mindset creates your identity. When you are challenged in your identity by some level of trauma, it is your routines that are going to help you find your way back to yourself.

It ties, again, into my theory of alignment. We align with our emotions more so than we should. A lot of times, we need to align with the person that we truly are aiming to be owning that identity and finding ways to get back to that alignment. It’s like you wake up feeling depressed. I always say, “That's the day you need to put on your best outfit because it's going to help you align with the true version of yourself that you're pursuing, which is who you actually are.”

Those habits are routines. They help you stick to the plan, and you can't plan without a desired outcome in mind. If you're having routines and habits toward nothing, you're going to end at nothing. You need to establish that goal or that plan ahead of time because then, you can create the routines and habits to get there. Also, it lets you know once you have achieved that goal.

Right there, we see the benefit of routines all the way around for helping you to establish your identity and how that can be so protective. It is so that you don't skip beats in the pursuit of your goal because of natural burnout and lack of motivation. If you are interrupted by something that is traumatic or disruptive, you have a way to fall right back into what you know is a part of your true identity.

I have a Kofi-ism that says, “Don't let a moment ruin your momentum.” I can't tell you how many days I've set out with big plans for the day. I get to the office and I forgot my computer charger. Now I don't have a computer. You get distracted by a terrible email or a fire you need to put out at work, but it's a moment. Those things are going to pop up every day or every week. They're part of your journey.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Daily Routine


You have to make sure that your routines and habits keep you on track and on the road. Those things are distractions that are thrown at you to challenge you to confirm and verify how focused you are. Are you focused and committed to getting from A to Z, reaching your goal, and reaching your outcome? You won't know that until it's tested.

I couldn't agree more with what you're saying. I have a Post-it Note on my computer keyboard that simply says, “Are you sticking with the plan?” I do think that if I break that down, what is questioning me is, “Am I in alignment with the routines and the habits that I believe are going to get me towards to arrive at the goals that I'm aiming for or striving for?” To your point, regardless of what happens during the day, as a mompreneur, there are always things that come up. I could be right in the middle of my fluid zone, and then I get a call from the school that somebody is sick.

That may not even be your kid.

In a post-COVID world, that's true. You do have these disruptions. Do I have a certain number of things that are targets for my day that are still moving me towards what I want, even if somehow, the bulk of my day gets rerouted or rescheduled in some ways?

Those habits allow you to own your day instead of your day owning you. I remember hearing this podcast that if you don't take control of your day, you wake up and you start checking emails right away instead of focusing on your list and your priorities. Your inbox from your emails becomes your to-do list and you let other people determine your priorities. You let other people determine what you're going to do with your morning, your middle of the day, and your afternoon. These habits and routines give you control. You wake up and start with your goal in mind versus reacting to what the world throws at you.

To even push your point a little bit further, not only will people be dictating what your to-do list is, but they will be taking you on their emotional rollercoaster. Having your own routines and habits are for you to be the master of your own emotions at different points during the day.


FMKN Mimi Nartey | Daily Routine


We need to quit and spend another minute or two on that because it's so important to guard ourselves against external emotions. You can only control your reaction and response to those things. Your reaction is usually an emotional reaction. Your response is thoughtful response. I always say, “Don't react but respond. The reaction is with emotion and response is with thought.” You also have to guard yourself against other people's emotions. I did a Full Mogul focus and finished a Friday post on Instagram about, “You've got to stop building up your emotional armor. Instead, start dodging the bullets.”

You don't want to keep getting stronger. I can take this from external pressures and external people and take on other people's problems and emotions. Sometimes, you have to pull a matrix and avoid other people's emotions. Block other people out of your world and stay focused on what you're doing. There's a time and a place where you can engage with other people and take on some of their challenges. There are other times and places that are even more important where you have to stay focused on your own.

I agree 100%. I would say in the roles that I have as a wife and as a mother, there is a lot of sharing the emotional processes of other people. It is what makes it so important that I dedicate time in my day to manage my own emotions and focus on getting myself into a routine that's going to have me balanced and aligned emotionally and psychologically.

If there's an inevitable part of your day where you have to take on other people, that's part of the role. It's important, as Mimi pointed out, to guard part of your day for yourself.

I used to do a lot of work in social justice parenting. You'll have my platform going and some different things that I do there. Social justice work is heavy work, and it is emotional work. What you are doing is saying, “I would facilitate crucial conversations or difficult conversations for people, where we're talking about social identity hot-button things around parenting their children.” I was basically holding the safe space emotionally for that. What I realize is I need routines. I need time to retreat, recover, and fill my tank up. Connecting back to myself through a certain process is my way to keep myself safe and continue to be able to give at that level.

That routine and those habits are systems that we create for consistency so that being human doesn't have to get in the way because we are all human. We have faults as humans. If we can create systems that we are dedicated to and committed to, that's how we move forward. We break through the inconsistency of being human, having these emotions, being on these rollercoasters sometimes, and having to deal with other people, but knowing that we have an endgame in mind.

Even owning that identity as we talked about it, it's a reframing. We always talk about the be, do, have versus do, be, have. The be, do, have is owning the identity and letting those habits and routines align with that identity. As an example, you want to start working out because you want to be fitter. Reframing that as, “I'm already a fit person. Now, what are my habits?”

It’s like, “I work out because I am a fit person.”

Exactly. Let's jump into a little bit more of the content. We're racing through time here. I know we've got a few more things we want to share. We want to jump into how to create daily success habits. Before we do that, let's talk a little bit more abound some of the strategies and things you're approaching in creating habits, why it's important, routines that we are using ourselves, or things you want to share.

It's around this idea of how I get started. How do I create a daily routine? What is that going to look like? From the MIMI Method perspective, there are several things that need to be part of your daily habits. It’s several things that need to happen on a daily basis. First of that is meditation.

We did an episode on the MIMI Method, but tell people what MIMI Method stands for. It's an acronym.

It’s Minimizing Inefficiency to Maximize Impact. That's a method about being really strategic, focusing on efficiency, and having the biggest impact that you can on the lives of others while reaching your fullest potential. For the most important daily habits, I've got meditation. That's worship, prayer, gratitude, and reflection. For me, on some days, that's fasting. Whatever that process looks like for each person, it's about that connecting on a spiritual level, That's what's important as one major component of a daily habit. Another one is movement. That's exercise or stretching. It could be yoga, bodywork, or something that gets your blood flowing. Those are my first two.

Those are amazing. It's important even as you're approaching and creating it. Now we're getting into that content. We're getting into the second part. How do you create your daily habits? These are strategies and tips for creating those daily habits. You have to identify your full mogul buckets. By this show, hopefully, you've tuned into the first episode, which gives you advice and tips on how to get started on your full mogul journey.

You have to know the buckets that you're feeding into and the identity that you are owning that these daily habits will support. If you haven't identified your full buckets, now is a great time to revisit that. Who am I as a person? What am I trying to accomplish? What impact am I trying to have? Who am I trying to help? Who do I need help from? How do I stay aligned with all of these different buckets?

All of that precedes this. You understand who it is that you want to be, and then these are the important bits that need to be a part of your day so that you can make sure you can execute that identity. As I said, firstly, this idea of meditation and reflection. It’s something that's spiritual and philosophical. The movement being another one. Let me add another one, which is learning. Learning needs to be a part of your daily habits because you need to be on a daily basis developing your expertise and staying intellectually stimulated.

Learning needs to be a part of your daily habits because you need to be developing your expertise and staying intellectually stimulated on a daily basis. Share on X

That's something that is part of my daily success habits that I presented at Inman. I took the main stage at Inman. It's a big real estate conference. There are a lot of entrepreneurs and techpreneurs. Mostly, real estate people. They had me present my ten daily success habits. You can find it on YouTube. It's a ten-minute video on YouTube. Google my name and put daily success habits. It'll pop up. Read and reread is one of them.

I always share that with the agents that I train and the people that I talk to. It's not about reading a bunch of new books every year. It's about rereading books that you've read because it's about retention and the information that you can own and apply. When you're reading, highlight the parts that stand out to you. Usually, you will highlight about 30% to 40% of a book. When you reread, only reread those highlighted parts. That's part of learning. It tied directly into what you said.

As I said, you're learning to develop expertise. It's not about necessarily exposing yourself to everything. I was a college professor for a couple of years. I would always tell my students, “What does it mean to be intelligent? It means that you know how to know things. It’s not that you know everything. We're not going to be successful at knowing everything.” I would challenge them to swing by the library after class and look at all the books they're never going to read before they die. It's not about accessing every single thing, but it's about finding one particular practice, epistemology, and philosophy. It’s finding the things that reinforce that and getting mastery of that concept and process.

Coming back to Bruce Lee’s quote, “I fear not the man who studied 10,000 kicks, but the man who studied one kick 10,000 times.” It's mastery. It even ties into the 10,000 hours.

Ten thousand hours invested into one process will make you a prodigy. That's Malcolm Gladwell.

You also have to have specific guidelines that apply to your personality and plans. If you google daily habits or if you watch mine, for example, it may not apply to your plan or your personality. I'll give you an example. When I was doing daily mantras and affirmations, and I had a list of things, the consistent words that I saw on my full-page list of affirmations were focus and finish. That's what applied to me as a serial entrepreneur. It was like, “Focus on this before starting the next task. Finish this before announcing it. Finish this before starting a new venture.” That's what applied to my personality and needed to be ingrained in my daily habits.

I love that you're saying that and talking about personalizing what it is that you're doing to yourself. I would say these elements that I'm offering are elements that you are going to operationalize in a way that makes sense for you. For the most part, based on what I've seen as far as different successful people. What are the components of their day? What has worked for me? What am I observing that has worked for you? What are we trying to instill in our kids?

These are the general most important things that need to be part of your daily habits. They do need to be personalized and align with your brand, your personal goals, and the identity that you are taking on. No matter what that is, there should be some component of meditation, movement, and learning. This one is planning and scheduling on a daily basis to assure that you are organized. You are moving towards your goals, you are building your brand and you're feeling accomplished on a daily basis.

A couple of notes on that specifically. It should align with the highest and best version of yourself and the most centered version of yourself. You have to have something in your daily routine that you know is centering for you. For me, it's working out. If I can work out, I know that's one part of the day that I fully own for myself. It's very centering. That's why I'll even do my no-sweat quickset.

I'll go in my work clothes. If I don't have time for a full workout, I'll do a ten-minute workout because I get to own those ten minutes. I'll do one exercise, except pull-downs, leg breasts, leg extensions, or whatever it is where I won't do enough to break a sweat. I keep the momentum for that bucket in my life because it's a very centering bucket for me.

One thing to point out because this is important as it relates to the philosophy of the whole conversation that we're having is that your daily routine is not your daily to-do list. It's a different thing. Your daily routine would be like for me, working out. My daily to-do list would be what I'm going to do exactly for working out. In my daily routine, I need to lead generate for my business. For my daily to-do list, how many calls am I going to make? Who am I reaching out to? What am I saying?

That's an important point, too. Your daily routine is the things that you're making sure of, the boxes you're checking, and the buckets that you're touching on a daily basis regularly to keep you centered and motivated. It’s to make sure that you are moving every day towards your goals, regardless of what life throws at you each day.

Even for us, part of our weekly routines is our walks. It's about a 2-mile roundabout walk and we talk about all this stuff. We might have season two of the show be our conversations from our walks as well.

I wish we could record this one.

They're so good. I remember on one of our walks, we were talking about daily habits and you talked about the idea of sequencing. I thought that was great because certain things build on other things. Certain habits build on other habits and certain habits set up the next habit. Do you remember part of that conversation?

I do. It's related to a concept called Habit Stacking. You have to stack certain habits on top of each other in order to be full and stable in your identity. This is important because sometimes we have a bunch of habits, but we're still not executing on our identity and thus, not executing on our goals. It’s because maybe the foundational habit is not there. All of those habits that you have aligned with either a different identity or some aspect of the same identity. If the foundational habits and identity aren’t in place, then you are on unstable ground.

You have to stack certain habits on top of each other in order to be full and stable in your identity. Share on X

Let's give an example of something like that. Is there anything that comes to mind? I've got a couple of things that come to mind like making your bed. That's an example that we talked about. You talking about that with even the kids and the importance of making your bed and even doing it in an excellent way.

You have to be certain to embed excellence and efficiency into your day. I was going to talk about this a little bit more when I talk about certain supplements of a morning routine versus an evening routine. It's important that you have, in your morning, intention setting and planning. As I was mentioning, some kind of self-care routine, which is pretty normal. We all are hygienic, but then also have small projects that build momentum toward excellence. That's because excellent execution builds momentum for your day.

Small projects that build momentum towards excellence. It’s such a good statement. If you're not driving, write that one down.

When I say small projects, what do I mean? The scale is making your bed as I said. We've got children that are pretty clever and sometimes they use that cleverness for good and sometimes they use it to try to work my nerves. I'll get comments like, “Why do we need to make the bed if we're going back into bed in the evening?” It is a small project that they can execute in an excellent way that starts to build momentum in their day toward excellence. They start the day being organized, tidy, and getting themselves going in this momentum.

It touches on all of that just making your bed. Remember the event we went to for the Navy SEALs Foundation? It was Admiral William McRaven. He wrote a book called Make Your Bed. He was talking about this idea of making your bed in the morning. You think about the military and the precision with which they do everything. He even said he brought that precision to making his bed.

It’s exactly what we're talking about. It starts your day in a certain way. It’s a certain level of organization, detail, and excellence. What I loved is he gave the story of the whole writing-the-book process and why he wrote the book. He also said, “At the end of your day, if your day has been bad, at least you have a beautiful bed to come back to.”

I'm going to give a couple of other little tips and hacks for starting to figure out how to put together your daily habits and daily routines. I've used acronyms and cheat codes to help me remember the broader ideas or things that I need to do that day. I'll give an example. I'll give last year's first. In 2022, I did 531. It was my cheat code.

Every day, I was going to have five personal touches for my business and for my life. I was going to make three deals happen. What do I mean by making a deal happen? For my people in real estate, they'll understand this. If you have a listing or a buyer, you have to be proactive in getting the house sold or finding a house. Making a deal happen meant that if my buyer had seen everything on the market, how do I find off-market opportunities?

How do I reach out to agents who might have new listings coming? What doors can I knock on to see if people are willing to sell? If I have a listing that hasn't sold yet, what agents can I put it in front of? What buyers can I put it in front of? How can I reframe it, reposition it, and share new videos and photos that I haven't done before? That's my making a deal happen and then one personal interaction with a center of influencer or key person that I needed to continue building a relationship with.

Fast forward to now, WILL. Every day, WILL. W stands for Workout. Every day I want to do something, whether it's a little walk or a full-on hour-long workout. If I have the time, it's great. Sometimes my no-sweat quick set where I go a ten-minute break in my office. I go to the gym next door, do that set, and come back. The I in WILL is for Impact. I want to have an impact every day on somebody in my firm or my life.

The two Ls are for Lead Generation For My Firm, so building the brand, getting the name out there, and creating opportunities for our agents. The second L is Lead Generation For My Clients and My Business. Come up with your own acronym. These are little hacks you can use. Come up with your own cheat code so that every day you're not reinventing the wheel. This is part of the daily routine.

I love that because I started going through that list of important things to incorporate into a daily habit. I talked about meditation, moving, learning, planning, and scheduling. This is also a way for you to even add additional emphasis and priority to certain aspects that are important to you. I want to throw in a few more that I didn't get to mention as far as what should be a part of your daily routine, and what should be a part of your life and practice on a daily basis.

Romanticized moment. As an individual, you should have certain moments and beats in your day that are designed to be a little bit more romantic, beautiful, elegant, and luxurious. That could be the skincare process and routine. We see that all the time. Influencers show this elaborate skincare routine where they're lavishing themselves with all kinds of beautiful creams and rubs. It could be getting dressed. If you're into fashion as I am, that moment is a romantic moment of styling yourself, pausing, and making sure something is beautiful and intentional.

As an individual, you should have certain moments and beats in your day that are designed to be a little bit more romantic, beautiful, elegant, and luxurious. Share on X

The one that I use all the time that I do on a daily basis for sure is a coffee break. I have a pretty expensive espresso machine. I'm not going to say it on air because I don't think my husband knows exactly how much I paid for it. I've got a beautiful espresso machine and lovely coffee. It’s a whole coffee syrup bar. At different points during my day, I will take a beat, come down, and have that process.

That, to me, feels romantic, beautiful, luxurious, intentional, and personal. That's an important beat in my day and it's part of my routine. Everybody should have certain elements of their day that are romantic in that way. That could be going for a walk, spending time in nature, whatever that means or looks like for you. That's because synthesizing things gives us inspiration. It feeds our souls in a certain way.

I'm going to find out how much this thing costs but I will vouch for it. I call it your coffee bar because you created it. You ordered that machine. You've got the coffees laid out. You have the syrups and the different vanilla and coconut flavoring. It's beautiful. The product is good. When you make a cup of coffee for me, it beats Starbucks and Coffee Bean. It's amazing. I can imagine that being part of your day is a chance to have that romantic moment.

Two more things really quick that need to be part of your day. I would say connection with your partner. You already dropped that. We’re trying to go for walks. That's important because on a daily basis when you're in a relationship, you want to be able to offer support and get support. Connection with your kids is the same thing. You want to be able to make sure that you're hitting the beats with them. The relationships that really matter to you, you're investing in them in some way, big or small, on a daily basis.

In some way, big or small, you are investing in the relationships that really matter to you on a daily basis. Share on X

Another one is knowing how to identify the things that will make that day a success. You have to identify the things that if that thing gets done, this day is a success. If it doesn't get done, the day is a failure. That comes from The Science of Getting Rich, the book that we've both read and listened to on audio multiple times. That has to be part of your day.

It's funny because I had that as a key element of a morning routine. Remember, I was saying you need to do some intention setting and planning so that you have your schedule together on a daily basis. You need to have your self-care routine and small projects that are building momentum. Also, you need to address the one big thing that gets checked off on your to-do list for the day that will already make the day more or less a success or something that's important.

A bigger-picture goal that you're working on. You need to get that activity done to make sure that you are foot right over left moving towards what you want. For example, we have children that are athletes. For our daughter, that's soccer training in the morning. You make sure you get that done and out of the way. That also prioritizes the identity soccer player in her own mindset because we are servicing that identity initially in the morning and then right after that, jumping into schoolwork.

Considering that example brings me to my next point. It can be dynamic. Your daily habits can change based on your goals. That is why we said you have to have a plan or something that you're working towards in those daily habits, and routines will get you there. You have to be able to pivot sometimes, update the habits, and change the habits. You want to have some foundational consistency or some things that do align with you.

For me, the working out or even those romantic moments that you are describing. Those things align with your inner core or inner child, the happy being inside of you that you want to make sure you're taken care of. Don't be afraid to make your habits dynamic as it relates to whatever the goal is at that time, whatever the plan is that you're trying to fulfill or things you're trying to reach, and give yourself grace along the way.

It's so funny because we did not plan to do this together. I have here that you need to reevaluate and redevelop your daily routine periodically to make sure that you're executing the routine that is in alignment with the next level of you. You have the routine that you're establishing. It constantly needs to be revised. If you think about it in terms of, say a life course theory.

You need to reevaluate and redevelop your daily routine periodically to ensure that you're executing the routine that aligns with the next level of you. Share on X

The routine that you have established at 5 is not the routine that you'll have established at 15 is not the routine that you'll have established at 25 because you're a different age and there are different things in your life. You can look at it as, “Who I am right now as an entrepreneur? My equivalent 5-year-old child entrepreneur self will not have the same habits as my 30-year-old entrepreneur self.” Not necessarily with 30 years invested, but where you've come in terms of the maturation of your business.

Even to double down on part of what you say. The most important part of even that sentence was the next level of you. Your daily habits aren't to maintain the status quo. Your daily habits are to take you to the next level of you.

The Harvard Business School in the past year usually does international trips to Asia, Hong Kong, or Thailand. Harvard Business School went to Ghana. That's amazing and remarkable. Side note, it’s cool that there's an interest on that level academically in what's going on in Africa. I thought it was so interesting that there was a student from the Harvard Business School, who had the opportunity to ask the president of Ghana anything.

The question that she asked was, “What is a typical day in the life of an African head of state?” It connects to this because what we have is an ambitious business student, a young woman who is trying to run a major Fortune 500 company or a nation potentially at some point. What she's asking is, what is effectively your daily routine so that I can glean some insight and wisdom and align my routine with what your routine might be? Think about that. If I align my routine with what the president's routine might be, even if I don't end up president, it's going to take me far.

I've been saying it a lot, but I love that too because it's so important. Another Kofi-ism is listening with selfish ears. If you ask questions like that, the answer is going to be something that you can pull out of what you need as it relates to your daily process. For example, if they say, “I read this and that every day.” That means they read every day.

It doesn't mean you need to read the exact same thing because you might be in a different industry, but they're reading every day. They meditate or go for walks. I hear exercise in there, getting centered again, and getting back to my foundational thought processes. How do I access those? How do I do that for my life? That becomes something that you can emulate and that takes you towards your goals.

It helps you establish that identity. That's that next level of you.

This has been super-duper amazing. I want to bring us home with a couple of final points. As I shared my daily mantra on the Inman stage, I'll share it here too. I don't say it as much anymore, but it was, “A great way to become more centered to revisit who I am. Not even who I was becoming, but who I actually was.” Give us a couple more points as we look to wrap up here.

I've got maybe a couple more little hacks for establishing your daily routine. One thing that I'll share is I have distinctly different identities on a day-to-day basis. I have different kinds of businesses that I participate in. I work and manage the foundation and the charitable giving arm of your real estate company. I'm a homeschooling mom. I like to organize those different identities day by day.

Fortunately, our daughter is in the homeschooling program and it's a hybrid program. She does go to school two days a week. I take on a different identity on the two days that I have both kids out of the house. All that to say, I have different routines for different days because that's how I satisfy all of the buckets that I'm pursuing in my full mogul journey.

I'll give another hack that piggybacks on that in a different way. It's accessing the different parts of your personality that apply to those different pursuits and obligations. One hack that I came up with, and I kept it to myself because I thought people would laugh at it, is I created a name that combined the personalities of all these different people whom I pull different things from.

For three years, I never told anybody, but I refer to myself as Kofi Kobama Jordartey Wallusk. Now, I'm sure you hear some names built into that, but I'll make it all completely clear for you. Kofi, of course, and the next Ko was for Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality. The Kobama was Obama. His tranquil approach to things that would typically be stressful to other people. That's what I pulled from him.

Jordartey Wallace. Jordan is Michael Jordan, this killer instincts. Artey was part of my last name, Nartey. Wallace was William Wallace from Braveheart because he was such a dynamic person. He was a warrior, a lover, a thespian, and everything. He was amazing. Usk as an Elon Musk. There are a lot of things I don't about Elon Musk. There are a lot of things that don't make him a full mogul because he doesn't keep certain aspects of his life together, his fatherhood, and so forth, but he's so ambitious in what he does.

He thinks so big. From that, I can extract big-thinking ideas. Another hack, if you want to come up with your combined name, think of the people that you pull from, even if they're fictional characters like William Wallace. There are aspects of those people or your mentors, people that you admire, and can glean something from in those moments where your personality needs to pull that out and apply it.

I only have a couple more. The second to last one is for a family. You may want to see how you can integrate morning and nighttime routines with the other members of your family. This creates rhythm and healthy codependence with your family. That's what a family is. That's your family culture and family rhythm where you have a partner, a partner and children, or just children.

You want to try to make sure that some aspects of those routines, maybe that's having dinner together as a family, which we often do, or it’s date night, which is not a daily thing. It is a weekly thing that's part of my daily routine on certain days. Those integrating and shared routines are also an important foundation for a strong family.

The last one is you want to create environments that reinforce your routine. That means you're adding or removing people, objects, energies, or attitudes. You want to have environmental cues that are moving you towards who you want to be that are aligned with the routine and the identity. Take things out of your environment that are moving, detracting, or pulling you away from those goals. An important hack for your daily routine is to check the environment.

I can attest to this. I'm shaking my head and I am agreeing because, in our house, Mimi is constantly changing things about the environment. She's created some beautiful, luxurious, comfortable mindset-changing environments in our home. it's an ongoing process. My only concern is that she's going to swap me out. We swapped out couches, lighting, and fixtures. The next thing you know I'm getting swapped out, but no. It contributes to how you feel in your space.

I've got a mini routine when I come into my office. I have a statue of a rhinoceros. I got a rhinoceros because the adult rhinoceros has no natural predators. That's how I feel in my career at this point. I don't have any natural predators.

I rub the rhinoceros’ back and then I have a candle every day. That candle is strategically positioned right behind the rhinoceros so I light a fire under his ass. It’s because you have to keep your own fire going and stay obsessed with your mission. If you don't burn or light a fire or don't feel that fire, then what are you doing? You're working from a place of lack of energy. It's one of those reminders.

I'm going to finish with the part of my daily mantra. That was the identity piece. This was one part of my daily habits. I did say it on stage. I'll share it quickly and then we'll wrap things up. I would get up every morning, look in the mirror, and say the following, “I am Kofi Nartey, strong, husband, father, full mogul millionaire, and man of God. I will build my business and build others through discipline execution and my ability to focus and finish.”

I would say that three times every day. It got to the point where the kids would overhear me and they would walk around the house saying, “I am Kofi Nartey.” It helped me own that identity to the extent that my kids even recognized those were the different aspects of daddy's identity. That's what the daily success habits or daily routine are about. It's about identity cementation, cementing who you are.

We're going to wrap it up. Thank you, guys, for tuning in. We hope this was helpful. Share with us on social media. You can go to Mimi Nartey @MimiNartey on Instagram or @Kofi_Sellebrity on Instagram. DM us. Let us know if this was helpful or things that you are doing in your daily routine. You can go to the FullMogul.com website and punch in some information there to make sure you get updates on the show. Share this show with somebody you think it'll be helpful. We continue to look forward to this full mogul journey that we're on with you guys.

Thanks so much for having me again. I’m looking forward to hearing from everyone.

You got it. Thanks again. That's a wrap.


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What Happens When You Commit To Excellence?

FMKN 2 | Commit To Excellence


You are not defined by your actions but by how you do them. Show up as a person worthy of trust and respect by doing everything you can to commit to excellence. Kofi Nartey shares ten amazing tips and tools to pursue excellence in every aspect of your life and business. Learn how to nurture relationships, build a good reputation, create lasting connections, and design a thriving lifestyle with excellence as your North Star.


Listen to the podcast here


What Happens When You Commit To Excellence?

10 Ways to Use Excellence to Change Your Life and Business

I'm super excited. We're going to talk about commitment to excellence. I'm sure you guys have heard about that from the Raiders. I spent a few minutes with the Raiders. I first heard about the commitment to excellence through that organization. We're going to expand on that and tell you why excellence needs to be your new best friend. I'm going to give you ten amazing tips and tools to help bring excellence to everything that you're doing.

I love sharing things like this that hit across all industries and all aspects of your life. We aren't truly defined by what we do but rather by how we do it. Excellence is a critical part of what you do and how you do it. If we can improve that how in everything that you do, it translates to what you're doing. You bring that to your business, life, parenting, friendships, relationships, and workouts. That how becomes how you define yourself. Excellence is one of the fastest ways to improve your how.

For the real estate industry, we have been in transitioning or shifting market. It's settling down. It's balancing out or whatever words you want to use, but most industries have some aspect, time or period where there is a shift or change. Even in your own personal life, there is a shift, change or moment where you have to stop, brace yourself, and prepare for what's next.

There are some times when things are going good, and we have to think about how we are going to take them to great. That change or shift is usually not a huge shift but a small shift. Let's jump right into this topic and talk about how excellence needs to be your new best friend, and excellence is something that you want to bring to your how that will impact your what and everything that you're doing in life.

I gave this talk to my own team and firm. I had a chance to deliver the same talk at an event called Leaders in Luxury. It's a real estate event. It was at the Four Seasons in Denver. They have beautiful residences. We did a cool tour up there, and the feedback from that was so moving that I wanted to share it with you, my Full Mogul community. I first heard about commitment to excellence with the Raiders organization. I spent a very short time there but as I always tell you, there's something to pull from every experience, whether it's a short amount of time or a long amount of time. Commitment to excellence is one of them.

I'm going to start with a quote from Vince Lombardi, "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence." We want to look at, are the things that you're doing being done in an excellent way? If not, how can you improve them? I'm going to run through these ten things. Make sure you go back to it and share it with somebody else that needs it. Let's jump right in.

The quality of a person's life is directly proportional to their commitment to excellence. Share on X

Pay Attention To Details

Number one, pay attention to details. It's all about the little things. You have heard about paying attention to details before. What I'm going to add to it is to extract the details. When we're talking about how we do things, there is surface-level communication as to how we do things and what we do. There are steps A, step B, and step C. What if we have A, 1 to 9, B, 1 to 9, and C, 1 to 9? Each step needs to be unpacked so that you can extract the opportunities to elevate the details that you are paying attention to and bringing to what you're doing.

For example, if you're working out. I can say, “Yes, I'm going to have an excellent workout.” That’s way too generic.” What does that mean? Does that mean I'm going to start earlier? What does that mean? Does that mean I'm going to start at 6:00 instead of 7:00. I go to the gym. What am I going to do? Am I going to start with a warm-up? Am I going to start with specific numbers of specific sets for my warm-up? Am I going to do specific weights with specific reps? What is it that I can get very detailed about to elevate the excellence that I'm bringing to it?

You have to do that in life and your jobs. Break down the process to the level of minutia. You don't do this every single day, but if you're looking at ways to be excellent or to elevate what you're doing, you have to unpack each step, each sub-step, and each sub-sub-step to what you're doing. At that point, you could see how to make it better and excellent.

Be Consistent And Persistent

Number two, be consistent and persistent. When we talk about excellence even in luxury real estate, part of that is predictability. That means that you're doing things in a consistent way. That's excellence. Excellence isn't winning one game all season. It's winning consistently. It's performing at your highest and best level consistently. It's taking each step each day in your job and relationship to perform at the best level that you know how at that point in time.


FMKN 2 | Commit To Excellence


Even in our process with our employees, our friendships or our clients, the other part of being consistent is focusing on not just completion because completing every task is a part of excellence but the journey. The journey is what can make it excellent beyond being normal. Completion is important, but the journey each step of the way is even more important.

I'm in LA in my studio here in Beverly Hills. If I hop on a flight to New York and I'm sitting in commercial seating, I'm going to get there soon. If I'm sitting in first class, it's a different journey and experience. It is leveled up and it is approaching excellence. What aspects of the journey can you elevate as you're chasing down completion? If you don't complete the task, most of the time, that's not excellence.

Always Be On The Road To Be Better

Number three, always be on the road to better. Michael Jordan once said, “I never lost a game. I just ran out of time.” You guys may have heard that before. If we approach each thing that we're doing in life like that, we can always be on the road towards better. I have an acronym for failure. Some of my greatest successes in life are failures, even around Michael Jordan. I listed Michael Jordan's house which had been on the market for years. The house is in Chicago.

I listed it for one year and brought more attention, more video views, and more media than anyone ever had. I changed firm and the listing stayed with my old firm. I had to move on and the property is still for sale. Some people could say that's a failure. I take the word fail as an acronym for Find All Important Lessons. I learned a lot from that and it became a great success for my overall career, the impact that it had, the visibility that it gave me, and even the things that I learned around marketing a property at that level.

Win or lose, ask for feedback. You have blind spots. Even if you think, “This failed because of this. It didn't work because of that.” There may be some things that you missed that you will only extract by asking for feedback. Whether you think you did it right or wrong, ask for feedback and leave it open-ended. Don't guide the person that you're asking. That's the only way to get true unfiltered feedback, and tell them that's what you want. You might even have to do blind surveys because some people don't have the guts to tell you how it is. Some people won't call you out on what you're doing wrong. Make sure you have ways to get that true feedback.

FMKN 2 | Commit To Excellence

Commit To Excellence: Ask for feedback and leave it open-ended if you think you did something wrong. Don't guide the person that you're asking. That's the only way to get true and unfiltered feedback.


Self-Respect And Pride

Number four, self-respect and pride. What I mean by this is a couple of things. Show up to be excellent. Have enough self-respect and pride in anything that you're doing. Whatever you show up for, you're showing up to be excellent. I'll give you an example. It's a fun story. Some of you know that I did acting for years. One of the films that I worked on was Fast and Furious. I was in Fast and Furious 4. Go back, and watch it. I'm in a handful of scenes. You will see me had a good time.

I had the great experience of going to Mexico with a handful of the cast members, Paul Walker, John Ortiz, Laz Alonso, Vin Diesel, and a lot of extras in this little town in Mexico. We had a chance to hang out that month. We were down there. We get to know each other a lot better. Vin Diesel is a superstar. He had his own huge trailer. He had a separate trailer that had a whole gym in it. He let me workout in it. Thanks for that. That was fun. He was always late to set. Vin knows this. The people who worked with him know he was always late to set.

What he told me one day was, “Kofi, I'm showing up to be immortalized.” What he meant was he was going to be on camera. This is going to be a movie that plays and plays. He wanted to make sure that he had his lines ready the way he wanted, his wardrobe the way he wanted to look, and the feel and the energy of the character were right where he wanted for him to be then immortalized.

When we show up in life, appointments, meetings, as a parent and in relationships, we're showing up at that moment to be immortalized. Make sure that you have enough self-pride and respect for yourself to show up with a level of excellence and pride. On top of that, what's your minimum standard? This is still part of number four. What's your minimum standard for that self-respect and pride?

I will give you another quick story. My wife and I took our daughter to Sweden. My wife coached the soccer team. She's a former World Cup player, and our daughter is playing club soccer. My wife put together a team that we took to the Gothia Cup in Gothenburg, Sweden, which was an amazing epic experience. My daughter had three goals in the tournament. She played extremely well. Part of what I told her when we got back was, “You are not the same player now that you were before we left. You have a new bar. You have a new standard. At this point, you can't drop below that bar. You will be doing yourself a disservice.”

When we think about our own lives, the journeys, the jobs that we've worked, the experiences that we've had, the failures and opportunities to find all important lessons, those create new bars and standards for you to live by, stand on and build from. Why is it important to remember that? It’s because we all have moments of challenge.

I woke up one morning and my back was a little bit sore. I worked out the day before. My knees were a little bit sore. I came in. I have clients that are happy and clients that are upset. There are always going to be challenges and things that pull your energy down. Sometimes they are heavier and deeper than that like the loss of a family member, relapses, and things that you shouldn't be doing in life, but those are the most important moments to remember that you have a new bar. You don't fall or slip back into that old self or that old way of being. Those things are detrimental to your health, life and sanity. Screw that. There is a new you and a new bar. Don't go below it. Keep building on what you've done.

FMKN 2 | Commit To Excellence

Commit To Excellence: There will always be challenges and things that pull your energy down. But those are the most important moments to remember that you have a new bar. You don't fall or slip back to your old self.


Respect Others

Number five is respecting others. We talked about self-respect. The other part is respecting others. This is part of excellence. We have to respect others. We have to respect their time. Time is one of the greatest luxuries that we have. If you are being excellent, usually, that means you are doing something in service to others. You are working with others in some capacity. You are delivering value in some capacity. You have to be respectful of others and their times.

You also have to respect other people's intelligence. This is tied to being excellent. That means respecting their excellence, which means respecting their intelligence. Being straightforward and honest with people is a way of respecting their intelligence. Don't beat around the bush. Don't make up excuses. People can handle great information, but even bad information, challenging information, or difficult information if you are straightforward and honest. Don't be patronizing. Respect people's intelligence and they will respect you more for that.

Take Ownership And Responsibility For Your Reaction

Number six, take ownership and responsibility for your actions. You can only control what you take responsibility for. How many times have I had conversations with people where the first thing they want to say is what somebody else did wrong. They are blaming somebody else for their own actions and life choices. The life choices that you made are life choices that you made. They may have been impacted or influenced by other people. If you don't take control of your narrative, outcome, and daily steps that lead to your big goals, you will not reach your fullest potential, and you will not be able to strive through excellence.


FMKN 2 | Commit To Excellence


Whatever it is, own it. Own the process. Don't be married to the negative aspects. Don't be married to the setbacks. Own the idea that I control what my next move is going to be and what my next step is going to be. I don't give a whatever about what happened in the first part of my day, last week, last year, or when I was seven years old on the playground. I don't care. I control the next thing that I'm going to do in this next moment. I take responsibility for that. If I mess up, I also will own it. I will apologize. I will learn from it. I will grow from it. I will make it better if I can, and I will build from there, but you have to take ownership and responsibility for that.

Be Accountable

Number seven is similar but different. Be accountable to yourself and others. We achieve accountability by habituation, training, and doing things over and over. I think it was Aristotle that said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit.” We have to make sure that we are practicing working on feeding our brains the information, tools, tips, and the things that we need to stay in the right place to be working from the right mental standpoint on a daily basis.

Super simple life hacks. I was listening to a good friend of mine, Sharran. He got an amazing podcast called The Business School. One of the things he said on there was he listens to a podcast every morning. Here I am listening to his podcast, and he was talking about how he listens to a podcast every morning. What have I done over the last few months was every day and every morning in my car, it doesn't matter if my jam is on, was when the radio comes on, I'm putting on a podcast. Thanks, Sharran, for that.

I'm listening to some great podcasts, but it's every day. Its habits. It's doing what other people won't do so you can live how other people will never have the opportunity to live. In one of those podcasts, I also heard a great takeaway, “Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong.” Let that sink in. Let success and excellence be second nature to you.

Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong. Share on X


Number eight, TTIN. What does TTIN stand for? The Time Is Now. This came from my days at Cal. I played football at Cal. One season leading up to the season, they gave the whole team t-shirts that had, “TTIN, The Time Is Now.” That stuck with me. When we talk about excellence, the next thing that we're going to do, and our full mogul journey, we're going to have a certain amount of information, tools, and resources, but at a certain point, it's time to go. It's time to do it. That time is now.

Start your commitment to excellence now. Even if you don't know how it's going to apply to all aspects of your life, every part of your job, every part of your career, every part of your relationship, there's at least one part of your day-to-day, the balance of your day or your day tomorrow, where you know you can elevate that thing to excellence. I know it's in you. You know it's in you. Start now and ask yourself every day, every hour, and every minute, “Is this the highest and best use of my time?”

Be Passionate About Excellence

Number nine, be passionate about excellence. You have to obsess over excellence. Obsessing over excellence means you're obsessing over the highest and best version of yourself. I'm telling you, you reach a certain point, tools, education and experiences. The highest and best version of you is excellence. That is what we're striving for. That's what we want to unlock and unleash. You have to be passionate about excellence.

For those of you who are running companies, teams, organizations and households, keep this in mind. This is a quote from Steve Jobs. I love it because it's true, “Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.” They are okay with mediocrity and half-assing it. If you are an environment creator, culture creator, running a team, a household or a business, you can try to get those people to conform. Better yet, you can change the environment so it exudes excellence. It screams excellence. It's a culture of excellence. Anyone who's a part of that environment has no choice but to conform. Otherwise, they need to get off the ship or you need to kick them off the ship because that's part of life.

If Not Excellence, Then What?

Number ten, if not excellence, then what? This is not something that is truly a choice. If you're tuning in to this show, that’s because you want to unlock and unleash your full potential across all aspects of your life. That means that doing things in an excellent way at an excellent level is not a choice. It's an obligation. When we look around while walking down the street in our daily lives, we see many people with so much stress, pain, and tension in their eyes and faces.

When you talk to people about life, people suffer from so much depression because they haven't had the opportunity, the willpower, the desire or the commitment to strive for excellence. Mediocrity leads to underperformance, which leads to not utilizing your potential, which leads to disappointment and depression in life.

It's not trying your best and doing your best that makes you sad if you don't succeed. It was knowing that you left something out there that you should have done. There was the effort that you could have put in. There was one more level that you could have taken it to and you quit before getting to that level. One more call you could have made. One more person you could have serviced. One more somebody you could have helped. That little bit of extra effort that you left behind. That's what leads to depression.

People in life look back and say, “I would have, I could have, I should have.” We have an opportunity to erase that terminology from your future and get after it now. Remind yourself of your why. You got to tie all of this. Tie excellence to your why and hold the vision for that. In those moments where you're slowing down, depressed or have doubt, you can remind yourself of the why. It's not even about a huge shift. It's about a small shift and taking one step towards getting back to that level of momentum and excellence.

You got to tell yourself, "I owe it to me to be me." That sounds a little bit like Terrell Owens when he said, "I love me some me." To be honest, there's something to that. I owe it to me to be me because we have a responsibility during our lifetimes to realize all of our God-given gifts and share them with the world. That means I owe it to me to be me. It's another way of saying, "I owe it to be me." If I am the best version of myself, the world will be rewarded. If you are the best version of yourself, the world will be rewarded.

A quick recap. Number one, attention to detail but more importantly, extract the details. Number two, be consistent and persistent. Make sure you're striving towards completion, but the journey is part of the excellence. Number three, always be on the road towards better. Remember FAIL is to Find All Important Lessons. Win or lose, always ask for feedback. Number four, self-respect and pride. Show up to be excellent. Number five, respect others. Respecting their time and intelligence. Number six, take ownership and responsibility. You can only control what you take responsibility for, good or bad.

Number seven, be accountable to yourself and others. We achieve this by training and habituation. Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong. Number eight, the time is now. Start your commitment to excellence now. Ask yourself every day, every hour, and every minute, “Is this the highest and best use of my time?” Number nine, be passionate about excellence. You guys are full moguls. I know the passion is there. Tap into it and be passionate about excellence. Number ten, if not excellence, then what? If we're not on full mogul journeys, what are we doing? If we're not chasing, unlocking, and unleashing the best versions of ourselves, what are we doing?

That brings us to the end of our episode. If you like this message, if it resonated with you or if it's going to move the needle in your business in any capacity, let me know. Like and share the show. DM me on social media and say, “I tuned into your show. It was amazing. I had this specific takeaway." Let's keep building. Let's keep growing. Let's keep going, full mogul.


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Launching A New Business: SWOT vs. OTSW

Launching A New Business: SWOT vs. OTSW

FMKN SWOT vs. OTSW | New Business


Are you considering launching a new business or adding a new product or service to your existing business? If yes, then you MUST listen to this podcast first. We will discuss the problem with a traditional SWOT Analysis, as well as the importance of TAM and PMF. Learn how to embrace one good opportunity that will bring you rewarding results and help bridge gaps in the marketplace – even if it will not be your life-long venture.


Listen to the podcast here


Launching A New Business: SWOT vs. OTSW

The Most Important Podcast You Can Listen To Before Launching A New Business

I’m super excited to have you back on this Full Mogul journey, which is the relentless pursuit of the best version of yourself across all aspects of your life. You are on the Full Mogul journey with me. I'm excited to be a part of your journey. Hopefully, it's been helpful. This is going to be one of my favorite episodes so far. It's going to be a quick one but a critical one. The title of this episode is Launching A New Business, SWOT versus OTSW. This may be the most important episode you are going to read before launching a new business or adding a new product or service to your business.

I know a lot of you guys out there are entrepreneurs. A lot of you are in the real estate industry like I am, investors and financial planners and there are a lot of athletes out there but all of us have those moments where we're going to launch something new. There's been a spark in us that tells us we have the talent, gift and idea that we want to bring to the world. If we're going to do something like this, there's a little bit of analysis that immediately comes into play.

What Is SWOT?

Let's start at the beginning. What is SWOT? Let's define SWOT because this applies to whether you're launching a new business, adding an arm or service to your business, a new partnership in your business and anything that is going to be different from what you're doing in terms of starting from scratch, adding on, in addition to, will do something similar to a SWOT analysis. It's an old-school business term.

It still comes up from time to time but SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is a term that's used in business school training. It's evolved quite a bit. We look at something called the total addressable market. You can google that. It's another version of a SWOT analysis. It's the total addressable market that you'll have for your product or service. Take a read at that as well.

For this episode’s purposes, we're going to stick with SWOT because it ties into re-engineering those letters into what I described as OTSW. Starting with the idea, “I'm good at something. I've created something cool so I want to make a business out of it. I want to create a service, company, storefront or online store but is there a market for it?” Let's jump right into that.

There are some benefits of SWOT. If we even break it down, it is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. What are the strengths that you have? Normally, that's the easiest thing to identify because the idea, concept, theory and service were born out of strength. That gift that you have gave you that creative spark to say, “I'm going to turn this into a business.” It's not too hard to identify the strengths. Weaknesses are a little bit harder to identify but some of them are blind spots.

Also, you look at the business you want to get into or start and there might be some glaring weaknesses like licensing or a location that you need and a certain skillset that you don't have. Those are all weaknesses that will be part of your analysis as to whether or not this is a viable thing to pursue. What opportunities exist in the marketplace for this service, product and strength that you're bringing? Is there a TAM or Total Addressable Market? How big is that marketplace? Those are also something that has to be addressed.

The T is for Threats. What are the threats to the business or idea that you have? Who's the competition for the business or idea that you have? When we look at the competition, we have to look at it beyond who's doing what you're doing in the marketplace. Just because there's somebody who's doing it, doesn't mean that you can't do it too and you can't do it better.

Just because somebody is doing something doesn’t mean you can’t do it too or do it better. Share on X

Sometimes that lets you know that there's an addressable market for it. If that company is already thriving but there's no competition and they're not dominating the market, they're doing well, that might be an indication that with that threat or particular competitor, there's room to take them down or gain market share that they don't have access to or you can claw away from them.

There's also the threat of technology. A lot of times businesses don't think that they can be undercut by technology. You think of simple things like the Polaroid camera but then we went to digital. People got rid of the film. Kodak lost a lot of money because they created film then we went to digital and SIM cards. Everything's in the cloud. These are technological threats to select business models. Almost every industry, service and product needs to consider technological threats.

“Can AI or Artificial Intelligence replace what you're doing? Can a computer do it much faster and more efficiently? When people turn to that before they turn to you, what is your value add?” These are all threats. Coming back to the overall SWOT analysis, it can be a great filter to run your idea through, “What are my strengths? What are the weaknesses that I need to make up for or mitigate? What are the opportunities in the marketplace? What are the threats as well?” The challenge with this is if you start and lead with just your strengths and bull rush or move forward into a market, into what is “opportunity,” you may fall flat on your face. I'm going to tell you why.

What Is OTSW?

Let's reverse-engineer those letters. It's not exactly backward but we're reverse-engineering it. For the acronym's sake, we're going to call it OTSW. The reason that I full-heartedly believe in OTSW and why I've leaned into this concept is because you have to start with the opportunity in a marketplace. Where does the opportunity lie? What is not being serviced to the level or the extent that the consumer wants, needs or would appreciate if it occurs? That's where the opportunity lies.

We have to start with where the opportunity is. We look at the threats and then next to the strengths. We look at our strengths, the strengths of our product, service and skillset or whatever we're harnessing, putting together for this new venture. “What are the strengths that me, my service or my product has to fill that opportunity?”

FMKN SWOT vs. OTSW | New Business

New Business: Look at your strengths, as well as the strengths of your offers and skill sets, when putting together a new venture that can fill a market opportunity.


When we look at overall business success, the overall wealth that can be created, the overall size of a business and growth and scale, it's where the quality meets the quantity. The quality of the service that you're providing, the need for that service and the quantity at which you can provide it. It’s that scale at which you can provide it.

You look at things like Amazon. It has a great quality of service and a huge scale in terms of the market. Even Starbucks. The coffee is pretty good. You might like Coffee Bean better, your local Blue Bottle or whatever coffee shop you go to in your neighborhood. There's a huge addressable market, the efficiency of that. Other things tie into Starbucks like the brand. They've created a great brand for themselves, a culture of being tied to Starbucks but there's a huge addressable market and then they applied their strengths to that market.

I did mention at the top that SWOT has been replaced with product market fit and that's the degree to which your product satisfies strong market demand. This is something about Marc Andreessen, a famous entrepreneur. Google him if you haven't read about him. There is a lot to learn there but he coined this phrase back in 2007. We look at that product market fit, the opportunities in the marketplace and what strengths we have to fill them.

Real-Life Examples

I'll give you a couple of real-life examples. I got into real estate in 2003. I got my broker's license in 2006. It’s been rocking and rolling ever since. It's been a huge learning curve since the beginning. I feel like I'm a 5th-degree black belt but still have more stripes to add to my belt. There's always something new to learn. When I got into real estate, I quickly realized that it was a huge market. There was total demand for the market but you also had to have a specialization or a niche within the market.

Real estate is a huge market. Despite having high demand, you must have a specialization or niche within it. Share on X

There were so many real estate agents in 2003. Everybody I knew was either doing something in real estate or acting in LA. Here I am, I was doing both. I was an actor and a real estate agent so I needed to have a focus. I initially focused on condos and townhomes but I'm going to fast forward to when I transitioned into luxury real estate, more specifically sports and entertainment as a niche.

I looked at the opportunities, threats and competition but I also first recognized that there was a void in servicing sports and entertainment clients in understanding their lifestyle, the ebbs and flows of income, the need for privacy or security, the quick transitions that they often have to make, the traveling for work, the doing a $2 billion movie 1 year and not working for 3 years but you have the funds to get financed.

Lenders understand that there were all these nuanced differences in working with this type of clientele. I was in the heart of the entertainment industry here in LA. I had been part of the industry and sports world with my sports experience at Berkeley with my shot at the NFL with the Raiders. I had seen all of these aspects and nuances of this specific clientele. I saw that it was under service and no one owned that niche or specialized in it. That's where the opportunity was.

I looked at my strengths to apply. I had exposure to the niche and an understanding of their lifestyle. I knew a lot about real estate at that time. I had my broker's license. I had already been managing other people so I had a lot of contractual experience. I was good in my field and now I was going to take it to another level of specialization to service that market that was underserviced where there was a huge opportunity.

I've seen agents because I've built a great national brand with that. I get to speak around the country. It's a blessing to do and share that. A lot of agents want to get into sports and entertainment. The first thing I ask them is, “Is there a marketplace for it? Is there an opportunity?” They'll say, “John Elway lives down the street from me and I'd love to get his business.” “It's John Elway's third home in an area of Texas where he likes to fish.” There are no other sports teams or celebrities. I'm just making up this example.

You have to make sure that the opportunity is there. I've seen it with entrepreneurs whom we've given guidance to. I've given advisory services to help them with creating their brand, idea and strategy but they create an amazing widget or they're a technopreneur or an engineer. They're great at computer science. They can create an amazing backend and they feel great about their product but there isn't truly an addressable market. There isn't an opportunity that is truly scalable for what they've built.

Sometimes there is and there are other aspects that are missing like the right marketing strategy, packaging, branding and messaging, what type of marketing you're going to use and the name of your product. We'll get into some of that other stuff later. The first thing is to take that because we are entrepreneurs.

Moguls tend to be entrepreneurs. We're not going to deny the fact that it often starts with strength and sparks an idea but then we take that idea before we launch or move forward and we hold it up against OTSW. “What are the opportunities? Where does the opportunity lie? Where is the total addressable market? How big is that total addressable market? What is that product market fit? What are the threats to it? What are my strengths in service and bringing this to the marketplace in a unique way or a Blue Ocean Strategy way that I'm creating in a non-competitive space because what I'm doing is nuanced and different enough that I can excel without competition or at least get a huge head start on my competition in this industry?” We then finally move forward.

We are looking at the W, the Weaknesses and what gaps we need to fill. What things do we need to put in place to increase our chances of major success? Another great book to read is Blue Ocean Strategy. It's by Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. I read it in business school. I have reread it 2 or 3 times. It’s another great book recommendation.

FMKN SWOT vs. OTSW | New Business

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

That blue ocean is defined as the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost to open up a new market space and create new demand. That's how they defined it in the book. It's about capturing the uncontested marketplace, the market space that doesn't have the same level as the red ocean, which is all the sharks, blood and where everybody is competing. That way, if you go to the blue ocean, you're making that competition irrelevant. You always got to move and swim towards the blue ocean, looking towards that ocean, where the O or Opportunities lie and where your strengths have the greatest chance of success.

Questioning Yourself

It comes back to questions. I have people say, “Does this limit me to doing things that fill gaps in the marketplace? Do I have to start by looking for those gaps in the marketplace? What if I'm not passionate about filling those voids? What if I want to do my thing?” You're an entrepreneur, which means you have to think through this process. You may have 1, 2, 3 or 4 gifts. I know you do. You have to look at which gift has the largest opportunity to help you reach the highest and best version of yourself as a Full Mogul.

You also have to realize that this is not always a lifetime commitment but it's something that you owe yourself to exercise that opportunity and that gift, take it to its highest level of potential where what you have achieved and the ultimate potential of that gift are staring each other eye to eye, then you can move on to the next thing.

Part of that process is whatever strength you've identified running it through OTSW. It has to be something that you do have a genuine passion for. You shouldn't do something that you dislike. You do have to do something that you have passion about but it doesn't necessarily have to be your life's work or the thing you're going to do for the next 30, 40 or 50 years. You might do it for 5 to 10 years and say, “I'm liking this. I've scaled. I'm going to do it for ten more.”

I've been in real estate for many years. There's a natural progression to how I've built my business, growing from just being an agent, to then being a broker, being an assistant manager, launching offices, building my team, specializing in sports and entertainment, building a national brand, expanding into new development, having my firm and residential agents that I support their growth. We have a new development team and investment arm. That has allowed me to add chapter after chapter to a book that continues to be interesting to me.

Some people reach a certain point and need to change industries. Think of what you're applying your gift to, this product, service, idea, additional arm to your business and this new service you want to launch. You've run it through the filter. You're going to do it. It may not be your life's work forever but it can be an amazing chapter in your book.


FMKN SWOT vs. OTSW | New Business


Sometimes, it's a new book. Don't be afraid to say, “The chapters of that particular book are done. It's time for me to write a new book with new chapters and a new vision for my life.” It might start with this amazing new idea that you have. The process, outcome or impact is going to be based on the passion that you have that gets you up every day, moving towards this success that you have calculated based on switching SWOT to OTSW.

I’ll give you one Kofism before we conclude here. Kofism is my life philosophy, “None of us were born to do what we are doing. The more we can overlay our gifts, passions, hard skills and soft skills, the more we will find alignment with what we're doing and joy in what we're doing.” Here’s a personal example. Was I born to do real estate? I don't think so. Could I apply my gifts to other things? Definitely.

I found so much alignment in this career with things that I'm passionate about, good at and like to do, everything from marketing to creativity, business strategy, negotiations, working with people and loving properties, architecture and building a real estate firm. Also, aspects of development, new development and the investment that can build generational wealth for myself and my clients. That's a lot. As long as I get to apply my gifts toward these pursuits for myself for the agents that work with me and my clients, I'm winning. It keeps my passion going.

In conclusion, SWOT versus OTSW before launching a new business, adding a new product or service to your line of business, company or store, try to find the biggest, most lucrative or scalable and self-fulfilling gap in the marketplace that you can fill. With that, this concludes this episode. I hope you enjoyed this. Please share. If you want to add to the story of SWOT versus OTSW, product market fit and total addressable market, please ping me. Find me on Instagram, @Kofi_Celebrity. Ping me on the website, FullMogul.com. I love to hear from you and your feedback. Let's keep going on this Full Mogul journey together. Take care. Bye.


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It’s About Always Winning! With Mimi Nartey

FMKN 4 | Winning Mindset


It's not about winning or losing. It's about always winning! This is what a winning mindset is all about. And if we are going to be ruthlessly honest with each other, we need that kind of mindset, whether in sports, business or life. Nobody is going to give you a participation trophy in real life. And if we don't value winning, we're keeping ourselves from to the best version of ourselves. How do we embody this winning mindset, then? Join in as Kofi Nartey discusses this hot topic with his better half Mimi Nartey.


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It’s About Always Winning! With Mimi Nartey

3 Ways To Having A Winning Mindset

I'm super excited to talk about something that gets talked about a lot in our society and that's winning or losing or this idea of participation awards and what I call BS on that. This episode is called It's Not About Winning or Losing, It's About Always Winning. I have my special guest/permanent guest. I put a ring on it and I'm stuck with my lifetime guest who's going to be joining me on quite a bit of this show.

It's great to have another great mind at the table to bounce these ideas off of, specifically in this situation. I've got my wife here, Dr. Mimi Nartey. She's also a former World Cup athlete and a former silver medalist in the African Cup of Nations. She gets it and will bring all of that knowledge and ability to the world of even business consulting. She's the CEO whisperer in my life. Welcome back.

Thanks so much for having me. I'm excited to be on, especially to talk about this. One thing about us is we both share a passion for winning. That's for sure.

We both have that mama mentality as well. Where did this idea even start? Bear with us. We're going to race through a lot of great concepts and leave you with at least three ways to have a winning mindset. We had different approaches to this so you might even get six ways to have a winning mindset but this was born out of this whole idea of participation awards. In 2022, our 13-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son both played sports. The note to self that made me say, “I'm going to do an episode on this,” is my high school daughter. They had a meeting at the school with the athletic director. He was standing there and said, "It's not about wins or losses. It's about building a positive culture.” At that moment, my gut yelled BS.

We both looked at each other and we were like, "What?"


FMKN 4 | Winning Mindset


What did your gut say at that moment?

It's pretty much the same thing. I understand where some of this is coming from. Especially for young players, we want to look at prioritizing development. Even as business leaders, we are trying to develop ourselves but I don't think that we have to shy away from the framework of winning as we pursue that development because there are a lot of benefits that come from the Pursuit of the W.

I want to touch on both what it means as it relates to sports and business, even a few bullet points and then we're going to finish with those ways to have a winning mindset. The whole concept was born out of sports and this idea of participation awards. My only caveat for this is the idea of it's always about winning. It kicks in at the competitive level. When you're a child or a toddler learning the sport, participation is fine.

Parents like us are keeping score on the sideline but you don't even keep score. If the kids don't keep score, it's fine. Everybody gets a medal so you feel good about it. To be honest, even if everybody gets a medal, it lends itself to the argument that we're ultimately going to make that winning means something. It’s because, at a later stage, when it does get competitive, you only get the medal when you win. You've seen some of this whole participation thing. What is your disclaimer for this?

The disclaimer piggybacks on what you're talking about that there is a certain stage when someone is being introduced to something where we're trying to give a very foundational basis. We're not going to emphasize winning or losing as much but still, the object of the game is to win. I feel like whenever the context is there's a winner and a loser, winning matters.

If you're not the winner, then you're what?

You're the loser. One more little frame for the disclaimer. On the corporate side, people have also been trying to implement and pull this into business because they're trying to pit cooperation against a winning mentality. These are not the right things.

As we talk about sports and this idea of participating, creating a culture and what it's about, the challenge that a lot of these athletic directors and coaches have is they're not just being judged on their wins and losses. They are being judged on culture and trying to have what I call a great podium to speak on. When I was at Cal and played football at Berkeley, we had three different head coaches. We had one coach who had come off a national championship. We had Steve Mariucci who was there for one year, then got picked up by the Niners, then we had our third coach, I won't name, who was great at the podium but not great as a head coach. This whole idea of building a positive culture is about keeping your job at the podium.

It's not about what's ultimately in the interest of the players and even that, keeping your job at the podium is a short-term view because if you want to build the right and sustainable culture, it has to be a culture built on a winning mindset. Winning matters because having that winning mindset affects how you prepare, perform and self-evaluate host game time.

If you want to really build the right culture, a sustainable culture, it has to be a culture built on a winning mindset. Share on X

At the end of the day, I feel like it didn't make him noble. Coaches and athletic directors, in general, don't make them any noble or you're on some higher plane to say it's not about winning. It's an oversimplified podium talk. I don't know if this is the reason why but within a couple of months later, that athletic director was gone. It was interesting too because we had all of the different coaches in the room for the different sports. The athletic director kicked off the event and then they opened it up for you to go meet the other coaches. We have soccer coaches and there were track coaches that we were interested in speaking with. One of the first things they said was, "For us, it's about winning.”

It's going to affect the mindset that the players come to that sport with. It's setting the expectations so that you can push yourself further in your preparation time so that I can ask more of you in real-time in the game because this is what we're pursuing. In post-game, whether we did win or lose, because the objective was winning, we have something to evaluate.

Even as we start at that early age and transition into the competitive level, it does need to be a healthy environment but healthy doesn't mean it's not competitive. It becomes a healthy competition and some of the greatest takeaways in sports. I met with 30 of the Arizona Cardinals. They flew me out to Phoenix and I had a great session with them. Half of it is about real estate but the other half is about life and transferable skills. Some of the skills you take away from sports are resiliency, dealing with challenges, heartache, loss and winning.

One of the big benefits of winning is that it can show you what's possible. That's been my experience as an athlete, having played at the Division one college level, national team level and professionally. There have been moments where I have stretched myself and I've seen us as a team stretch ourselves further than what we ever believed, particularly we’re representing the Women's National Team of Ghana. I have a TEDx Talk where I talk about the impact of soccer on the lives of these women and how it's such an empowerment vehicle to be able to have access to sports. A big part of that is because there's the opportunity for them to show themselves that they are winners in a literal and metaphorical sense. I talk a great deal about that in that.

One of the big benefits of winning is that it shows you what's possible. Share on X

What's cool is that once you've had that experience and feeling, it can never be taken away from you. When you have those moments of victory in sports, even a game-winning shot and scoring a goal in a loss, it's a personal win for you. You never even forget the goals and the touchdowns you scored and the three-pointers you hit. I was in fifth grade and had the kickball kick to win the game. It was a walk-off homer kickball kick. I'll never forget the feeling it gave me.

On the flip side of this, what's also important is I feel that losing may be the only path to authentic self-acceptance but only if you are trying to win. Losing is probably one of the only paths to authentic self-acceptance but only in a situation where you are trying to win. If you were not able to win at that moment, you have to deal with that loss, look at yourself in the mirror, accept yourself and pick yourself back up. That is a level of self-acceptance. It comes through the process of attempting the win and falling short.


FMKN 4 | Winning Mindset


That's deep because it's easy to accept a winner. It's harder to accept a loss and “a loser.” You still remember how you were wired. You also can even reference the work you put in, which brings me to another point as it relates to sports. If we're not trying to win, then what are we practicing for, especially at the competitive level? When the coaches are saying, “We can do this better. You should turn this way and you need to do this,” what is that for? It's for a specific outcome. What's that outcome? It’s winning.

If we're not trying to win, then what the heck are we practicing for? Share on X

I've also spent a lot of years, probably about 25 years, as a competitive youth soccer coach. Not only have I experienced this on the player side but I've also experienced this on the coaching side. Not to toot my own horn but I've only had one losing season as a coach ever and that was the year of COVID. We had been promoted to a new league because we had won our previous league. We were all set back and I had these eleven-year-old girls that were going through this global pandemic.

As we know, children bore the brunt of this. It was a very tough season because we suffered loss after loss. It was difficult to train and for us to find a rhythm but once we started winning again, the wins were what indicated that we had weathered this storm. That was our indicator that we were back. We have survived this and this chapter has closed. We are moving back into a new chapter for ourselves.

That term resiliency comes up there. You are your adjectives, not your nouns. It's your adjectives that you bring to everything you're doing. Being resilient is an adjective. If you can bring that not only to sports but to life, it's a life tool that will take you places because life is not easy. Even every mogul that we know that we read about, if you read their autobiographies and get the truth, they're on such a rollercoaster ride of successes and failures and wins and losses. We see them at the pinnacle of where they are not knowing that the journey was full of that. Resiliency is something that you can even learn from sports to carry you into those business pursuits.

How do you know that you've been resilient? Ultimately, there has to be an external objective evaluation tool measure. It's back when you are able to find the way to win. That's resilience.

Even that loss, it's all about getting better. If you think about the athletes that lose a championship game, they stay on the field to see the other teams celebrate. I love those moments because they want to remember that feeling and use it as motivation. I always say, “Progress doesn't mean that you don't have feelings.” It's about how you manage the feelings. Sometimes, it’s nice to own the challenging feeling, own the negative feeling and remember what that feeling's like so that you can stand on that feeling and be motivated by that feeling to do better, tweak the things you need, improve the ways you need to improve and not have that feeling again.

Emotions are important tools for us if we know how to leverage them appropriately.

Even simply stated as a full mogul philosophy. If we don't value winning, we're cheating ourselves and pushing ourselves to be the best version of ourselves. Only through valuing winning that you say, “How do I win? How do I maximize, unlock and unleash my potential to get me to the place where I'm positioned for success?”


FMKN 4 | Winning Mindset


It's funny that you say that because I was thinking about it on the way here. I don't think I do anything without defining what the win is for me. Even simple things seem almost irrelevant but that's the way that you get that sense of empowerment and satisfaction. You're able to glean information from what you're experiencing to move forward and leverage it into other things.

This made me think about a couple of 30,000-foot philosophical ideas I want to share. I want to jump into the business side. One of the ideas was Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is tied to the hierarchy of needs. Self-actualization is at the highest part of the pyramid. It refers to self-actualization as the desire to be the best one can be. As part of your hierarchy of needs as a human, there's a desire to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

It's even built-in to full mogul, winning and pursuing winning because the best version of yourself isn't preparing to lose. It's preparing to win. Even if you don't win, it's the preparation that has pushed you to your highest level of potential. The loss gives you things to take away and learn from but that makes you feel good knowing that you left it all on the field.

When you're saying that, people are trying to shift towards being process-oriented but it's the process towards winning.

Some people have heard the story of Hernán Cortéz of Spain. In early 1500, they went to war and burned their boats so there was no way to go back, even if we go back further to 300 or 400 BC. There was the book, The Art of War by Sun Tzu. He introduced the idea of burning the boats and bridges, supporting the arguments that soldiers without the option of taking flight are more likely to prevail over their objective. When we look at winning and if we are going into winning saying, “It's not about whether we win or lose. It's about the culture of the team and this, that and the other,” you’ve already introduced the concept that losing is okay. You're not fighting to be your best at that moment because you've already been given a way out. I don't like that.

I agree with you. It is a matter of having the courage to be vulnerable and articulate that you desire to win. You stand behind that whether you win or lose. It's character-building.

I promise we're going to jump into the business side of things but I wanted to touch on this idea of the win versus the spin, where we focus on the actual win versus using that spin language to cover up or make a loss okay like, “It's okay.” There are teachable and coachable moments but we have to embrace and own the outcomes that have come from even a loss. By owning that is the only way you can control it to get better. It's the accountability and responsibility piece for your actions.

Sometimes in competitions, you are outmatched objectively. Every game can be deconstructed into moments of equality or even dominance. Your genius comes in the decisions that shift the momentum towards those exceptional moments and opportunities. This is the same in business in life. I know you're saying you want to transition but it's not about the spin to your point. There are times when you are legitimately outmatched. Can you do the critical analysis to find those moments that you can exploit to find victory?

Winning in sports is what we've touched on. This is the participation award version for business. Let's make it a win-win for both sides. It's podium talk in business. You go into negotiations with everything, whether you own your business or you're in sales or not. There are so many moments in business that are actual negotiations and there are negotiations where someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.

Someone is going to feel good about it and not so good about it. Both sides will feel okay about it. There's some version of that. That's happening whether you are trying to get a job, negotiating for a new position, a new salary or in a group setting for your thoughts to be heard. All of these things are small wins or small losses. Business fully has to integrate this concept of winning or losing.

What you've said ties back to what I was saying that whenever there's a context, a clear winner or loser and it's going up against someone else for a specific contract, a grant or whatever it is that you're doing, there's going to be the one person who is awarded that thing. There will be the rest of the people who were not awarded so it is a competitive context in all different realms of business. You can find those moments where it's only going to one person. Nobody is going to give you a participation award and you're not going to be able to pay your bills with that participation trophy. It does boil down to being able to leverage a winning mindset in those situations.

You hear this idea of winning at all costs. It's not about winning at all costs. It is about winning with integrity and ethics. The way that you do that is, at least to me personally, I put pressure on myself to win in those moments and win with ethics and integrity. The pressure causes me to prepare better for the meeting, the conversation and the negotiation I'm going into. What does that look like in terms of tangible takeaways? I'm going to run my numbers 2 or 3 times and know those numbers.

It's not about winning at all costs. It is about winning with integrity and with ethics. Share on X

I'm going to run my market comp as it comes to real estate. I'm going to know what's sold and what hasn't sold. If it's about inspections and negotiating on that, I'm going to know the pricing around the things I'm negotiating. I'm going to try to figure out the desired outcome of the person I'm talking to because if I can speak to the desired outcome, that's going to get me closer to getting to the desired outcome for me and my clients. It's that pressure to win that helps me to prepare to have a better chance of “winning.”

Leverage all of the different resources that are available to you at your disposal because that's also what it takes in a moment of competition. It's that creative leveraging of resources that comes from attempting to win.

My goal in this “let's make it a win-win” is that my win is in all caps and the other side's win is in lower caps. I don't want them to feel bad but I want to win. I want to know that at the end of the day, we did a little bit better and I did a little bit better for my clients. That cap-out, meet in the middle, compromise. I'd rather meet a little bit closer to my side than the actual middle.

It's more of a win-learn. You win. They learn.

No matter what, one person is truly going to prevail. Let's look at some ways to have a winning mindset. If there's anything that you wanted to share that we've missed, let's throw it in here at this time as well. Let's have a fast-paced strategy for having a winning mindset.

Let's jump into the winning mindset. The number one thing for me in terms of a winning mindset is ruthless optimism. I talk about this all the time because I feel like this is my core value. My particular superpower is ruthless optimism. You know how much I love that quote from Michael Jordan, “I never lost a game. I only ran out of time.” To me, that is the manifestation of ruthless optimism. It means that you feel that no matter what, you would be able to creatively find a way to persevere in all circumstances. I do think that it starts with that faith and optimism to have a winning mindset.

I'll give you the first one from my list. Mine are all Mamba mentality and also that Jordan mentality, which is, “Play to win and not to win friends.” To your point and we have some overlapping thoughts here, it affects how you prepare, how you're performing and your ability to tweak, make changes and self-evaluate what you're doing. When you look at Kobe Bryants of the world and the Michael Jordans of the world who have led others to championships and victory, it's not a pretty process. It's not a process of making friends. On the other side of it, you have champions and no one is going to complain about wearing that championship ring, let alone wearing it six times in Michael Jordan's case. Give me another one.

The other piece of a winning mindset is self-belief. Connecting it back to my experience with these African women I've developed this sisterhood and bond with, the circumstances of their lives were extremely challenging. That inner feeling of self-belief was amazing. The biggest gift that they gave me was for me to be able to witness and watch the circumstances that they came from to come into a World Cup and believe that you can take over the world. Literally or metaphorically, you can take over the world from wherever you come from. That's why I love the World Cup and seeing all of these teams from all these different places. The passion that they play with is about self-belief.

You can't make this stuff up but mine overlaps with yours. I put some notes together. You put some notes together independently. I told you don't look at my notes even if I leave them out. I didn't look at your notes but it ties into that feeling of self-belief and my number two, which is dominating, don't play Kate. It's not about dominating even your opponent. It's about dominating your potential. That means realizing your potential and your opponent happens to be in the way. Sorry for you but this is my potential running your ass over. This is where we have to not make friends and lean into our full potential. Realize that every time we step on the field, we negotiate an opportunity to demonstrate our full potential and what we're capable of.

It's having that courage to be vulnerable.

Even in business, it's not even about yelling, being aggressive or angry. Sometimes it's about finesse but having finesse means you know the craft so well that you can maneuver and manipulate in ways that others can't.

It’s something we didn't mention, though. Another reason why winning is important and you made me think of this is because winning creates new opportunities and establishes your expertise. That connects to what you said. As you're speaking, I was thinking that way.

Even as children as they reach that competitive level, winning keeps them engaged in the game. In the sport, it makes them want to play more. I haven't seen kids who have lost consistently but it's great because they had good juice boxes at the end of the game. They want to keep playing. It's the winning that makes them want to keep playing. My last note on this was don't let the loss get lost. That means learning from it. You repurpose the hurt and pain into productive activities that will make the next time better. This is both for business and sports. It brings me back to my acronym for FAIL, which is Find All Important Lessons.

Don't let the loss get lost. Repurpose the hurt and the pain into productive activities that will make the next time better. Share on X

The last one on the winning mindset is interesting. You need to have a little bit of a defensive sensibility to be a winner too, which means you have an awareness of your weaknesses and are looking to negotiate or address your weaknesses as you're pushing forward on your strengths.

I'll finish piggybacking on that, pushing those strengths even to the point of unfair advantage. I love when people unlock their full potential by leaning into their strengths, not necessarily looking to balance out all of their skills but pushing their strengths to the point of unfair advantage. With that, we're going to wrap up this episode.

If this was helpful for you, please tag it, follow it and subscribe to the show. I'm going to ask one last thing. I came here to win. If I beat Mimi in this episode and my points were better, I want you to comment on social media. Follow me or unfollow her. This is about dominance. You happen to be in the way. Thanks for joining us. Get back to your full mogul journey and we'll see you in the next episode. Thank you.


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